Relationships: How Much Time Do You Spend Thinking About ‘Em?

I’ve been consulting a few years now and in that time, I’ve found that nearly every single one of my clients is concerned with the same topic: RELATIONSHIPS.
“I can’t stand my mother in law.”
“My boyfriend and I are always arguing.”

“When will I meet someone?”

“How can I be a better leader at work?”

“Sometimes, I regret having a child.”

I could go on …

and on …

and on. 

The point being? One thing all humans have in common is their preoccupation (read: obsession) with relationships.

Whether you’re feeling positively or negatively about relationships, you’re likely to be giving them a significant amount of our time and energy, as we are now entering the final week of Libra Season (Libra is all about interpersonal relationships, romantic and otherwise). 

Of course, your unique astrology points to how you can work with the relationship dynamics particular to your own life.

Since I’m not looking at your chart right now, I wanted to extend a few words of support.

You got this. Yes, really, you do.

I know it’s hard to be your best self when you’re living through a global crisis and life reorientation. It’s even harder to hold down families, friendships and jobs in such a state.

How could your relationships and relational needs not be evolving right now given these chaotic times?

If you’ve found your relationships are changing or transitioning — especially your relationship to yourself — and it’s provoking “negative” thoughts/emotion then take a moment to sit quietly and breathe deeply — even if it’s just for 10 seconds. 

As you do so, say, “I surrender this matter over to God.” (This is wisdom I learned from the I-Ching.)

It is an important reminder that

  • when you accept the changing currents of life (or at least attempt to),

  • and if you also remain humble that perhaps you don’t actually know the best way to handle a situation or the best direction to steer,

  • then you are better able to receive God’s wisdom and resolve situations in your favor.

Acceptance isn’t always easy, though, right?! Hence the prayer above!

Right now, the astrology is showing that we are all in a reflective period.

During the remainder of this cycle (Mercury retrograde (Rx) and Libra Season), you are best served by allowing the truth of your wants and needs in interpersonal relationships to be revealed.

Also, a heads up: Mercury will end its Rx on Monday morning, October 18 (huzzah!); and we are met with a Full Moon in Aries on Wednesday, October 20. I will be posting a video on the subject next week, so stay tuned!

P.S. As always, if you are wanting to understand yourself better and how your unique astrology reflects your predispositions and opportunities for healing and growth, then schedule a consultation with me today.


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