Juicy Astrology Alert: The Fall Equinox, New Moon and MORE!
I hope this week finds you well. Today is the second-to-last day of Busy Bee Virgo Season! We enter harmonious Libra Season tomorrow.
The last Spiritual Keynote we'll focus on for Virgo is Efficiency.
Those with strong Virgo energy have an innate ability to assess when something isn't functioning properly, whether that be a system, a process or a friend's perceptions of a situation.
Virgo has an inherent desire to be of service; to fix things; and to have everything functioning Efficiently and at optimal capacity.
What happens when that's not happening?
Virgo often becomes very critical in the face of dis-ease. As you've likely experienced, criticism can be constructive or destructive depending on how it's delivered.
Often, Virgo (wrongly) assumes that everyone is as intent on fixing, perfecting or otherwise improving oneself and life as she is. Um ... not so much humble Virgin!
For this sign's discriminating nature to be best appreciated and to express at its highest vibration, it would do well to give advice only upon request. Otherwise, it runs the risk of being seen as critical instead of sincerely offering assistance.
>> Remember, we all have Virgo in our charts somewhere, so this applies to you too!
This is a lesson that we would all do well to master: Give your opinion only when you know it's wanted.
I came across this post from one of my spiritual teachers. It unwittingly captures the essence of the Virgo and Libra archetypes quite well.
This is one of the most fundamental lessons of the Virgo archetype: Learning to offer your excellent advice upon request only — whether it's about Efficiency, the Mind-Body-Spirit trinity or being healthy in general.
Then, it's appreciated and taken to heart rather than going unheard or dismissed.
This dovetails nicely with the interpersonal sign, Libra. Libra is Venus-ruled, and as such, wants relationships to be as happy and harmonious as possible.
It's no wonder then that one of Libra's most important Spiritual Keynotes is Listening.
Like Scott tells us in the above post, presence is a powerful healer.
Here's some contemplative questions for you on these relationship themes:
In what circumstances are you compelled to give advice even if your opinion isn't requested?
Why do you do this? What underlying emotion or thought is driving your behavior?
How does it work out for you when you voice an opinion or try to help someone without an invitation?
Conversely, how does it go when you wait for the invitation to share your thoughts or provide a needed service?
Be honest now — how good are you at listening, and how do your listening skills help or hinder your relationships?
Do you interrupt a lot or wait impatiently for your turn to talk again? Do you think you know what the other person is going to say? Are you truly actively listening with the intention to see and hear the person's perspective, or are you just being polite or thinking about something else entirely?
This week, there is A LOT of cosmic activity that has to do with how we communicate and relate to others. Let's jump in.
Happy Autumn Equinox! This Week's AstroLogical Forecast:
Tomorrow evening at 6.03pm, the Sun ingresses into the sign of Libra, marking the fall equinox and the initiation of a new cycle of energy.
This is a significant equinox because Mercury is both retrograde and conjunct (next to) the Sun.
It's likely that our thinking and perceptions — especially about love and relationships — won't just be "up" during this Mercury Rx, but for the whole of autumn.
>> You can expect that whatever themes you're personally experiencing during this Rx period (September 9 – October 2), will persist until the winter solstice on December 21.
Then we have the New Moon in Libra on Sunday, September 25 at 2.54pm.
Mercury Rx will now be conjunct Venus, with the two planets opposing confusing yet compassionate Neptune. Again, the spotlight is on practical interpersonal dynamics, especially concerning money and lovers, so set your intentions around these themes.
Your thoughts can also be self-deceptive or reflect a feeling of despair and loss of meaning.
On the other hand, you have the ability to infuse spiritual truth and wisdom into your thought processes; to bring compassion into the mental arena so that you can transcend the suffering created by thought and find healing in God's unconditional love.
o be sure, the Cosmic Trickster has some surprise up his sleeve for you. I would be absolutely shocked if you didn't get message from an ex or loved one you haven't been in touch with for some time.
Not only is this part and parcel of Mercury Rx, but when he's next to love-obsessed Venus, he's doubling down. Plus, the Sun and Moon are also in the sign of love!
BUT BEWARE: When Mercury-Venus and idealistic Neptune come into hard aspect, there can be murkiness around relationships, money and your values, alongside a lot of idealizing and romanticizing of these matters.
Be cautious, and employ critical thinking if an old relationship or financial issue resurfaces. You're likely not able to see reality as it is right now. Don't fool yourself into believing you can.
>> Have you already received news from someone from your past, Inoah? Or maybe you reached out to someone you haven't spoken to in ages? Write me back and let me know!!
Next week, I'll be talking about ... something you'll love, but I haven't yet determined.
Until then, cheers to understanding yourself better!
P.S. Got relationships on the brain? Why not invest in understanding your loved one better?