β™Œ Welcome to Leo Season!

Howdy Friend,

Welcome to Leo Season! β™Œ πŸŽ‰

Before I dive into what you can expect for Leo Season and how you can work with the Lion's energies, let's first do a quick overview of that big July 14 Mars-Uranus conjunction that I cautioned you about earlier this month.

You may recall that aspect was just about to peak on July 13 when a would-be assassin shot Donald Trump. (Don't worry, I'm not going to get political on you.) 😱

This is the exact kind of violent (Mars) and shocking (Uranus) event that can happen when these two planets meet. (Sadly, this is one of the most negative expressions of the energy.)

One week later as the Mars-Uranus contact continued to unfold, Mars in Taurus passed Uranus and moved into the sign of wordsmith Gemini (at 1.43pm PT on Saturday, July 20).

The God of War moved from an stubborn and bullish sign into one that fights with the intellect and words. β™Š

Sunday morning's Full Moon (culminations) in Capricorn (government) followed at 3.17am PT on July 21. This lunation fell at the last degree (the powerful anaretic degree β€” 29Β°).

Shortly thereafter, the Moon moved into Aquarius and joined with Pluto (power, transformation), and Joe Biden announced his withdrawal from the presidential race. πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

The Moon, still in Aquarius (the underdog, philanthropy, grassroots political movements), formed a harmonious trine to Mars (action!), and ...

Kamala Harris raised $81 million from grassroots donations, making it "the biggest fundraising day of the 2024 cycle," (reported by ActBlue). As of Tuesday morning, that number has exceeded $100 million. πŸŒ±πŸ’°

This is a very superficial analysis of the astrology (yes, I could go much deeper, but you would likely be very lost).

And yet, we can see so powerfully how the planets are mirroring back to us what's happening here on Earth. "As above so below." πŸͺ

This is such an obvious example of the astrology playing out that I couldn't pass up a recap.

>> That said, it's playing out in our personal lives, too.

πŸ’Ž How's that looking for you? Did any shocking or unexpected events kickoff a particular momentum or course redirection? Please send me an email and let me know!

On Monday morning at 12.44am PT, the Sun moved into Leo (leadership) and opposed powerful Pluto. Note that this opposition between the Sun and Pluto will happen just once annually!

So this entire past week, the Sun (first in Cancer and now in Leo) and Pluto have been in opposition to one another, once again revealing the stark cultural crossroads at which we find ourselves. βš”οΈ

If you recently felt fearful, overwhelmed, nihilistic or even just a bit more emotional than usual, then you're definitely not alone!

It's a perfectly reasonable response to the agitated energies that have been bombarding us. 😳

The Sun rules the sign of Leo, so this is the archetype of life and the creative principle of our physical reality. It's the metaphorical and literal giver of life. Symbolically, Pluto is the Lord of Death.

These two at a crossroads or a stalemate? Egats.

But again, I'm more interested in your personal and spiritual life. πŸ¦‹

At what crossroads do you find yourself, firstname?

Whatever it may be, Leo has wise advice: To live life fully, we must have the courage to follow our hearts. 🦁

Here's three simple ways you can work with Leo energy to re-energize yourself after this week's BIG juju:

🌈 Be generous of your time, money or spirit

πŸ•ŠοΈ Acknowledge and sit with one of your fears without turning away from yourself

πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈ Cultivate the quiet required to hear the still small voice of your heart (God)

⚑ The AstroLogical Forecast! ⚑

β˜€οΈ πŸ”₯ 🧭 Now and for the next two weeks, the Sun is in supportive aspects to both fiery Mars in Gemini and the North Node (the Destiny Point) in Aries.

Last week I focused on the big aspects to the Sun, though admittedly, I totally forgot about the Full Moon, lol. πŸ™ˆ

This week really isn't that much different, in that, the Sun is stealing the show.

In addition to what I've already covered, we now have Mars in Gemini making a supportive sextile over to the Sun and creating a lot of energy and movement. Mars is basically fueling the Sun's creative desires and vision. πŸ’₯

Because Leo is the sign of leadership, there's a lot of potential for us to discover, both at the collective and individual levels, what we want and need to feel motivated by another.

How do you lead others? What characteristics do you value in a leader? πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈ

Likewise, the Sun's harmonious trine with the North Node β€” in Aries, the sign Mars rules β€” gives added emphasis to the road we're heading down now. This is karmic; we're coming into greater alignment with our destinies.

Even if you're feeling angry or fearful or despairing about the future, rest assured that nothing is wrong; you can't get it wrong. Everything is exactly as it should be, even if our logical minds can't understand that. ✨

>> Return to the above Leo prompts if you're finding it to be a difficult moment and need assistance moving through it with grace and acceptance.

πŸ’Œ ♍ On Thursday, July 25 at 3.41pm PT, Messenger Mercury moves from Leo into humble Virgo, one of his two home signs and where he will soon turn retrograde (Rx).

Mercury in Leo is a robust storyteller and often communicates in an exaggerated or dramatic way. (Hence the media these past weeks.) In Virgo, Mercury is much more logical and practical, picking his words more carefully and considering how they are received by others. πŸ€”

>> Typically, how you think and communicate would likely feel more grounded and with less emotionality, however ...

⚠️ Caution is advised! Mercury will be in a tense square to Mars in Gemini (the first sign Mercury rules) all the way up until the Rx begins on August 4. We're going to see some penchant for impulsiveness, anger and passionate conviction.

>> Sloooow your communications down now as much as possible; pick your verbal battles with great care.

Given that we're now in the pre-shadow of Mercury's Rx, the opportunity for misunderstandings and difficulties with short-distance travel and communications is also increased. πŸš—

>> Mercury begins his Rx in Virgo on Sunday, August 4 and moves "backward" through Leo until August 28. So the passionate and dramatic communications aren't going to quit anytime soon β€” for better or worse! πŸ’

In addition to the above positive aspects, there's more good news!

πŸ’œ β™Œ Optimistic Jupiter in Gemini continues to make a delightful aspect over to Venus in dazzling Leo now through Friday. Romance is in the air!

As mentioned last week, when these two planets come together, we can expect an abundance and enjoyment of the finer things in life β€” from art and culture to food and drink. 🍷

>> Put yourself in the social sphere, because you're likely to have fun! Visit a museum, see a show or try a new restaurant. Invite friends and turn it into an adventure. Or, go solo so you can make new connections!

Until next week, my friend, I hope you’re able to get out and play with the influx of positive energies.




New Moon in Passionate Leo! πŸŒ™ β™Œ


How The Moon Can Help You Improve Your Relationships πŸŒ™