Passionate Mars Wants You To ...

We're still in Gemini Season? Jeeeeez. I feel like this has been the longest four weeks OF MY LIFE.

Joking, not joking.

Maybe it's the Full Moon energies I'm writing under, or maybe my rebellious streak needs some screen time, but I've decided that I'm o-v-e-r Gemini season like I was o-v-e-r eclipse season.

(No offense Geminis, you know I got nothin' but love for ya!)

Last week, Christina responded to my email and reported that "EVERY person I know is having a hard time right now, and it's not just those in 'my circle.'"

Guuuuurl. Right?!

If you're not having that same experience then please CALL ME RIGHT NOW, and share your secret.

While I would like to blame it all the Cosmic Trickster's energy, we know that would be a cheap shot. I can't really shoot the Messenger of the Gods!

And since I'm not the All Powerful Oz, I can't predict a happy ending to our collective tornado-induced head trauma.

(I mean, really, who knew that my favorite movie EVER was a prophecy for the 2020 trilogy we're living through? Clearly, Gemini Season = the flying monkeys scene.

>> Study Group students, holler back if you get why!!)

Although we're about to conclude Gemini Season, Mercury just entered its home sign and Venus joins him in just one week, so we're still working with this mutable energy.

(I couldn't resist a flying monkey GIF. I mean, do you remember the part where the monkeys tear Scarecrow to pieces and they have to stuff him back together again? Ya, the last month be like that.)

Rather than present another Spiritual Keynote for the sign, I'm going to give you some Full Moon reflections.

I absolutely love (and maybe even prefer!) looking back at how I experienced the astrology versus anticipating it. Cosmic events are always full of surprises.

Did this Full Moon reveal anything important for you, like:

  • Truths you didn't see clearly before? Maybe you were running a narrative about a certain situation or you didn't have all the relevant information to see it accurately?

  • Conversations that still need to be had? (And which will likely be much more productive with Mercury out of his shadow period and harmonious Venus joining him in Gemini.)

  • Lessons Learned precisely because of the tumultuous of the last month?

It appears from my professional vantage point that eclipse season was still being played out very actively for most of us under the Full Moon. Let's see what the coming weeks hold.

Also, TODAY, we have Warrior Mars and Healer Chiron coming together in Aries, the sign of the Self.

It's time to take action on your Full Moon revelations, specifically if they relate to healing your most painful wounds and patterns.

It's 100% time to release some of the bullshit that's been holding you back and bleeding your confidence.

>> You can harness Mars's power and surplus of energy to make profound strides along your healing journey — but only if you take action!

I'm not promising miracles, but with Lord of Karma Saturn in the mix, you might finally discover the steadfast determination to work toward the true healing your heart and soul crave.

It's time to heal for yourself, and no other. You're enough. 

Now, let's talk about TUESDAY. Oh blessed Tuesday, you can't come soon enough for me.

The summer solstice is on Tuesday, June 21 at 2.13am PT and marks the beginning of CANCER SEASON!

At which point, we can all promptly retreat back home with our friends and loved ones for some much-needed TLC.

(There's no place like home for a Cancer. Especially if she's cuddled in bed with her little dog, too.)

Cancer is ruled by the Moon. And if you've had a consultation with me then you know that the Moon is one of your BIG 3 — a super-crucial element of your unique astrology.

This is the energy that reflects how you:

  • Emote and Intuit. What's your emotional style? How do you process? How accessible is your intuition?

  • Interact with your intimate others, like lovers, children, parents, etc.

  • Feel safe in the world and in your relationships

  • Express your shadow and the machinations of your ego

  • Do self-care (a particularly hot topic right now)

Of course, this is just scratching the surface of the Moon's mysterious and deeply personal archetypes. Luna represents our subconscious, so it's no surprise it's the "planet" that governs our planet's waters.

I can't overstate the significance of your Moon sign, and its placement in your horoscope.

When we understand our astrology — as well as the astrology of those we love — it becomes easier to support one another in our unique emotional expressions and non-negotiable needs (what you need to feel safe).

Tune in next week because I've put together a GUIDE to SELF CARE based on your Moon sign.

Although this is a basic guide, it will give you an important understanding of yourself and others. You can also share it with an intimate other who maybe needs an astrologer's objective explanation to love up on you even better.

>> As always, holler back and me and let me know how you're getting down with the cosmos.

P.S. Want to learn more about your Big 3?



Improve Your Relationships With Better Self-care: A Beginner’s Guide To Your Moon Sign


Full Moon Lessons Learned