The Jupiter Edition 🤩

Hi there my friend!

Did you do anything enjoyable this past weekend? Maybe it was just a particularly relaxing or fun-loving few days?

I expect so, because as we concluded Taurus Season, the Sun met with Jupiter (also in Taurus), making for a lighthearted and smooth reprieve from our usual routines. Lucky for us, this is an annual transit!

Jupiter, the God of Truth and Benevolence is all up in the mix as we move through the second half of May and really get going here with Gemini Season, which started Monday morning.

Among other things, he's blessing us with a healthy dose of faith and optimism. Jupiter is also the planet that "rules" the sign of Sagittarius, so when you think of him, you can also think of the Archer.

And hey, guess what? We've got a Sag Full Moon on Thursday at 6.53am PT!

But that's not all!

Venus meets with Jupiter today and tomorrow bestowing an extra helping of the good vibes!

Although most know Venus (Aphrodite) as the Goddess of Love and Beauty, she also rules over our money/resources, as well as our values and self-worth. She's in her home sign of Taurus at present, which is emphasizing her energy.

When she meets with Jupiter, the God of Truth and Good Fortune, we can expect ...

When she meets with Jupiter, the God of Truth and Good Fortune, we can expect to have a charmed few days. 💎

This Venus-Jupiter conjunction will be making a lovely aspect over to romantic and compassionate Neptune in Pisces, indicating the culmination of cycles.

For sure you're going to be given some sort of insight that cuts to the heart and Truth of whatever's "up" for you right now.

Then add the Full Moon in Sag to this mix, and you can expect to feel the 🔥!

You can definitely expect indulgence of some kind — and I'm not just talking about ice cream!

More on that below, but first, here's some Full Moon inquiries for you:

🌕 ♐ With the Sun in Gemini, you'll benefit from taking a curious approach to whatever's most important to you at present.

Gemini isn't just curious, it's logical.

>> Can you bring a sense of neutrality or compassion to areas of your life that are typically emotionally charged, triggering or where you are prone to criticism? ☀️

🌕 ♐ Do you consider "play," "creativity," and "learning," to be forms of healthcare?

Um, hate to break it to you, but eating whole foods, meditating and exercising aren't enough to keep you healthy. We all crave to express ourselves creatively, to be spontaneous and romantic, to explore life so that we can learn and PLAY. 🎢

>> You can eat all the healthy food you want, but if you aren't following your Life Purpose then you're not going to feel fantastic. Where do you need to grow or adventure to feed your Mind-Body-Spirit?

🌕 ♐ Money matters.

The conjunction of Venus-Jupiter under this Full Moon can illuminate new visions and opportunities for how you receive and utilize your resources, especially money. 💰

Is it time to set sail on a new financial venture? Maybe you need to think bigger about your investments? Perhaps it's time to reign in impulsive spending? How's your savings account looking these days?

>> I'm not saying you're going to win the lotto today, but giving thanks and attuning to what you want to receive is going to have a stronger than usual magnetizing effect! 🧲

If money is a sticky wicket, this transit will be particularly helpful, because it gifts new vision and optimism for the future.

The AstroLogical Forecast!

☀️💀 Today, Wednesday, the Sun in Gemini makes a harmonious trine over to Pluto in Aquarius.

Gemini and Aquarius are both air signs and the energy favors taking a inquisitive and mutually beneficial approach to matters involving creativity, leadership and authority. 👩‍⚕️

>> Allow yourself to think outside of the box. You're likely to find positive resolution for power struggles or tense situations you've found disempowering.

💜 ♊ After this morning's Full Moon in Sag, Venus joins the Sun in Gemini at 1.30pm and trines Pluto through Saturday.

Wherever we find Pluto, so too do we find opportunity for transforming feelings of inadequacy into empowerment. Since Pluto is in happy aspect to Venus, we can expect to have powerful experiences that better align us with our values.

The Full Moon + Venus's trine to Pluto could also bring you a steamy or sexy day! 💘

>> Regardless, expect intimate moments shared with loves ones; insights about your personal value and worth and/or making new commitments and investments in yourself.

🤩♊ On Saturday at 4.14pm PT, Jolly Jupiter moves into friendly Gemini for the first time in 12 years! He forms a harmonious trine to Pluto.

Here's an easy way to think about this important transit:

🤩 Jupiter expands whatever he "touches," whether we're talking about collective or individual astrology. He brings a spirit of independent adventure and he desires to know and experience universal law (Truth).

Gemini is the sign of the student, the mind, how we perceive and communicate, as well as our local communities.

(I'm totally overgeneralizing both Gemini and Sag for ease here, so understand I'm just scratching the surface.)

When Jupiter moves into Gemini, we can expect to have a much broader vision about this sign's archetypes. How we learn, how we communicate and what we call "local" is about to expand.

So too is our understanding of how our personal narratives are reflected back to us in life. 🤔💭

I anticipate that there will be great leaps of understanding in terms of how the mind works — whether that's brain science, the science of learning and even greater understanding of metal illness, generally.

Our ability to communicate with other people and nonhumans is likely to undergo a pretty radical transformation, as well. 🦍💻

For the next year, let's also hope that the American educational system starts getting some much-needed attention and influx of funds, as benefic Jupiter is a devoted teacher to his students (Gemini).

Forgiveness of university student debt may be offered or more affordable college options for new students. It could also result in a collective awareness that a university diploma is no longer needed or necessary for financial achievement in our current society. 🎓

This is just a quick rundown of some possibilities ...

How can you make the most of Benefic Jupiter's transit through your own personal horoscope? Click here to schedule a consultation!

Until next time, firstname, I'll leave you with a beautiful quote from Leo F. Buscaglia that embodies this week's astrology and the 12-month transit of Jupiter in Gemini. ✨

"The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing and becomes nothing. He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he simply cannot learn and feel and change and grown and love and live."



P.S. Friendly reminder that TONIGHT's our monthly online astrological Study Group. We meet via Zoom from 6.30-8pm PT.

We'll be discussing Jupiter's ingress into Gemini and having a look at where this transit falls in your own chart!

>> Click here to learn more or if you want to join us!


📫 Delivery from the Cosmic Messenger!


Out with the Bull, in with the Twins: What to Expect During Gemini Season 2024! ♉ ♊