Did You Book a Room at Heartbreak Hotel?

Have you felt an impulse to reach out to an old friend or ex that you probably shouldn’t be contacting?

Or maybe you’re on the receiving end of a message from someone from your past and you aren’t sure how to handle the situation?

(I’ve got astro advice for you at the end of this email if you find yourself crying at Heartbreak Hotel.)

Well, Mercury went retrograde (Rx) on Sunday. As you will recall from my email last week, Mercury Rx can bring updates and communications from folks we haven’t talked to in a minute.

(My sister-cousin read my last post and texted me, “YES! We just hired my ex boyfriend to do some electrical work for us.” Gotta love it.)

And even if that unrequited love from yesteryear doesn’t reach out, it’s pretty likely that you’re reminiscing about someone important (and they, you).

That’s especially true since Mercury is in Libra, the sign of interpersonal relationships and love.

My astrological advice?
Slow your role. Sit on your hands. Zip your lip ... Just don’t message that ex lover/friend. Stop swiping through the dating apps even.

Really. Just be still. (Or, dance it off!) It’s not a time to take action unless absolutely required. 

You benefit from Mercury Rx periods when you sloooow down. Retreat. Reflect. Reconsider. Allow yourself to be redirected.

I’m not suggesting you ignore anyone or avoid important decision making. But if you have the ability to hit pause, then I promise that you will benefit from further contemplation and review, because ...

That’s the spiritual significance of a Mercury Rx:

  • You make yourself a clearer channel for Divine when you allow yourself the time and space to integrate important situations and events from the last four months (since the most recent Mercury Rx in the spring).

  • When you notice and attune yourself with the cosmic cycles, your intuition strengthens and you can relinquish false control, knowing that God’s got your back and is confidently directing you toward your soul’s purpose.

Our former friends, lovers — and even jobs! — are exes for a reason.

So before you check in at Heartbreak Hotel, focus on your vision for the future; shake off your funk with some good tunes; or call your favorite astrologer for greater insight. ;)

Check out my last blog post for more spiritual wisdom about being in integrity with your communications via the Buddhist philosophy of Right Speech.

The astrology for October is juicy because we have four planets going direct this month, ushering in a shift of energies. Stay tuned for more on that.

P.S. Do you dread Mercury retrogrades or find you’re frequently caught unprepared? I have a remedy — a special consultation service called “Mercury Mapping.”

During our conversation, you will learn:
* Which sector of your life the Cosmic Trickster is transiting
* How you can expect to experience this retrograde (and the next)
* Remedies for smoother Mercury Rx experiences

>> Learn more or schedule your consultation now!
BONUS: Existing clients receive a discount on this service!


Relationships: How Much Time Do You Spend Thinking About ‘Em?


Would Buddha Approve of Your Communication Style? Mercury Rx in Libra