Happy Summer Solstice 2024 + Capricorn Full Moon!

Howdy Friend!

Tomorrow’s the solstice, so we're finally saying farewell to Gemini Season! The summer solstice is always marked by the Sun's movement into the sign of Cancer. This year, that happens at 1.51pm PT on Thursday, June 20. ☀️

Evolutionary Astrology, like all western astrology, is based on the procession of the equinoxes. Meaning, the changing of the seasons is of symbolic importance, signifying that a new phases or cycle is being initiated — both collectively and personally.

We'll have three planets in the sign of the crab now: the Sun, Mercury and Venus. But we're not just changing zodiac signs! ♋

To emphasize the energetic shift, we'll kick off Cancer Season with a Full Moon in sensual Capricorn the very next day on Friday, June 21 at 6.07pm PT.

If you don't already have plans that night, then you maybe want to make some!

Although Capricorn isn't known for being the life of the party, this Full Moon is in happy aspect to friendly Mercury, romantic Venus and fiery Mars. Expect it to be a lively lunation, best shared outdoors with good friends or family.

Here's your summer solstice and Full Moon contemplations:

☀️♋ How attuned are you to your personal rhythm?

Where Gemini was teaching you to attune to the world around you and to process information effectively, Cancer is teaching you how to attune to your personal rhythm and process your emotional life, which leads to emotional growth and maturation. 🦋

>> The summer solstice is an excellent time to tune into your body and assess whether you're honoring its natural rhythm. Where do you need to change course? Where are you on point?

🌕♑ How can you better balance your inner and outer needs to achieve your goals?

As a Capricorn, I LOVE the Cancer-Capricorn polarity. Cancer is the mother, our home, our emotional matrix and what we need to feel nurtured and safe emotionally.

Capricorn is the father, being in the public sphere, our worldly responsibilities and what we need to feel safe as we move through material reality. 💎

For some quick examples, Cancer can get stuck at home in bed; Capricorn can get stuck at his office. Cancer can use food to process her emotions; Capricorn can use responsibility to stay busy and avoid his emotions.

But when these two come into balance, we see that Capricorn helps Cancer take responsibility for getting up and moving toward her goals. She can't hide forever. 😳

Cancer helps Capricorn attune to his dietary needs and emotional connections so that he doesn't burnout his body and relationships. He can't achieve anything without proper nourishment.

🔥 With this Full Moon in aspect to action-oriented Mars, some important information is being illuminated.

Where do you need to take action to better balance self-care with responsibility so that you can make forward movement in your life or achieve a goal?

The AstroLogical Forecast!

🔱 ☀️ Not previously mentioned is that Neptune at 29° Pisces is in a challenging square to the Sun still, including at the summer solstice.

I don't love a Sun-Neptune square because Neptune has a draining effect. The Sun is our Life Purpose and is the felt sense of meaning that we need to give birth to our creative potential and desires!

Neptune can have an illusory influence, causing us to see what isn't there or to fantasize about a reality that's unrealistic. 😱

>> Now is not a great time to take a big action toward your goals, as you may be overly optimistic or it could prove grandiose. It's better to map out what actions you want to take and proceed after the weekend.

🔥 💌 💜 Now through the weekend, passionate Mars is in harmonious aspect to friendly Mercury and beautiful Venus in Cancer.

Mars in Taurus can be slow to start, but once he gets going he's unstoppable! And he's now running straight toward popular Mercury and diplomatic Venus.

Although this could indicate the start of new relationship (romantic or platonic), it can also signify feeling some momentum around socializing or networking. 🗝️

>> If you're looking to establish new relationships for business or financial purposes, your family may hold an important key to unlocking a beneficial new connection.

🤩 💥 Jupiter in Gemini and the Destiny Point (North Node) in Aries are in happy aspect to one another beginning Monday and persisting for several weeks.

This is great energy for pursuing your current or new goals and visions. This aspect doesn't necessarily bring tangible rewards. Rather, the cosmos are gifting us with a dose of benefic and spirited energies that will enable us to align with our karmic intentions with great ease, courage and strength. 💪

>> If you consciously attune to your desires and goals for this next quarter of 2024, you're going to make big progress. Simultaneously, you'll not just feel, but embody, a deep sense of optimism and faith that you're progressing in the right direction.

Cancer Season reminds us that nurturing ourselves is super important, and it shouldn't be neglected when the busyness of summer begins.

If you typically move through these months by the seat of your pants, then consider the following self care remedies:

🦀 Spend as much time as possible in or near water

🦀 Cultivate a nourishing diet and healthy eating habits

🦀 Recharge by blocking off time for some R&R — solo or with your family

Ya ok, those last two sound generic, right? Like we should probably be doing that all the time. And it's true! That's why this archetype is so important.

Cancer is the mama bear teaching us how to attune to our personal rhythm so that we can be better nourished and in turn, nurture those around us. Expect then, that these themes will be top of mind over the next few weeks.

Happy Summer Solstice, my friend! 🌻



P.S. I’ve got not one, but TWO event announcements!

1️⃣ The monthly astrological Study Group is TONIGHT on Zoom at 6.30pm.

>> Click here to register

2️⃣ Mark your calendar for Sunday, July 14!

I'm teaching about Planetary Aspects. If you're interested in joining us for this one-time online class + workshop, then please email me and I’ll send you all the details. 🤩


☀️ The Solstice Pause


Need Some Momentum? Mars is in Taurus! 🔥♉