Out with the Bull, in with the Twins: What to Expect During Gemini Season 2024! ♉ ♊

Howdy Friend!

Early on Monday morning at at 5.59am PT, the Sun moves into friendly Gemini!

And although we'll definitely be picking up on the changing vibe, we'll still have four or five planets in Taurus through the first week of Gemini Season! ♉ ♊

During Taurus Season, we can be a bit more withdrawn, as we integrate and process the dynamism that preceded it (Aries Season).

Over the last month, many of us will have been reflecting on our values and financial situation (or how we use our finances and other resources), and perhaps discovering more about the state of our self-worth. 💰

In Gemini, an air sign, we’re getting a much bigger dose of active energy.

Unlike Taurus who enjoys her solitude, the Twins are social butterflies. When we're in an "air season," we're being called to come out of our cozy bubbles and re-engage with those around us and our community.

The need for socializing, learning or simply by being out and about is increased. Maybe you'll be taking a new class of some kind or you may already have more social dates and appointments on your calendar?

Whatever you've got planned, you'll likely find your interpersonal communication spiking — and enjoyably! 🍻

And speaking of communication.

During Gemini Season, it's the perfect time to tune in to what's really playing on your internal radio so that you can flush the garbage that no longer serves you.

Communication is the primary archetype that most folks think of when they hear "Gemini."

Typically, we think of communication as being mostly verbal or a mixture of verbal and nonverbal information. 💬

But there's another component to communication that is often overlooked: Behavior.

Our actions communicate as much — sometimes more! — as our words.

And have you ever noticed that the way you think about things effects the things you say and do? 🤔

Consider, too, that not communicating is a form of communicating!

During Gemini Season, it's the perfect time to tune in to what's really playing on your inner radio so that you can learn more about your communication style. 

📻 What limiting beliefs are narrating your life? Are they loud or so sneaky that you can't really pin them down?

📻 Is your thinking in alignment with your communication and behavior (or lack thereof)? 

📻 Is there a way that you communicate that is ineffective or creates suffering for yourself or others? What's the story that leads to that behavior?

Right now, you can make some good strides toward recognizing painful narratives about yourself, your loved ones and even life and God.

Greater awareness about your thinking can help you communicate in a way that brings more love, ease and empowerment into your life.

The AstroLogical Forecast!

🌙 ♌ Today, Wednesday, the Moon in passionate Leo is making a harmonious trine over to Mars and the Destiny Point (North Node) in independent Aries.

>> You're likely to feel energized and optimistic today. Harness these energies by doing something creative, playful or romantic — especially for yourself!

💌 ♉ Also today at 10.05am PT, Mercury finally moves into slow-moving Taurus after more than two months in fiery Aries where he retrograded during eclipse season.

We have FIVE planets in Taurus now that Mercury has joined the Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus. This will help our minds move at a more sustainable pace with more realistic thinking and less impulsivity.

That said, Mercury is making a tense square over to transformative Pluto through Friday. Be on the lookout for power struggles. This could be internally through disempowering thoughts or externally in your communications and dealings with others. ⚠️

>> While you may find yourself thinking more pragmatically now, you may also err toward Taurus's shadows — stubbornness or inflexibility. Can you find a middle way?

🌙 ♍ On Thursday and Friday, the Moon in productive Virgo makes another harmonious aspect, this time to the five planets in Taurus.

The Bull and Virgin are both earth signs, so over these two days, you may find yourself luxuriating in the final days of a sweet Taurus Season, or wrapping up loose ends in preparation for a busy summer ahead.

🌙 ♎ Then on Saturday, the Moon moves into Libra and begins making a supportive aspect over to powerful Pluto.

It's an excellent day to bring clarity to any emotional dynamics that may be sources of concern. You'll find it's easier or you may find yourself taking a gentler approach to those personal challenges that typically provoke "negative" feelings.

☀️ ♊ As mentioned, on Monday morning, the Sun moves into Gemini and will be moving from earth energy to air.

Expect a shift in the next week in which your attention is pulled away from personal matters to interpersonal pursuits.

Next week, we'll be having a look at Jolly Jupiter's ingress (movement) into Gemini on Saturday, May 25 — for the first time in about 12 years. He's been in Taurus for the last year and will hang out in Gemini until June 2025.

If your Sun or Moon are in the elements of air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) or fire (Aries, Leo, Sag), then you've got something to look forward to during Jupiter's frolic thru the sign of the Twins. 😍

I'll break this down further for you next week. Until, then I'm wishing you a happy day.



P.S. STUDY GROUP DATE! We will meet on Wednesday, May 22 at 6.30pm via Zoom.

Click here for all the details.


The Jupiter Edition 🤩


A Relaxed New Moon in Taurus! + Monday’s Creative Jolt ⚡🍓