The Underworld Stirs — Tomorrow!
Welcome to Aries Season! Monday was the spring equinox, marking the Astrological New Year with the Sun moving into the sign of the Ram at 2.24pm PT.
Yesterday morning, we had a New Moon in Aries at 10.23am PT, so this equinox was turbo charged! (How very Aries.)
We now have the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Jupiter in the sign of the Ram! Ah jeez, it's once again, ALL ARIES ALL WEEK!
::Cue Queen's "We Will Rock You"::
Since we're still under equinox energies for the remainder of the day, you've got an extended opportunity to reflect on the potency the Astrological New Year ushers in. What seeds are you wanting to plant for a blossoming later this year?
This isn't just a tired old metaphor!
Last week, I got all philosophical about Nature reflecting back the most fundamental Truths of our reality. I can't overstate how fertile the moment is, so take time to set your intentions and then schedule time to act on them.
And speaking of new life ... It's perfectly ironic that Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, is finally getting ready to make a change. Tomorrow at 5.23am PT, he moves into Aquarius after 14 loooong years in Capricorn.
Before you get all twitchy on me because I'm talking about Death, remember:
Astrology encompasses the full range of human and Earthly experiences.
Sadly, it's not all rainbows and puppies. As an Evolutionary Astrologer, I look to Pluto as the representation of your Soul and its opportunities for growth throughout life.
And have you ever noticed, that suffering tends to be the greatest catalyst for leveling up?
You know that pit of despair that's filled with horrors like darkness and the shadow; victimization, betrayal and rejection? Ya, that's Pluto's Hell Realm. Le sigh.
The cosmos remind us constantly that death is both literal and metaphorical.
This is another comforting and indisputable Truth from Nature. No doubt you can think back to more than one metaphorical death you've endured — and for which you've been rewarded.
The return of light and balance is found in the polarity point.
While we obviously bemoan Pluto's steep payments, he always makes good. His rewards are equal to our travail.
So upon emerging from our Dark Night, we find that the Lord of Death has left us nothing short of Soul treasure in the form of rebirth, healing, self-empowerment and transformation (often, huge).
>> What does Pluto's movement mean for you personally? Schedule a consultation, and I can tell you how all these big changes are shaking down for your unique astrology!
Keep in mind that Pluto will be in Aquarius only through June 11 before he retrogrades back into Capricorn for six months. He moves into Aquarius again on January 20, 2024 until 2044.
Yes, you read that right: Pluto will be in Aquarius for two decades!
In terms of how this will play out for the collective, I can distill it into one sentence: Be prepared for social and technological transformation or revolution.
Keanu with puppies should lighten the mood!
The AstroLogical Forecast!
Since it's Aries Season and Mars "rules" the sign of the Ram, I want you to be on the lookout for THREE noteworthy Martian moments this week:
Saturday, the Hothead FINALLY moves into crabby Cancer after six long months in the sign of Gemini.
Mars is typically full of gusto and eagerness, but in the sign of the Crab? Well, here, I like to call him the Big Whiny Baby. (Joking not joking.)
His typical, "I will conquer," turns to something like, "But I'm hunnnngry!" or, "Can't that wait until tomorrrroooowww?" ::stomps foot::
>> Get ready for some overemotional temper tantrums the next few months — from yourself and others! The struggle is real when Mars is in Cancer.
The trine of Mars–Saturn.
Mars and Saturn form a fabulous aspect to one another beginning Saturday!! (I created a YouTube video about this last week with all the details; it's linked again in the P.S. below.)
>> For the next three weeks, you're being given an amazing opportunity to FOCUS and HARNESS your vital life force juju in pursuit of a goal.
On Tuesday, March 28, the Moon and Mars will meet in family-oriented Cancer for the first time in nearly two years!
Consider that the Moon and Mars meet each and every month. So although this event will only last for about 24-hours, it will absolutely be a deviation from from what we've experienced these last six months!
Since September, the two have been meeting in the sign of Gemini, which brought an influx of mental energy — thinking and communicating — to emotional and familial matters.
>> Now, you can expect to have your emotions stimulated rather than your mental faculties. That's because the Cancer archetype is deeply tenderhearted, defaulting to its feelings, not its thoughts.
Last week, a client messaged me saying, "Eileen, when is that shift coming??? Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Agggggg."
>> I feel that pretty hard, actually. How about you? Write me back and let me know if you're feeling the stirring yet!
The funny thing about change is that, sometimes, you don't even realize it's started. While this month may not be the big showy kind of shift you expected (or maybe it is?!), with hindsight, I can promise you that March 2023 will be a definitive moment in all our lives.
Until next week.
P.S. Are you subscribed to my YouTube channel? You can learn more about Pluto's transit through Aquarius in my 2023 Forecast video here, and more about the trine of Mars-Saturn here.