Happy Autumn Equinox! 🍁

Can you believe it's fall already?! I feel like the blizzard that ravaged my tiny town in March happened only recently, not an entire season ago! The fall equinox happens just shy of midnight on Friday, September 22 at 11.50pm PT. β™Ž

It occurs when the Sun crosses the celestial equator of the Northern Hemisphere and the Sun ingresses to 0Β° Libra. Libra is the sign of equality and on this day, we have light and darkness in equal measure. πŸ‚

Any time the Sun reaches 0Β° of a cardinal sign, this is a significant event, and one marked by the changing of the seasons. The procession of the equinoxes is also the foundation of western astrology!

🌸 Spring equinox: 0Β° Aries

(the astrological New Year, as Aries is the first sign of the zodiac)

🌞 Summer solstice: 0Β° Cancer

🍁 Fall equinox: 0Β° Libra

❄ Winter solstice: 0Β° Capricorn

The cardinal signs of the zodiac are known for their ability to bring change by initiating new cycles. The energy is potent and fertile; ripe with potential.

No doubt, you've already been feeling the fall energies β€” a stirring for change and the preparation for nature's annual symbolic and literal death as we come to a point of balance between the summer and winter solstices.

Now that we're entering Libra Season, a mental air sign, we're going to become more desirous of social stimulation.

You'll experience less inclination to clean out the fridge, go on a fast or finally start meditating again ... and more interest in companionship and pleasure! πŸ’˜

Fall Equinox Contemplations:

β™Ž Are you overextending yourself in certain areas while neglecting others? How can you bring more equilibrium into your daily routine? 

Libra reminds us to be mindful of our imbalances. It's important to ground into the body when air energy is so dominant.

You'll be better able to find equilibrium by maintaining Virgo's Mind-Body-Spirit connection β€” especially as the excitement of a new season descends and the holiday frenzy begins.

>> Do you breath properly? Most people don't! The breath is an excellent place to start, or revisit, in terms of developing your spiritual practice. A simple focus on breathing, and the balance between inhaling and exhaling, can do wonders. 

β™Ž You've got only three months before 2024 begins. What outstanding goals do you want to achieve this year?

Although Libra is prone to taking her time making decisions, the potent equinox energy can give you a gentle push in the right direction. 

>> Take action this weekend toward starting or finishing something you deemed important for this year. Grand demonstrations aren't necessary β€” the Divine recognizes small steps with big intentions.

β™Ž In what ways are you still realigning your relationships and finances for maximum harmony?

We're not yet done with this summer's Venus retrograde (Rx)! Venus will be in her post-Rx shadow through October 6.

Throughout life, our core values shift as we also change. Venus Rx helps us realign so that we can live life with greater purpose and authenticity. Now's the time to make thoughtful decisions that prioritize your values. πŸ•Š

>> How have your finances and relationships changed during this time? Did you begin to pay more attention to your heart's quiet wisdom?


If you're interested in the topic of values, then you definitely want to check out the upcoming event I'm co-hosting with the fabulous Bradley Wahl on November 12 at Inner Path.

Bradley and I designed a playful journey to help you identify the Guiding Values of your life so that you can become your own best friend and align with your Soul’s purpose for greater fulfillment!

Click here to learn more. (Space is limited and advanced registration required!)


I was rather excited to look at the astrology this week. The equinox chart is mostly favorable and the energies leading us into Libra Season are juicy, too!

🌞☠As Virgo Season concludes, Father Sun makes a powerful trine over to Pluto, Lord of Death.

This is not energy easily harnessed, because they're the most potent forces in our reality, representing the transformative nature of life: birth and death; light and dark.

However, because this is a harmonious aspect, we can deliberately choose to surrender to our own cycle of transformation β€” even if we can't control its unfolding. πŸ¦‹

>> We're undergoing the final contraction before the delivery of new life with Pluto's ingress into Aquarius in late January. Where do you want to be reborn?

β™Ž β™‘ We're under a double Cardinal sky this Saturday as we enter Libra Season. The Sun enters feminine and coquettish Libra, while the Moon is in sensual and loyal Capricorn.

Plus, Venus β€” Libra's "ruler" β€” is in a harmonious dance with her consort, Mars.

>> These aspects indicate that we're likely to be even more preoccupied than usual with the harmony and stability of our financial affairs and romantic relationship(s). We'll benefit from initiating any changes we desire!πŸ’°

⚠That said, Mars is decidedly unhappy with his position in the heavens. You may find that life still isn't in alignment with your new values, and you feel stymied to get what you want or don't really know what action to take!

>> Diplomacy and thoughtful consideration are the way to go these next few weeks until Venus and Mars change signs on October 8 and 11. Then, their energies shift. Once they do, we're likely to find we're better calibrated and positioned to move forward. 

πŸ˜‡Through the weekend, friendly Mercury is in a happy connection to benefic Jupiter.

Expect the truth of matters to be revealed; to be more optimistic and happy than usual; or even to have a deepening of spiritual understanding.

>> If you've been wanting to shift a specific narrative or thought pattern, this is excellent energy under which to state your intentions and to envision a new paradigm for your mind.

Happy autumn equinox to you. May you be blessed this last quarter of 2023.


Friday's Full Moon in Aries! β™ˆπŸŒ•


Thursday's New Moon in Virgo πŸŒ™β™