Need Some Momentum? Mars is in Taurus! πŸ”₯♉

Hiya Friend!

Thankfully, we have a bit of a break this week from major cosmic events. There is, however, a gentle shift of energy forthcoming. We're still in airy, mental Gemini Season for the next week, and we also have four planets in Gemini (that's a lot!).

But on Sunday night, two planets move from Gemini to Cancer, a sensitive water sign. First Venus, and then Mercury follows her just two hours later. β™‹

To be sure, you'll wake up on Monday morning feeling a new vibe β€” slower and more internal. It'll prepare us for the changing of the seasons on Thursday, June 20 when the Sun joins Mercury and Venus in Cancer, leaving only one planet in Gemini.

(I'll break down the summer solstice in next week's email.) β˜€οΈ

As I mentioned last week, we're having "hard" aspects in the astrology as we ride out Gemini Season. If the last few days after Thursday's New Moon have been less than fantastic, then I'm not surprised.

I'll include a rundown of what to expect this week in the AstroLogical forecast. ⚑

First, I want to revisit an event from last week: Mars moved from his favored position in fiery Aries into stubborn and earthy Taurus where he immediately took a volatile and aggressive stance with Lord Pluto (through June 16).

☠️ Have you had any power struggles in the last few days? Intense emotion like rage or frustration? Feel like you were trapped or can't break out of a particular pattern? You're definitely not alone!

Mars is the planet of action, representing our vital life force energy, our sexual instincts and our ability to independently forge a path through life in pursuit of our desires. (Remember, I'm generalizing!)

So what does it mean that Mars is in Taurus? Why should you care? ♉

One word: Momentum.

Taurus is the archetype that represents our:

πŸ’Ž Value system (what we find important and why)

πŸ’œ Self-worth (how we feel about our skills and natural talents)

πŸ’°Resources (this also includes our skill sets)

You may have noticed that our resources are directly tied to both our self-worth and our values!

Where Mars wants to mow the lawn, Taurus wants to sit around smelling the roses. Where Mars wants to spend his money on yet another impulsive adventure, Taurus wants to strategize the best home investment possible. Where Mars wants to take action NOW, Taurus is content to accumulate her inner reserves before she makes a move. 🏠

You can see how Mars might feel a little restricted during his stay in Taurus, yes?

I know what you're thinking, "Um, Eileen? I thought you said 'momentum.;"

Yep! There's a silver lining to all this, so bear with me. πŸ˜‰

Taurus may take an hour smelling the roses before she begins mowing, but when she's done, the lawn will have been mowed in even and straight rows; the cut grass will have found its way to the compost heap and the dinner table will be beautified with fresh cut flowers.

So imagine, then, just how advantageous Mars entering Taurus can be.

Here's some contemplations that will help you work with these energies.

πŸ”₯♉ Take stock of your energy level? Where's it at?

The symbol for Taurus is the Bull. Remember that bulls spend the overwhelming majority of their lives standing in one position and chewing cud. When they do move, they are a remarkably agile and dangerous force to be reckoned with.

If you're not feeling much like moving, it may be a result of Mars being in the laziest sign of the zodiac. Is it a better time for brainstorming and strategizing? We often have a difficult time stopping to assess situations. Now's a good time for that. πŸƒ

Likewise, rest assured that when you do feel motivated again β€” once the time is right to take action β€” you're likely to run faster and further than usual β€” and without impediment, too! #momentum

>> In other words: Honor your body's need for rest. Reserve your energy now and prepare for the day when you can harness the accumulation of kinetic energy for a big success.

πŸ”₯♉ Any changes in how you're expressing your sexuality?

Mars expresses the sexual impulse much differently in Taurus than he does when in Aries. I often say of Aries energy that it considers sex a sport that should be undertaken as often as possible with as many people as possible! It's passionate, but not very emotionally connected.

Taurus, on the other hand, is slow and sensual and delights less in the destination and a lot more about the entire journey. Your libido may not change much, but how you express your sexuality, or what you want to give and receive may shift. 😍

>> Regardless of whether you're coupled, you can use this earthy energy to your advantage. Could your sexual energy β€” toward yourself and in relationship β€” benefit from a slower, more sensual approach?

πŸ”₯♉ What goals or desires are top of mind?

When Mars enters Taurus, we are being given an opportunity to corral all our skills and resources, whether they're internal or external, in service to massive progress.

Mars in Taurus is unstoppable! If you have any new or outstanding goals or desires that you want to pursue, you can make really focused headway. πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ

>> Since Taurus is prone to hedonism, you need to to consciously proclaim your goal. What motivation can you give your inner bull to get up and running? You may not be quick to start, and that's ok. Once you do, you'll be able to sustain your efforts for a later victory.

⚑ The AstroLogical Forecast! ⚑

As alluded, this week has some tricky energies, primarily because Neptune is involved. While Neptune can be compassionate, intuitive and highly spiritualized, he's also the planet of deception, secrets, mental illness and addiction.

When he's in "hard" aspect to other planets, we find the shadow sides are more often expressed, or we're on the receiving end of difficult situations. πŸ™€
That's further emphasized by Neptune's position at 29Β°, which is the most potent degree of the zodiac.

πŸ’œ πŸ”± β™Š Venus in Gemini forms a challenging aspect over to Neptune in Pisces now through Sunday.

Venus is all about love and money. When she squares Neptune, the planet of glamour and idealism, you can find yourself indulging in fantasies about investments of both the heart and finances that often prove disappointing upon closer examination. ⚠️

That said, Venus also represents our values and our sense of self worth, and Neptune is the planet of transcendence and Divine.

>> The remedy for this slippery energy is to engage in activities that exercise your creative muscles (like art or music).

Likewise, it's not time for making concrete plans for a vacation or putting down a deposit; it's time to fantasize about it. 🌴

>> Attending to your spiritual practice or compassionately aiding someone you care about is another way you can harness this energy without it getting the best of you.

πŸ’Œβ˜€οΈπŸ”±Friday through Sunday, Mercury and the Sun make the same challenging aspect to Neptune. Basically, we're having the same aspect with three different planets.

Mercury-Neptune Square: From Friday-Sunday, you can expect your thinking and communication β€” and that of others β€” to be less sharp than it typically is.

This energy will work a bit like a Mercury retrograde β€” expect confusion and miscommunications. If you have an intuition that someone isn't being honest, you're probably right. πŸ€”

Sun-Neptune Square: The Sun illuminates our egoic expression and life path. When in square to Neptune, we can feel confused about where we're headed and why. Depression, despair and grief can also arise in such times.

πŸ‘‰ But hey, the good news is that we're only going to be under this energy for a few days. If you're overwhelmed by emotion, remember that it's like any other storm β€” it will pass and the Sun will come out again soon.

>> Like with Venus, the remedy is to occupy your time with creative and spiritual matters. If you find yourself spinning out in negative or hopeless thoughts, channel that energy into one of the following Piscean activities:

🎨 Creating art

🎡 Listening to music

🐴 Spending time with a gentle animal

🌲 Taking a walk in nature

>> Also spending as much time in meditation and spiritual contemplation is likely to elicit some great rewards right now. Don't squander the opportunity to transcend some mindset and personal beliefs that have been holding you back!

I've detailed the trickier energies we can expect this week. While the may not be much fun, the good news is that things we'll begin to mellow out as Venus and Mercury move into Cancer on Sunday night.

Now we have the planet of love and the planet of communication side-by-side (this is not uncommon) in the sign of tenderhearted Cancer. πŸ¦€

Expect your emotions and your relationships to take on a vibe that's more nurturing than the social butterfly energy we experienced the last few weeks while these two signs were in Gemini.

Cancer likes to be at home, so you may find that your social exchanges move from the public sphere to the privacy and intimacy of one's home or otherwise revolve more around family than friends. ✨



P.S. Mark your calendar for Sunday, July 14!

I'm teaching about Planetary Aspects. If you're interested in joining us for this one-time online class + workshop, then please reply and let me know so that I can send you all the details. 🀩


Happy Summer Solstice 2024 + Capricorn Full Moon!


πŸŒ™ β™Š New Moon in Gemini + Gifts from Venus