Full Moon Lessons Learned

Whew. Are you as happy as I am that Mercury retrograde (Rx) is o-v-e-r? Between eclipse season and the Rx, I know more than a few of us were about to crawl under the bed and hide for-ever!

Instead, I social butterflied my way through graduation celebrations and ceremonies for loved ones. (Nothing like your baby niece graduating 8th grade to make you feel old!)

It's really no surprise that students graduate during Gemini Season given that one of Gemini's Spiritual Keynotes is Learning.

While education is important and there's all sorts of merits from academic learning, I'm more interested in your soul lessons, especially in the fading light of eclipse season.

We all have a particular challenge that we encounter over and over again in our lives.

No doubt you know exactly what yours is (and you maybe even loathe it).

Although we're often prone to being angry about this repeating pattern, to think life is working against us or even to give up entirely ...

It's this very challenge that serves as our greatest spiritual catalyst.

Talk about a Gemini shift of perspective!

What's your soul learning in this lifetime?

(If you aren't clear, you should be scheduling an appointment with me now'ish!)

What specific lessons are you receiving right now to further your greater soul growth?

And equally important, when life throws you lemons, do you juice that sh*t for all its worth? Or, do you turn to self-medication and doom yourself by bypassing the learning opportunity?

On Monday evening and Tuesday morning, we will be under the light of the Full Moon in Sagittarius.

As the polarity to Gemini, Sagittarius has the remarkable ability to discern Truth. It wants to be free, and you can't be free when you're suffering, right?

Full Moon Recommendations:

Make the decision to shift your perspective about your greatest life challenges. 

Will you at least consider the possibility that the repetition of that dreaded pattern may actually be the very thing that liberates you from suffering?

Bring to the table anything you're unclear or ambivalent about. 

MEDITATE on each one of these various uncertainties and, as the I Ching would advise, allow silence to penetrate deeply to the heart of the matter.

In other words: Quiet Gemini's monkey mind so that you can hear the still small voice of God (Truth) and finally discern your answer.

Explore and have fun! 

Life has been rough lately. For the love of all things holy, go out and shake it off, preferably ALONE.

Gemini and Sag are the free spirits of the zodiac. Ya, it can be intimidating or just uncomfortable to walk into a social scenario alone, but take it from me (I'm loaded down with this energy) — 

Some of life's most incredible adventures start when you're a party of one. 

Freedom is the name of the game. 

So, under this Full Moon in Sag, go out and get into some mischief. Or, go find your new sidekick or your new favorite haunt.

Here's one of my YouTube videos that dives a bit deeper into the Sag archetype and how eclipse season plays out in our lives.

If you're pressed for time, I recommend starting at the 10min. mark where I give you some juicier contemplations for the Full Moon.

Although this last eclipse season is officially over, you'll find that the events that transpired on Apr1il 30 and May 15 will have a pretty significant impact on you in the following weeks and months — and possibly even the course of your life.

My video addresses all of this.

>> As always, holler back and me and let me know how you're doing.

Are you learning anything new this Gemini Season? Heading out on a Full Moon adventure? Gimme the skinny!

P.S. Did I mention that your unique horoscope reveals your soul's journey?



Passionate Mars Wants You To ...


What's coming out of your mouth?