Next Stop for Scorpio Season? Transformation Station!
You know those days when you wake up in the morning and you've got a bit of an itch? You have the urge to deviate from the usual program? That's how I felt when I sat down to write you this week. So I'm going with the flow!
I wasn't surprised when everything that flew out of me today embraced the Scorpion's alchemy — and a particularly intense need that can arise during Scorpio Season:
The desire to eliminate inner limitations or to free ourselves from the ways we create our own suffering.
Let's be real. You're probably reading this email because you're looking for guidance or relief. Something in your life isn't working — maybe it's a sense of lack, a nagging in the back of your mind, a weight on your heart or a general sense of malaise.
It's equally likely that you were led to astrology during one of your bigger turning points. And here's the thing about turning points — they aren't typically short-lived.
Undergoing powerful and profound shifts in consciousness or behavior isn't a cakewalk. It can be heartbreaking, messy, terrifying or downright exhausting, too.
For those on the path of Transformation (a big word and one I don't use lightly), the struggle is real.
Thankfully, when you're committed to your self-growth, you're also led to the people and tools that will help you come into better alignment with your Soul's evolutionary intentions.
Astrology is one of many resources that may intrigue you as you find yourself longing to live differently. And the "way" you're longing to live is in alignment with Divine; in harmony with life instead of in constant struggle, right?
It doesn't matter if the struggle is in your own mind and heart or if it arises externally at work, in your relationships or with your bank account.
When the pain of suffering becomes stronger than the fear of change, you're willing to take the not-so-metaphorical leap.
That's often how the path of transformation begins. And it's usually about the time you find yourself at the local spiritual bookstore or scheduling a consultation with yours truly!
I mean, sometimes life be like…
Questions I get on the regular include: "What the hell is happening, Eileen?" And more ardently, "When will this end?"
The hard truth to these questions is that you're transforming and transformation happens on Divine Time.
You have no control over the process. You can steward your own changes, but you can't rush the process anymore than you can stop the rain from falling.
If astrology has called to your soul, it's because you've committed yourself to evolving. At some level, you've already relinquished the semblance of control you're clinging to now.
So as we prepare to conclude Scorpio Season, you may want to reflect on a few important questions:
What in your life isn't working right now (or always)?
I'm not talking about a superficial, "my boss changes her mind a lot and it drives me crazy." But more of a, "my boss changes her mind a lot and when she does, I feel like she doesn't value my input. And oh, come to think of it, that's how I felt with my mom growing up too!"
What answer or guidance are you hoping to receive from this email or from astrology generally?
Do you often turn to external sources instead of to your own inner wisdom thinking someone else is going to provide the magic answer to your dilemma?
>> This one I want to hear all about! Please write me back and let me know!
Are you trying to control your own transformational process?
Do you really believe, deep down, that you have control over this shit? If so, that's something you maybe want to do some serious reflecting on.
The joy of astrology is that it's more than just an entertaining way to forecast the changing cycles of our lives.
It's a powerful tool with great depth; a kind of compass that gently guides you through the ever-changing cycles of life — regardless of where your personal Wheel of Fortune is pointing.
Mello Astrologer says: Take the above inquiries seriously!
For the remainder of Scorpio Season, the Sun will be making harmonious aspects over to transformative heavy-hitter Pluto (the Scorpion's ruling planet), as well as Neptune, the planet or spirituality and imagination.
Now is a superb time to dive deep into your meditation, contemplation and therapeutic practices.
You're likely to have some powerful and potentially life-changing insights at this time, especially since we're still riding out eclipse season. #ForRealTho
This week's AstroLogical Forecast:
A week from today, just after midnight on Tuesday, we enter into a more jovial and free-spirited Sagittarius Season. Finally, some frivolity!
Last night at 10.08pm, Venus, Goddess of Love and Abundance, moved into Sagittarius.
She occupied Scorpio for the last few weeks, and let me just tell you, you will feel the difference!
Where Scorpio is possessive in relationship, Sag is freedom-oriented. Where Scorpio wants to merge resources, Sag wants independence. Yasss! Flirty fun is definitely on the way!
And just after midnight tonight, chatty Mercury joins Venus in Sagittarius.
With both Mercury and Venus in Sag, we're all going to be feeling more optimistic about relationships and money generally. You may either receive or bestow some good news, too.
Regardless of how the next few weeks unfold, you're going to feel a LOT happier because the planet of communication reflects back your thoughts and perceptions.
With Mercury in Sag, those thoughts are decidedly happier — just be on the lookout for overdoing it or feeling invincible or arrogant.
Once the Sun joins Mercury and Venus in Sag on Tuesday, we'll definitely be ready for a party.
This energy won't last too long though, so make the most of the next two weeks especially.
Again a word of caution: Don't overdue the fun — or your holiday spending. Once late December hits, the expanded feeling Sagittarius gives us will yield to practical Capricorn — and her bank ledgers!
Until next week, cheers to understanding yourself better!
P.S. Witty subject lines aside, transformation is a journey not a destination. Need some guidance?