The Auspicious Jupiter-Uranus Conjunction in Taurus Has Arrived! βš‘πŸ’‘

Howdy Friend!

This is turning out to be a very interesting month with a lot of cosmic activity!!

And this week, we've got three noteworthy celestial events:

β˜€οΈ The Sun ingresses (moves) into Taurus on Friday morning at 6.59am PT

⚑ Jupiter conjuncts (meets) Uranus in Taurus for the first time in 14 years on Saturday night at 7.27pm PT

πŸŒ• We'll have a Full Moon in Scorpio on Tuesday, April 23 at 4.48pm PT

But before I dive into the forecast, let's say farewell to Aries Season!

As an Evolutionary Astrologer, I am primarily concerned with your Soul's evolutionary intentions in this lifetimes. ✨

Evolutionary Astrology is psychospiritual in its approach, which is why you won't often see me making predictions. I'm much less concerned with what's happening in the outer world and much more interested in what's happening in your inner world.

Not only because that's likely what's effecting YOU most, but because our external world is a direct reflection of the quality of mind and heart that each one of us possesses. πŸ’œ

So as we move from Aries/Eclipse Season into Taurus Season, we'll all be feeling an influx of new energy that is stewarding the Soul stirrings we've been feeling this past month.

Aries is a dynamic fire sign that is intensely concerned with establishing independence, especially as a form of self-defense against a dangerous world. The Ram picks up the mantle of the warrior to safeguard and protect. βš”οΈ

Taurus, on the other hand, takes a much more introverted approach, pulling inward to conserve its resources rather than declaring itself boldly to the world (Aries).

Stop and think about this for a moment: Aries symbolizes cardinal energy, which is needs to take action β€” this energy is compelled to externalize itself. πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ

Where in your life do you find it easy to take action?

I don't mean reverse directions or be accommodating β€” I mean, if you see that something needs to be done, how likely are you to do it? When are you better able to do something? Why? What motivates you to take action? πŸ€”

This is how cardinal energy is playing out in your life. It's the energetic of beginning, initiating or starting something new or different.

It's not the energy of sustaining or finishing. That's not it's function. It's function is to get oneself, groups and projects up off the starting line. It motivates others to stop being lazy and finally do that thing it says it wants to do.

That's Aries energy in a nutshell. ::ninja kick::

Taurus energy, on the other hand, is all about staying power. Imagine a big ass bull like the one above. How do you feel when you see that dude? What do you feel in your body?

Taurus represents our physical body and the accumulation of energy within your own psychic field so that you have the staying power to get to the finish line. 🏁

This is what we call "fixed" energy in the astrology. Where cardinal energy needs to externalize itself by doing, fixed energy accumulates within the body so that you generate more power and sustainability.

Cardinal initiates and fixed energy completes. We all have both these energies in our charts somewhere.

(There's also a third type of energy β€” mutable β€” which I won't get into here, but it does what its name implies.)

So that's your contemplation for this week:

β™ˆ What have you done during Aries/Eclipse Season to usher in something new or different for yourself?

If nothing comes forward immediately, that's ok. Let it percolate in the back of your mind, because I promise you β€” there was something.

It could have been as simple as a decision or a declaration, like saying to your BFF, "I'm going to call an accountant, because my finances are a source of stress [read: disempowerment])."

Stay tuned, because next week, I'll follow-up with how Taurus Season can help you cross the finish line wherever you're looking for a win! πŸ†

(This image totally depicts the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction in Taurus!)

⚑ The AstroLogical Forecast!⚑

Let's take a deeper dive into this week's three noteworthy cosmic events.

β˜€οΈ ♉ The Sun ingresses into Taurus on Friday morning at 6.59am PT

We now have three planets in Taurus, so we'll definitely begin feeling a shift into a sloooower, more methodical way of moving thru our daily routines after the high vibes that Aries Season brought.

The Sun will be in square to transformative Pluto for the first few days of Taurus Season and just as Jupiter and Uranus meet, which is not a coincidence! 😱

>> You may be confronted with an event or person that causes you to get in tune with exactly where and how you feel disempowered by life.

The good news is that Jupiter-Uranus have arrived to shift your perspective and show you how you can break free from limiting patterns. 🌈

(No, I'm not just blowing sunshine here, I'm totally serious despite my cheesy language, lol.)

βš‘πŸ’‘ Jupiter conjuncts Uranus in Taurus for the first time in 14 years.

Not only is this aspect somewhat infrequent, but due to the planets' orbits, it doesn't usually fall in the sign of Taurus, so it's doubly juicy.

Typically when these planets meet, we can expect an influx of positivity or fun in our life, even if it's just for a few days. πŸŽ‰

Jupiter expands our horizons and brings a faith that everything in life will work out. Uranus awakens our consciousness so that we can step into new ways of being.

>> If you've been feeling stuck or stifled by life or a pattern you've been longing to shift, then you may be finally get that long-awaited breakthrough. πŸ¦‹

I can't make promises, here, because it depends on the entirety of your astrology, but if you make hay while the sun shines, then you're likely to find yourself awash with good fortune now.

To boot, both Mars and Saturn in Pisces are in harmonious aspect to the conjunction, further indicating that we're at a major turning point in our maturity and healing. πŸ•ŠοΈ

>> You may feel an impulse to take action or a new direction may be made clear.

I recommend waiting until April 29 to make major decisions around financial or relationship matters, as Venus (goddess of love and money) is in impulsive Aries, the sign that basically acts as her kryptonite. 🀨

On April 29, she moves into her home sign of Taurus, which is the money-manager and lover of the zodiac.

πŸŒ• ♏ We'll have a Full Moon in Scorpio on Tuesday, April 23 at 4.48pm PT.

Finally, we round out yet another BIG week in the astrology with a Full Moon in transformative Scorpio.

My guess is that there will be a big ending on a chapter you've been longing to close for a while now. The butterfly emerges from the cocoon.

My friend, the astrology is so supportive and beautiful this week. Please spend as much time as possible in positive exchanges and meditation that can keep you aligned with your heart and Source.

Whatever fruits Taurus Season harvests will be all the sweeter for having done so. 🍎



P.S. Here's the list of my upcoming events!

πŸͺ TONIGHT!! Monthly Astrological Study Group (for those who have taken at least one introductory astrology class)

πŸ˜‡ Weekly Community Meditation, which is for anyone interested in a spiritual or meditation practice (including if you've never meditated before)!

πŸ¦‹ Astrological Guidance Circle, a monthly meeting of friendly astro-enthusiastic souls. It's a great opportunity to be in the company of other like-minded folks, form new friendships and generally get some much-needed connection all while talking Astrologese.

Click here to learn more!


πŸ’ Mercury Rx ends! But not before he has one last laugh. 🍌


β˜€οΈ The eclipse is over. So now what?