♐ "Freedom is a state of mind..."

After an insightful conversation with a client last week, I've been reflecting on one of Sag's guiding values: Freedom. Like all Americans, I've been completely indoctrinated into the Cult of Freedom. And because I have super strong Sag energy in my chart too, the need for freedom is of the utmost importance. 🦅

How about you? Do you think much about freedom?

This is one of those values that I call "transcendent," because although it can be a very mundane topic, it also has a deeply spiritual flavor to it.

Most of us are at least semi-obsessed with freedom, even if it's not something that we give a lot of conscious attention or thought.

Meaning, it's an undercurrent of all our lives (as well as both our domestic and foreign policies). And yet, we don't really engage in much meaningful conversation about what this means for us collectively or individually. ♐

My client illuminated that "freedom" is still a sticky value for me, even though my understanding of it has evolved alongside my spiritual path.

It's also no coincidence that I recently read Kahlil Gibran's, The Prophet. In the chapter "On Freedom," Kahlil writes:

"For you can only be free when even the desire of seeking freedom becomes a harness to you, and when you cease to speak of freedom as a goal and a fulfillment." 💥

Um ... thanks life, for reminding me that I still have a loooong way to go!

So ya, we can talk about how freedom looks in our daily lives — whether that's the ability to make our own schedule, flexibility in the workplace or even major life decisions like whether to have children.

These are valid and worthwhile conversations. It's also not the full story, Gibran reminds us. 🤔

Freedom isn't just about external events and situations, but what's happening within — it's the liberation from the desire to have or be something different.

During Sagittarius Season, we're reminded that there's a difference between freedom and Freedom.

Since The Archer is an archetype in everyone's chart — whether you're a Sag or not — this value is playing out for you in a unique way.

Here's some Gibran-inspired Sagittarius Season inquiries for you:

🦅 What's your relationship to freedom? Does the word have any charge for you, either positively or negatively?

🦅 Is your idea of freedom inherited from family and culture or is it a value that you've explored deeply for yourself?

🦅 Are your ideals of freedom standing in the way of experiencing Freedom? Where does your mind take over and where can you step into greater alignment with Divine and what life is offering?

Last week, I wrote that our faith (in Divine, especially) is often inextricably linked to our relationship with Truth, our overarching satisfaction with life and if/how we derive meaning from our personal journey.

I would take that one step further now: How we orient to Freedom is also inextricably linked to our relationship with Truth and our personal journey (life).

👉 Side Note! You're invited to join a growing group of astro enthusiasts at our monthly Astrological Guidance Circle. It's TOMORROW at Inner Path from 6.30-8pm.

We'll be chatting in more depth about the Archer and how his archetypes are reflected in our lives. This is a lovely opportunity to have some good fun while connecting with like-minded folks!

>> Click here for all the details and to register in advance (which is super helpful for me).


Neptune is making his presence felt this week. Be on the lookout for disorienting or despairing feelings, which can accompany many Neptune aspects. If you feel a lack of meaning, know that it's a natural symptom of the energy.

>> What resources can you employ to dispel the mind's lies?

🔱♓ This morning at 5.22am PT, Neptune stationed direct.

Any time a planet stations retrograde (Rx) or direct, we can experience it as a kind of gear switch or powering down (Rx) or up (direct) of energies.

Since Neptune already represents situations and experiences that are nebulous or confusing, his stations can be even more discombobulating than other planets'. Feeling foggy or "out of it" the last few days — and even through the next few weeks — wouldn't be surprising.

>> As always, turn to your spiritual practice for the silence you need to clarify matters. Also pay attention to your dreams right now. They're likely to be more vivid and meaningful than usual.

💜♏  Diplomatic Venus opposes Indulgent Jupiter on Saturday, December 9 at 8.05pm PT. 

All this week, and culminating on Saturday evening, Venus in self-reflective Scorpio is in opposition to Jupiter (Sagittarius's ruling planet) in Taurus (ruled by Venus). We're likely to be revisiting relationship matters that emphasize the polarity between our (seemingly) opposing needs for deep connection and freedom.

Jupiter and Venus contacts typically play out as a fun-loving or indulgent, so a steamy romantic weekend isn't out of the question — especially on Friday night and Saturday when an intensely emotional Luna joins the party. 🦞

>> If you're on a spiritual path and want to take this energy to the next level, then your mantra this week should be "The truth shall set you free." It's also an excellent opportunity to have vulnerable conversations — especially if you've been hiding something from someone.

🌙♐ The Sag New Moon is on Tuesday afternoon at 3.32pm PT.

Caution! The Sun and Moon in Sag (who's learning some pretty major lessons about the difference between the truth and lies) is square to idealistic Neptune. ⚠️

Unless handled with the utmost practicality, this energy can lead you into situations that are romanticized at best and outright deceptive at worst. Don't mislead yourself into believe that whatever daydreamy fog you're under is far from reflecting reality. It's not.

🔥 Volatile Mars is also in the mix this morning, so definitely start your day with exercise to prevent emotionally-drive and impulsive actions or reactions.

>> The Sun and New Moon are in harmonious aspect to the Destiny Point, emphasizing the opportunity for soul growth. As such, your New Moon intention-setting should include how you'll take action on new insights and truths that have been revealed this year — especially as it relates to your personal needs and values. 🌱

Remember that the astrology is a reflection of the energy that is present. How we respond and work with those energies is up to us. In my experience, it's often the difficult astrology that provides the greatest value to our self-growth.

The deeper our spiritual practices, the more expertly we can navigate the changing tides — most especially where Neptune is involved. 💎


A Holiday Circus 🐒


Let's Keep It Real ♐