Are You Ready?

Um ... Libra Season is o-v-e-r! The Sun moved into Scorpio on Monday at 9.20am PT. 🦞

And we've got the second eclipse on Saturday β€” a partial Full Moon lunar eclipse in the sign of Taurus, the first of Venus's signs (Libra being the second).

Taurus is what astrologers call the "inner side" of Venus, while Libra is the "outer side." This is the energy that helps us understand how we relate to ourselves, others and our money! πŸ’œπŸ’Ž

♉ Inner Side of Venus

Here, we're concerned with our guiding values and the relationship to those values and oneself. Taurus is a very self-sufficient sign that's learning about the material world; the world of form, including the physical body and resources (in modern times, that's primarily money and assets).

β™Ž Outer Side of Venus

Libra is totally preoccupied with the peace and harmony of external relationships. Is everyone ok? How can I improve the situation? She's easy to get along with and is known for her objective diplomacy, grace and charm.

>> Don't forget, we ALL have Venus, Taurus and Libra in our horoscopes somewhere!

Venus's signs also have a tendency to either overdue the self-sufficiency (Taurus) or hyper focus on others (Libra). βš–

For this reason, both signs are learning how to receive; to understand that they can accept the support and gifts of others.

πŸ“†πŸ¦‹ SIDE NOTE: The next Astrological Guidance Circle is on Thursday, November 2.

This is a growing group of men, women and teens! We use the astrology to understand ourselves better and to connect with Divine. We're also forming great new friendships.

This month, we'll be talking about Scorpio and the recent eclipses.

>> Please do me a solid and register early, so I can prepare fully! πŸ™‚

Right now, it's an excellent time to reflect on our capacity to receive, because Venus is soooo adept at giving to others, but typically, not so great at receiving.

♏ Enter Scorpio.

Scorpio is the most self-reflective sign of the zodiac (followed closely by Capricorn). This archetype is teaching us about our inner limitations; those habits, behaviors, thought processes and the like that have a tendency to create undesirable situations and suffering.

It's the sign of transformation and transmutation, because it has the ability to diagnose the "problem," as well as the solution.

It's a sign that learns how to become self-empowered by successfully navigating the darkest experiences of our inner and external worlds. πŸŒ‘πŸ

And hey, guess what? It's in the darkness, the silence, that we're best able to receive. 

Receptivity is an essential ingredient for empowering yourself and cultivating a connection with Divine (or even just your own heart or intuition. Maybe they're all the same?) πŸ•Š


πŸŒ•β™‰ How do you receive on a material level (in our world of form)?

Where do you want to be better at receiving? Where are you fantastic at giving, but can't accept when someone gives you the same?

πŸŒ•β™‰ How do you receive on the spiritual level?

I often mention listening to the Still Small Voice (of God). Is that a thing for you?

>> If you want to understand yourself better; if you desire to know your Soul's purpose; if you want to align better with your values or feel more empowered ... first begin with silence.

πŸŒ•β™‰ Where do you feel disempowered in your life?

Are those areas "up" for you right now? If so, could being receptive to support, wisdom or change strengthen you?

Why am I still talking about Libra if it's Scorpio Season?

Because the eclipse is highlighting the Aries-Libra polarity point. β™ˆβ™Ž

Also, this eclipse is the second act of Eclipse Season. The first was a New Moon on October 14 in the sign of Libra. So Venus is all up in the mix here.


There's a few planetary aspects that are significant for this week's eclipse.

πŸŒžβ™The Sun makes a harmonious trine over to Saturn in Pisces, encouraging us to work hard toward our future vision and dreams.

Creative ideas abound, and Saturn has the determination to turn ideas into strategy and goals for future gain.

>> Scorpio is the sign of research, so now's a good time to accumulate any knowledge or resources necessary for your vision to succeed.

πŸ¦žβ™‰Mars in Scorpio Opposes Jupiter in Taurus

This aspect is a huge boon. Last week, I talked about the anger and rage that is a universal human experience (Mars/Aries energy). The Warrior represents conflict and the astrology is showing us that external conflict is really a reflection of our ongoing inner conflicts.

This week, with Mars opposing Guru Jupiter, you can step into the courage you need to diagnose and begin to resolve the inner conflict. πŸ’ͺ

>> Have the eclipses made clear where you can take action to empower yourself? You'll find the courage you need to take a great leap of faith and/or to surrender to whatever arises.

βš βš” Caution! Mercury Meets Mars in Scorpio.

This is volatile energy that can turn conversations into a war of words. Or, there could be a depth and desire to really root out the cause of discord with oneself or another.

Regardless, we now have three planets in Scorpio leading up to a Full Moon eclipse: Tread lightly, especially in conversation with others. πŸ”₯πŸ’¬

This is the last eclipse we'll have along the Taurus-Scorpio axis until 2031.

All Full Moons are symbolic of closures, and this one is particularly so given that we're completing a cycle. If you're feeling the intense energies, please take extra time for self care.

Kathy and I are co-hosting a sound bath this Friday at 6pm! 

That's another nurturing and peaceful way to align with Saturday's big energies.🎡πŸͺ


What Shifted This Month? πŸ¦‹


πŸ”₯ Are You Brewing & Stewing