Got An Eclipse Hangover?

Please tell me you read my last email so you were prepared for last week's JUICY astrology !

You'll recall that the cosmic lineup included: 

  • Mercury stationing retrograde (Rx)

  • Jupiter moving into Aries

  • A Full Moon lunar eclipse (the second of two this eclipse season)

The last event — the Full Moon lunar eclipse — was the biggest of the three.

Eclipses bring intense influxes of energy. They can usher in very, very significant and/or life changing experiences.

To drive the point home, I want to share the following reports I received on Monday:

  • "I'm feeling really destabilized and scattered about my living situation."

  • "That Moon was really emotionally intense last night Eileen. I am still feeling it. I processed a lot of fear and grief."

  • "I was overcome with love and well being all evening. I felt safe and supported by the universe for the first time in ages."

  • "I was manic. I woke up for several days obsessed with finishing a project. It's done now. I'm exhausted."

I'm sharing these with you to remind you that you're not alone!! Life is no joke right now!!

How did you fair through the eclipse? If you could summarize the weekend in one word, what would it be?

>> Please write me back and share it with me!!

You may have a bit of an eclipse hangover now, but there's some good news — Gemini Season begins Friday at 6.22pm PT, and the tone will lighten a bit under this super social sign.


Also on Friday, there's a lovely aspect that can help awaken you to the truth of an important matter.

>> The tender Moon and optimistic Jupiter make a harmonious aspect over to the Sun and Mercury. (The latter two planets will be side-by-side.)

They join forces to bring objectivity and truthfulness to your emotional experiences.

>> Mercury and the Sun come together to illuminate the significance of your thoughts, perceptions, and how you identify with and communicate (or don't!) about your emotional terrain.

Key takeaways include:

  • It's time to heal. If you have unresolved traumas, repeating patterns or are otherwise unhappy with a circumstance in your life, it's time to sincerely acknowlede it and seek help healing.

  • It's really important to be as honest with yourself as you can be. The truth can be difficult, but right now, it's easier to stomach.

  • Bring as much curiosity, objectivity or neutrality to your emotional experiences as you're able.

The energy is ripe for healing conversations and reaffirming bonds with friends and intimate others.

>> Deliberately adopting a more detached or open-minded stance can be especially useful when discussing emotionally charged matters with those you love.

I mean, who doesn't want to see James Franco kissing himself?

It's the perfect self-love GIF. Can't.Stop.Laughing.

Love is the perfect word for concluding this email and Taurus Season, because I find the Bull's most significant Spiritual Keynote to be Self-worth (aka Self-love).

Taurus teaches us that above all else, we must prioritize our relationship to ourselves — even above our intimate others or our friends.

We must really dive deep to give ourselves the love and care that we need and desire.

What do you need right now?

The two eclipses we've had the last few weeks fell along the Taurus-Scorpio axis, highlighting self-sufficiency and self-empowerment.

This fall, these archetypes will be spotlighting again during our second eclipse season.

This entire year, then, as the Lunar Nodes travel through Taurus and Scorpio, we are all being called to stop and consider:

  • What do I need?

  • How can I fulfill my own needs so that I don't project them on to others?

  • How can I nurture myself so that I am empowered to be my best, most authentic self?

Personally, I find these questions to be very, very complex.

Most of us — especially women who typically take on the nurturing role — prioritize children, work and partnership over our own needs. Sometimes, we even apologize for having needs, as though it's wrong or bad to be human.

We do this again and again until we're exhausted and unhappy and feeling victimized.

So perhaps the first question you want to ask yourself is:

"Whose needs take precedence in my life?"

The astrology supports you in getting to the heart of the matter. Will you seize the opportunity?

P.S. People-pleasing is for real. It's easy to feel lost and confused about what you need and why. Astrology offers the great gift of helping you understand your true self.



New Moon In Gemini: Tell A Different Story


Three Big Cosmic Events Are Happening This Week