Libra New Moon Solar Eclipse 😱

This is a big week for the astrology, so I'm going to deviate from my usual format and talk primarily about Saturday's New Moon solar eclipse in Libra at 10:55am PT. ⚡

(This is a partial eclipse, and you will be able to see it in California!)

This past Sunday evening, Venus FINALLY moved out of her retrograde shadow. She changed signs, with her ingress into Virgo.

That happened just after ...

Mars and Pluto concluded their hostile multi-week standoff, blowing the tops off minds and roofs. (Not surprisingly, we saw violence on the world stage when this aspect piqued Saturday and included the emotional Moon.) 💣

Thank goodness this energy is now waning, because Mars and Pluto in square to one another under eclipse energies would be even more volatile than what we just experienced. Eeeek! 😱

That's some bit of good news.

Likewise, powerful Mars will have moved out of his detriment in Libra and into his exaltation in Scorpio.

Mars's position is now advantageous. He's making a lovely aspect over to to cosmic consort, Venus, and another harmonious aspect to responsible Saturn in Pisces.

As the planet of aggression and violence, Mars is quick to anger, so seeing him favorably positioned under an eclipse is happy news. He'll be more the protector and less the conqueror.

But since this eclipse is under a juicy Libra stellium (four or more "planets" in Libra), the Scales of Justice will be the most prominent archetype we're experiencing.

Venus is the ruling planet of Libra. Both the planet and the sign are all about peace and harmony in relationship. They're the diplomat of the zodiac, using compromise, mediation and negotiation to ensure mutually-beneficial outcomes.

Because, again, RELATIONSHIP is paramount. (I really can't say this enough.)

Whether it's romantic, familial, professional or even with an enemy or rival, Libra's underlying preoccupation is relationship.

This sign doesn't just want everyone to be happy — it can actually see what all parties want, what they need and how it can be achieved! It has sincere faith that justice will prevail if everyone is willing to sit at the table and talk it through. ✌

Venus, now in humble Virgo, is a bit preoccupied with her health and finances (or her financial health), but she's also wanting to be in service, helping wherever she sees there's a need. 🕊

If I'm honest, I'm not particularly thrilled with this eclipse. The luminaries (Sun and Moon) are in a challenging square to Lord Pluto and the destiny points (karma).

Plus, Venus — the ruler of the Sun and Moon — is in opposition to Saturn, the Lord of Karma. 😳

What does that mean?

Basically: A dose of relationship karma with a side of money karma, heaped with some "resistance is futile" and "grrrl, your chickens have come home to roost."

But before I have you running for the hills, consider that the astrology is reflecting back cycles of growth and transformation.

We're getting ready to end one such major cycle, when Pluto moves back into Aquarius in late January 2024. 🙌

The square between the Sun, Moon and Pluto under this eclipse won't be easy, especially since Venus and Saturn are in also in opposition to once another. 🎢

Our values are being put to the test in a major way and misalignments are being revealed via external pressures and internal conflicts.


Here are some inquiries to help you make the most of this potent energy, which is highlighting both New Moon beginnings and the ending of cycles.

🌙♎ Are you giving voice to what you want and need or are you afraid to advocate for yourself?  

What stories are keeping you trapped in this dynamic? What's being illuminated now to show you a new way? How would Venus/Libra negotiate on your behalf?

🌙♎ What needs to end for you to live in alignment with what your Soul requires?

It's likely that an ending of some sort will take place under the eclipse. This doesn't have to mean the conclusion of a relationship, though it can. It could point to culminating a particular way of relating with others, with your finances or even with yourself. Are you open or resistant to what's emerging? #surrender

🌙♎ Where do you need to take greater responsibility for your life circumstances, especially as it relates to money and relationship? 

Integrity and responsibility are key words for this eclipse. Sometimes, we take too much responsibility for certain people or situations. Other times, we're too quick to point the finger of blame outside ourselves.

💎 Now's the time to reflect on whether you're demonstrating right responsibility and integrity.

YOU'RE INVITED! I would LOVE for you to join me on November 12 for a special event.

My co-host Bradley Wahl and I will be taking you on an astrological journey to identify your values and align with your Soul's evolutionary intentions for greater fulfillment. 😍

After the inevitable surprises of Eclipse Season, you'll enjoy being held in a gentle yet playful space with like-minded friends. Click here to learn more.

I'm wishing you a week filled with ease and grace. Move gently through Saturday. 💜



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Coming Soon: Divine Portals 🗝