Know Thyself This Eclipse Season
How's life treating you this week dear friend? Did you definitely feel that big eclipse yesterday, or did you just shake it off like nothin'?
The Full Moon spanned the Taurus–Scorpio axis, highlighting the journey of self-empowerment via self-sufficiency.
There's been a huge emphasis on interpersonal relationships with this energy, to be sure, but first and foremost, Taurus is all about our relationship to SELF.
Scorpio, to some extent, is also self-oriented because it's got a penchant for self-reflection. It craves union in the same way that Taurus craves self-sufficiency. Hence being zodiacal opposites.
But the similarity of learning independence, (Taurus) and finding empowerment (Scorpio), have a common root that can be summarized in the old adage, "Know Thyself."
Consider, also, that this eclipse season — beginning two weeks ago on Tuesday, October 25 with the New Moon solar eclipse — is intimately connected with the previous eclipse season, also in Taurus and Scorpio.
It's helpful to reflect back on what was transpiring in your life between April 30 and May 15 and how events have unfolded since then.
How are you feeling today about what went down in the spring?
Are those events still playing out externally and internally, or are they concluding?
In what ways were you dis/empowered and/or learning how to be more independent in a particular area of your life?
The cosmic energies are experienced differently by each of us. Sometimes, it's hard to discern for a few months too because the dust hasn't settled.
Ya, I know, self-reflection can be scary. That's why you-so-brave.
Let's examine the Taurus archetype more closely. Wherever Taurus falls in your chart, that's where your self-worth may be challenged or where you're learning to stand on your own two feet without the assistance of others — especially as it relates to financial matters.
My BFF Robin and I discuss these themes a lot because I've got a packed Taurus house, and she's got a Taurus ascendant (rising), which really emphasizes this archetype in our lives.
(But we all have Taurus somewhere, so it doesn't matter if you're a Taurus or not.)
I wonder, do you ever feel a desire to be rescued? Do you ever wish that particular problems in your life could just be "cured" by some amazing external force?
Here's an example from my own life: I have a lot of student loan debt. A LOT.
Sometimes, I think outlandish thoughts about receiving an unexpected inheritance or marrying a rich husband — VOILA, my debt could be erased!
The irony of these thoughts is that I actually really do want to pay off the student loan debt myself. If someone walked up to me right now and offered to pay what remains?
Yes, I would obviously take them up on the offer. But I would feel disappointed and even a little bit of shame that I didn't do it myself!
Because that's the crux of the issue here: Karmically, my soul chose to have this very challenging experience. I know this, and that's probably why I want to do it myself ... even as I desperately long to be rescued!
It's one of my biggest lessons in this lifetime. I can get down with the Cosmos and see it as a gift from God. Or, I can constantly despair over it.
>> Do you see the dance between the Taurus-Scorpio axis? It's the challenge to find self-sufficiency that actually brings a sense of empowerment and self-worth — especially where we find some of our greatest trials.
What's your equivalent of my student loan debt?
Can you flip the script on your perception of that situation so that you see the treasure that lies waiting
How could it empower you, even if it feels like a special kind of hell in moments?
What judgments do you hold about yourself because of it?
Are you willing for this current shitty situation to transform (Scorpio)? Can you imagine how you might one day help others going through the same muck?
The I-Ching reminds us that we all have the ability to transform the world through the steady refinement of our own person.
It's in that spirit that I conclude this with a prayer to the Divine and the mysteries of the Cosmos. I hope you'll join me.
Stubborn Taurus, thank you for the gift of realizing that my self-worth is not tied to my material achievements. The balance on my bank statements, the make and model of my car, or even my minimalist philosophies — none of this defines me.
Thank you for helping me see that Spirit is the source of my strength and stability. And even in my independence, the Divine is my constant companion.
To the Scorpion, I thank you for teaching me that no matter the challenge, resolution is found within, not without.
In your deepest, darkest depths, I find God's transformative healing power and am released from false narratives that would prevent me from knowing the true essence of my Self.
To the Moon, New or Full, I bow down to your reminder that life is ever-changing. What wanes today will wax tomorrow. What we nurture in ourselves, we nurture in all those around us.
However you experienced this eclipse season, I hope you will take a moment to pause and give gratitude to the mysteries of life and your own evolutionary impulse.
Good news! As we move forward with the week, the energies will begin to lighten!
The Moon will form a harmonious trine with supportive Saturn.
Soon thereafter, happy-go-lucky Jupiter will trine Mercury and Venus, fostering pleasant yet meaningful communications and happenings around relationship and money.
Then, Venus and Mercury move out of intense Scorpio into jolly Sagittarius — just in time to kickoff the holiday season.
>> As always, I welcome your questions and feedback. Please write me back if there's anything on your mind. I love hearing from you!
Until next week, cheers to understanding yourself better!
P.S. "Our consultation helped me understand myself better," said damn near every client I've ever had! Want to get to the root of your shitty situation?