Your North Star's about to rise! ✨

Hiya Friend!

Surely you've noticed that spring got off to a powerful start since it coincides with eclipse season. Often, eclipses can bring BIG interpersonal events or changes in our lives. 🙀

What I'm hearing most from folks is that the Full Moon lunar eclipse on the 25th really provoked some deep internal processes.

Specifically, a recognition that something that's been present for a long while needs to be released or transmuted. That "something" can be anything personal like a habit or mindset or interpersonal like a job or relationship. 🕊️

Usually, change is forced upon us due to pressures from external events that illuminate what's not working. 

But that last Full Moon seems to have created an atmosphere in which we realize we actually want to change — not because we're uncomfortable and suffering (though that may be true, too) — but because we feel an impulse to grow into something new. 🦋

Personally, I feel like a snake getting ready to shed its skin. It's a feeling of confinement and an eagerness to release what no longer fits to step into something that does. 🌱🌕🐍

In other words: Growth — give thanks to Pluto who was in a beautiful aspect to the Full Moon, helping us transform with more ease than usual.

Just as the Full Moon represents completion, the New Moon represents beginnings.

And few signs are better at initiating change than the Ram! You may experience the New Moon in Aries as a welcome and exciting shift that you're chomping at the bit to make. ♈

Because the eclipse conjuncts (is next to) the North Node, we are being guided to align with our Soul's evolutionary intentions — collectively and individually.

The North Node is also called the "Destiny Point" because it acts as a kind of North Star. Although the light of the Moon is dim, it promises to illuminate your path with greater clarity as you proceed forward. 🧭

Don't be surprised if you're filled with a strength of conviction (Aries) and renewed determination to creatively self-actualize your dreams.

That may sound a bit cheesy or like I'm over-promising, but this is how these energies present! Aries is the warrior, the shero, the defender. You're now the champion of your shero's journey! Choose your own adventure and make it an exciting one!

That said, Mercury is now in retrograde in Aries, and Venus moves into Aries this week (more on Venus in the below forecast). 💌

Keep in mind that one of Aries strengths and also a weakness is that it moves quickly and can be quite impulsive.

⚠️ While this energy will be hugely beneficial to jump starting new ventures, be mindful that you're not driving forward recklessly or without first getting clear on your end game.

I advise focusing the influx of Aries' "let's go!" energy on Mercury's activities. Here's some suggestion for how to harness this energy:

💌 Gather any new information you may need (learning generally)

💌 Shift your perspective and get clarity on your new direction.
(I'm excellent at helping my clients see situations differently, so
give me a call if you're in need of assistance on this front.)

💌 Network and socialize wherever possible. Who knows, you may meet a new Ride or Die you never expected!

💌 Practice more authentic self-expression with your safe others

Basically, Mercury's retrograde can help you examine existing foundations so new ventures have a stable base from which to catapult yourself post-eclipse season.

The AstroLogical Digest

In addition to the above, we've got a lot going on with Venus this week. As the planet of love, money and values, her movement through the zodiac is an important one!

💜 🔱 Venus conjuncts Neptune in dreamy Pisces today, Wednesday.

This is suuuuuch beautiful energy. It's the kind of gentle and loving vibe you wish could go on forever. We've been feeling it the last few days, but today will be the most intense.

It's a time for unconditional love; embracing the Divine and prioritizing your spiritual values; dreaming and fantasizing; making art and music; bringing healing to situations that require forgiveness. 🎼

>> Take time today to be in stillness so that you can attune to Source and create from your heart rather than the mind.

☀️ 🧭 The Sun conjuncts the Destiny Point in courageous Aries on Thursday afternoon!

You know that whole Shero's Journey I mention above? If you're not already feeling that energy, it may strike like lightening on April 4 when the Sun and Destiny Point meet in courageous Aries. 💥

Even if your new direction still feels unclear, maintain faith that the energies are aligning in your favor. Your compass is now facing due north!

>> If possible, express yourself creatively today. It will serve as a portal to illuminate the path forward.

💜 ♈ Also on Thursday at 9pm PT, Venus enters Aries until April 29.

Basically, expect a spike in passion, adventure or impulsiveness in your relationships and spending. If you've got a new crush, you may find yourself pursuing or being pursued.

This is great energy to revive relationships that have grown stagnant — assuming you're not already totally bored and over it. 💘

⚠️ Be careful with impulsively buying during the next three weeks! If possible, wait until May to make large investments or big purchases.

Once we're further from the eclipse energies and Venus moves into Taurus, big purchases can be made more soundly and with greater ROI. 💰

💜 🐍 Saturday morning, April 6, Venus in Aries forms a harmonious sextile over to Pluto in Aquarius.

More Aries and Plutonian energy just before the New Moon eclipse. Pluto helps you take action to embody any new values that have arisen during eclipse season.

>> A curious and intellectual approach to your relationships and finances will prove beneficial this week.

Can you evaluate passionate situations with objectivity? How about a desire to find mutually beneficial outcomes? 🙌

If you give your loved ones freedom and independence, you may find they respond with a depth of understanding and connection you've been longing for.

I'm really loving this eclipse season, my friend. Yes, it's been potent, but it's also been gentle all things considered. The energy is much less externally disruptive than most eclipse seasons.

The cosmos are showing us that we have the strength to embrace the necessary changes that will help us align with the next chapter of our Soul's purpose. 💎

With love,



P.S. I’ve got one spot remaining in "Read Your Horoscope: Chart Basics for Beginners." Interested in joining us?

>> Click here to enroll now!


☀️ The eclipse is over. So now what?


How’s Your Eclipse Sandwich Tasting?