Discover your soul’s evolutionary potential.

Personal Consultations


Did you know that your soul’s evolutionary journey is revealed in your unique horoscope?

During our session, you will receive an in-depth look at your horoscope (natal chart). This may be your own unique chart, that of your child’s or even an event that has a specific “birth time” — such as the launch of a business or when you first met a person. We will explore your immediate inquiries through transit review and forecast.

The typical consultation is 60-minutes, but sometimes, you will have a particularly juicy area of concern that you want to spend additional time examining. For those of you who prefer a deeper exploration, I offer a 90-minute consultation, as well as packages.

$275 (90-minutes)
$225 (60-minutes)
$175 (30-minutes) — returning clients only, please


"Eileen provided such an insightful consultation. She helped me to better understand and accept myself, and she offered helpful strategies for navigating the challenges I was experiencing. I highly recommend her!
Thanks Eileen!"

— Julie Mallari, “Rainbows are Circles” Podcast

Astrological Advising

One consultation with me will definitely provide the clarity you seek to finally understand “what in the hell is going on?!”

I deliver clarity and validation about your soul’s evolutionary intentions. This is just perfect for the mental clarity most of us crave, especially during times of transition.

But in terms of moving forward to work with the cycles of energy that are catalyzing your evolutionary process? Not so much.

That’s why I’ve developed a more robust counseling package — to act as a supportive guide as you work through long-standing issues or transition into a new way of living your life.

Because let’s be real, this shit is scary and sometimes we feel like we just can’t do it, or simply don’t want to, right?

But, if we have someone in our corner who’s been through all of this before (that’s me!), it makes a long and arduous journey much shorter and much less stressful.

If you have an impulse to work in a container with dedicated assistance and personalized attention, then please click below to schedule your complimentary clarity call.

I love to provide more in-depth guidance and insight as you work to resolve these issues, including direct and regular access to yours truly.

During the 15-minute call, we will explore your concerns and goals. I will then respond with an advising proposal that’s personalized to the needs specific specific to your soul growth — as revealed in your astrology. There’s no one-size-fits-all for your evolutionary journey!

Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions? You’ll find answers here.

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Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide

In this free audio, you'll learn three simple strategies for navigating the pitfalls of Mercury retrograde so that you can be your best self with less stress and more success!