The Gift of Solitude

How did you experience the BIG energy during Friday's eclipse? It wiped me out! #fatigue

Taurus is the sign of the body, so it would be reasonable if you felt it as an up- or downswing of your vital energy, too.

Although the first eclipse season of 2023 is o-v-e-r, we're still going to be feeling the realignment for some time.

How long? That depends on your unique astrology, of course!

From the perspective of Evolutionary Astrology, the cosmos reflect our Soul's karmic intentions and how we can best align with Divine. 

Astrology is a mysterious ancient wisdom; a cosmic dance. Every horoscope illuminates the inherent Divinity of our lives.   

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As we come to the tail end of the Bull, I would like to invite you to deeply contemplate one of the more important archetypes of this sign: Solitude.

Taurus loves the quiet contemplation that Solitude offers — especially if found in nature or while attuning to Mama Earth through some activity like gardening, sunbathing, crystal digging or dipping your toes in the river.

It's in Solitude and quiet contemplation that we find the ability to recharge and realign with our values, free of external influence and stimulus.

Although Taurus is associated with the material world, it isn't so interested in having its attention forever focused outward — on events, situations, relationships.

It seems to have an innate understanding that in Solitude, you're able to cultivate your True Nature.

At minimum, you can get to know yourself a whole lot better!  

The Bull reminds us that it's by giving our time and attention to quiet contemplation that we eventually return to our True Self.

So whether you're reading this because you want to attune to the cosmic energies and/or because you have the impulse to awaken to Truth Consciousness, I encourage you to devote more of your time to SILENCE.

That's why this week's contemplation is short and sweet: 

How much Solitude and silence do you cultivate in your life?

I mean this literally. How much time every day or week do you give to your meditation or spiritual practice? How often do you turn your attention to Source?

One way we can minimize our suffering and step into our Soul's purpose is by listening — whether that's to the heart, the gut or the still small voice of God.

Have you cultivated enough quiet that you can hear your own inner guidance? 



This Hasn't Happened Since 2011! 😱


An Auspicious Eclipse?