New Moon In Gemini: Tell A Different Story

This Monday at 4.30am PT, we’ll be under the light of the New Moon in Gemini, which you'll start feeling Sunday.

Gemini’s ruling planet is Mercury, of the infamous Mercury retrograde (Rx).

As the Messenger God, Mercury is the only god in the pantheon granted access to and from Heaven and Hell.

Someone’s gotta deliver the news! 

For this reason, astrologers look to Mercury as the archetype that can assist us in moving between Heaven and Hell.

This can be both a literal and metaphorical comparison if you consider Heaven to be Truth Consciousness and Hell to be Suffering.

In just a few moments short time, you can go from elation to despair, all because of the quality of your thoughts.

>> That's why this archetype represents one's perceptions of life. Now is an excellent time to reflect on the following:

  • What's the quality of your thoughts?

  • How do you communicate with others based on what you think?

  • How do you feel about your life experiences as a result of what you think about what's happening to you?

Or as Byron Katie would say, "Who would you be without that thought?"

Gemini/Mercury is the master storyteller, the Cosmic Trickster, forever reminding us that we weave the tapestry of our lives with the stories we tell … about ourselves and about what happens to us.

Mercury is currently Rx and making a harmonious aspect to Lord Pluto, God of the Underworld, so this symbolism is "up" even more than at other times.

Mercury and Pluto's connection during this lunation ensures that it will be a powerful one.

In Evolutionary Astrology, Pluto — God of the Underworld — is the planet that represents our soul.

The soul’s primary intention is to evolve from a state of suffering (unconsciousness) to Truth (enlightenment).

With Pluto’s help, you can transform yourself and come into alignment with your Soul's evolutionary intentions.

It's this energy that stimulates your growth and pressures you to change.

We all have the opportunity to recognize a weakness, a pattern, a personal limitation — and transform it into a source of empowerment.

With enough determination and intention, you can transmute every limitation into a powerful blessing that brings healing to your life.

Pluto and Mercury remind us that no story is set in stone.

Who doesn’t love a good twist ending?

I have a traveling poet friend who is apt to remind me that every Shero’s Journey involves some amount of suffering. It is through, not over or around, that the shero is revealed.

Often, she is forged in pain, and becomes beloved — not because she is forever joyful and merry — but because she finds her way through the darkness to become her best self.

One could say that her diamond heart is forged in the fires of pain and suffering.

As Mercury and Pluto meet in the night sky these next days, ask yourself:

  • What story do you need to heal and conclude?

  • What new story do you wish to tell moving forward?

  • What must you heal and transform to be the Shero of your journey?

  • What thoughts keep playing in your mind like a broken record? How do they create unnecessary suffering for yourself and others?

I'm really loving this New Moon. It's so powerful and not just because of the Mercury-Pluto aspect.

Mars also just moved into the sign of Aries, which happens only once every two years (give or take).

And this week in the night sky, Mars also meets with benefic Jupiter.

Together, they form another harmonious aspect to the Sun and New Moon in Gemini.

Whatever journey you’re on now, you also have the blessings of optimistic guru Jupiter, and the courage and strength of warrior Mars. 

Set your intention carefully under this New Moon because the energy is powerfully fertile. (Imagine Jack and the Beanstalk.)

If you take action now, your goals will succeed — especially if those goals are in service to refining your character so that you can be the best version of YOU that's possible.

Now is the time to tell a new story about yourself and your life.

>> What's your New Moon intention after reading this email? Please write me back. I would love to hear all about it.

P.S. Are you in alignment with your Soul's evolutionary journey? Ready to journey beyond the edge of your understanding?



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