Chillin' At Stagnation Station?
Are you feeling tired, stagnant, irritable or overstimulated?
You're not alone!
We're officially more than half-way through Mars's retrograde (Rx), which began on October 30 and ends January 12.
Mars usually occupies a sign for only 2.5 months, but will be in the sign of Gemini for six looooong months — that's definitely an extended stay!
(He'll finally move into sensitive Cancer just after the Astrological New Year on March 25, 2023.)
We're all responding to the Mars Rx somehow — some with a greater than average need for SLEEP.
In this 15-minute video, I'm joined once again by my BFF Robin Finney, Intuitive and Authenticity Coach. We quickly explore the Rx and how to navigate its inevitable doldrums.
Robin left me a message just after we recorded the video, saying:
"That's going to be my new line for the next month at least. If someone says to me, 'Hey Robin, can you get to that for me,' I'm going to say, 'Oh, sorry, it's Mars retrograde!'"
I mean ...
What I didn't have time to tell Robin is that in addition to napping, it's an excellent time to engage in any activity that will help quiet the mind.
Here's a few other suggestions:
Self-inquiry and Journaling (if you haven't noticed, this is almost always top of my list because of its potency).
The mind gets really hung up on repeating its narrative over and over and OVER again, (as though you haven't been listening to it 24-7 since you were a child).
But if you get the story down on paper (about you, another or a situation), then you can begin to inquire about its truthfulness with far greater precision.
As Byron Katie says, "All war belongs on paper." This is a near purrfect description of Mars in Gemini.
When you keep your thoughts in your mind, you are prone to falling prey to the ego's subterfuge.
Putting them on paper brings them into the light of day. Then, you'll have the clarity necessary to begin transforming those limiting beliefs.
Meditate, pray or chant mantras.
Mars in Gemini can get really mentally activated to the point of being frenetic, over-stimulated and anxious. The best way to calm the mind is through meditation.
If you don't have a meditation practice already, you're going to find one of two things: Now's an excellent time to start one; or now's a terrible time to start one!
If meditating isn't working for ou because you're thoughts are driving you nutty, then pray or chant mantras to help that verbal and mental stimulation express in a way that is peaceful and soothing to your agitated mind.
Sing and Dance
This is a simple one. Mars wants to move and Gemini wants to be silly and social. If you have some mental energy to shake off, then do it — whether that's out in town with friends or while cooking dinner solo.
You can always start with my astro-inspired Spotify playlist!
Keep in mind that we're also going to have a Mercury Rx at the tail end of the Mars Rx, too!
(Sometimes I feel like Divine is the Cosmic Trickster, not Mercury, because you really just can't make this shit up.)
In two weeks — on Thursday, December 29 — Mercury stations retrograde through Tuesday, January 18. We're already in the shadow of the Messenger God.
You'll definitely want to keep reading this weekly digest over the next few weeks, as I'll be exploring these transits in greater detail.
This week's AstroLogical Forecast:
Mercury is in Capricorn through February 11, 2023.
Rather than his usual three weeks in a sign, Mercury will occupy Capricorn for 10+ weeks due to the retrograde.
When Mercury — ruling our thoughts and perceptions, as well as how we communicate — is in practical, goal-oriented Capricorn, we can become much more focused and prudent.
Our communications can also be more careful as we lose the spontaneity of Sagittarius energy and lean into the grounded, responsible nature of Capricorn.
Venus is also in Capricorn now, bringing greater dedication to relationships, money and the things we value.
Capricorn is a very dignified energy and when Venus occupies this sign, she takes off the persona of flirty, sexy fun and puts on a Queenly mantel that commands respect and also exudes a compelling and earthy sensuality.
For the next few days, the Sun is square to dreamy, idealistic Neptune. You may find yourself losing focus or prone to romantic fantasies that don't hold up under scrutiny.
You may feel confused about your personal identity and where you're headed right now, especially with the potential loss of vital energy experienced under the Mars Rx.
Try not to get lost in your mind or negative narratives. The energy will pass soon enough and we'll head into Capricorn Season on the 21st with the winter solstice.
There is a HUGE shift of energy coming in 2023. Stay tuned for more forecasts and updates about what to expect.
>> What change would you most like to experience in 2023? Please write me back and tell me about it!
Until next week, cheers to understanding yourself better!