How’s Your Eclipse Sandwich Tasting?

Howdy Friend!

We're now in an eclipse sandwich! The Full Moon lunar eclipse kicked off Monday morning at exactly 12am PT when the Sun in Aries and Moon in Libra came into opposition with one another. ♈ ♎

The second, a solar eclipse, takes place on Monday, April 8 at 12.35pm PT when the New Moon in Aries meets the Sun and Mercury retrograde. The Cosmic Trickster promises to double down on this one!

For those of us in Cali, we'll be able to see a bit of it, so don't forget to make or buy some eclipse glasses. (I got mine at Staples for like $3.) 😎

Whatever is "up" for you now as a result of the Full Moon energy shift on Monday will be in play throughout eclipse season. If anything big arose — especially something requiring serious decision-making — I suggest you wait until mid-April to really take action.

This isn't meant to frighten you, but to help you understand that we're in a portal of energy that can bring sudden or dramatic shifts in orientation or situation. 🧭

To take action now would be premature, as the New Moon will bring greater clarity and understanding to the situation. At the conclusion of eclipse season, we need weeks — if not months — to integrate what's arisen and to clearly see the path forward.

I'm curious — did you have any thoughts or experiences over the weekend that left you feeling:

🥺 Self-doubt

😳 Loss of meaning

😥 Sense of failure or shame

If so, you’re definitely not the only who's been served a sh*t sandwich!

🔥♓ On Friday afternoon at 4.47pm PT, passionate Mars — the planet that rules the sign of Aries — moved into dreamy Pisces.

Honestly, I'm not a fan of Mars in Pisces. It's like sticking a live coal into a pot of cold water — there's a lot of hissing and spitting. Mars wants to burn fast and hot, so he's not particularly well suited for diving into the emotional depths. 🏊‍♀️

Mars is the God of War! No other zodiacal archetype is less apt to surrender. As the action planet, Mars lends us the energy we need to achieve our goals and pursue our desires. Basically, he helps us get what we want.

Pisces, on the other hand, reminds us that even if we do get everything we want, it still won't be enough if we don't have a source of meaning in our lives, especially spiritual connection. 🕊️

Or perhaps worse.

Have you ever been in a situation that felt entirely outside your control? Or maybe you forced to surrender some long desired dream or goal? You were unable to do anything to change the situation or you have exhausted all efforts? 😔

At some point, we'll all experience some version of futility that leads us to question the greater purpose of our lives.

These moments, though they can be excruciatingly painful, can also be used to deepen our emotional maturity, increase our compassion, strengthen our connection to others and generally catapult our spiritual growth. 💎

Pisces shows us that the greatest connection we have isn't with another or oneself, but with Spirit.

When we accept the circumstances of our lives and surrender our sorrows to Source, we can often transcend suffering and finally find the healing that alludes us when we're constantly seeking or striving. 😮

I'm reminded of Hexagram 33: Retreat in the I-Ching as translated by Brian Browne Walker.

Retreat is not the same thing as surrender, capitulation, or abandonment, which are desperate and unsatisfying measures. Neither is it characterized by a hardening into angry or punitive emotions. It is instead an acceptance and choice: We calmly accept that the energies of the moment are against us, and we wisely choose to withdraw into the safety of stillness. In this dignified and balanced manner, we protect ourselves from negative influences and arrive rested in a more beneficial hour.

>> That's your contemplation for the week, my friend! Reflect on how this ancient wisdom applies to a situation in your life.

I like to think that the God of War is teaching us that to retreat is not to be defeated.

The AstroLogical Digest

I can already hear you saying: "Ugh. So how long is that gonna last, Eileen?"

Comparatively, not long! Mars will be in Pisces for the next 1.5 months as part of his annual two-year transit around the zodiac. Plus, there's some more good news!

☀️ ♈ The Sun will be in Aries (the sign Mars "rules") for two-thirds of this time, and Mercury will also be in Aries for the full duration of Mars in Pisces. This will help counteract whatever shifts we may feel in vital energy.

If you do find yourself experiencing low energy, you can make good use of these remedies:

♓ Double-down on your meditation practice or otherwise cultivate more quiet in your life

♓ Volunteer or take on some other project that's in service to others

♓ Engage your imagination in a creative project, especially if you're moving through a painful situation

♓ Carve out time to really focus on your healing process

>> Essentially, what you want to do is turn Mars' desirous energy toward one of Pisces' domains.

I know I've focused mostly on the Mars in Pisces energy here in the forecast. It's important! 🐠

Also, although the Sun is in Aries alongside the Destiny Point and chatty Mercury, we now have four planets in Pisces (that's a lot!).

Here's what else you need to know for the week:

💌 🐒 Mercury goes retrograde (Rx), fittingly, on April Fools' Day. (Oh, he's going to just love that!)

He'll stay Rx for his usual three-week stint — until Wednesday, April 24.

♐ ♓ On Easter Sunday, an emotionally fiesty Moon in Sagittarius will make a challenging aspect over to the whole lotta Pisces energy.

Sag wants to play and have fun, whereas Pisces can be a bit dreamy and spaced out. If you find the day isn't grounded or you're not connecting with others the way you prefer, that's okay, because ...

>> Easter has become one of those celebrations where fantasy reigns high. Get into the spirit of the modern myths (go big on your egg hunt!).

Although today's pseudo-religious celebrations may have been co-opted from indigenous and pagan celebrations, at the end of the day, Easter is a day for reverence of rebirth and new life. 🐰🌷🐣

The influx of Sag and Pisces energy is a perfect reminder that this holiday is for everyone — you don't have to be religious or spiritual to appreciate its symbolism.

"See ya" next week! Until then, please take it easy during eclipse season. 💜



P.S. Don't forget that tomorrow is the last day to enroll for "Read Your Horoscope: Chart Basics for Beginners."

>> Click here to do that now!


Your North Star's about to rise! ✨


🎉 Happy Astrological New Year!