TONIGHT'S New Moon Eclipse!
The first eclipse of 2023 has arrived! Can you feel the electricity in the air?
Eclipses always fall under New or Full Moons. Tonight, we have a Double New Moon in Aries at 9.12pm PT.
It's a DOUBLE New Moon because it's actually the second New Moon in one month, which is quite unusual! There's typically only one New Moon each astrological season and the Double comes along only once every two to three years!
To boot, the Moon is anaretic at 29°. (I talked about anaretic degrees a while back when Pluto was at 29° Capricorn.)
You don't need to know astrological jargon to understand that this is an extremely potent degree of the zodiac.
So there are three noteworthy qualities to this lunation:
It's the second of two New Moons in one month
This one is at the intense 29° AND
It falls on one of the most significant days of the year (eclipse)
>> BTW, did you catch my Mars video last month? I detail why this planet is super important to us in 2023.
Because Aries is the sign ruled by Mars, we have the Aries–Mars archetype showing up in a big way again this year!
Let's review the power of the Ram so that you have a firm grasp on the defining qualities of this first eclipse of 2023.
As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries represents the masculine principle and the most basic instinct of life — to procreate. It's a very primal energy.
Its instinctual passion drives action — sometimes mindlessly. Although it represents raw instinct, it also symbolizes the pursuit to individuate; to experience life as a unique person.
It's mantra is "I Am." As such, Aries represents your Soul's RIGHT to be sovereign; the freedom to simply BE (here) and the courage to BECOME.
This is the warrior who will sacrifice herself in defense of any perceived injustice or threat.
Anger, rage, irritability and frustration fall under the Ram's domain. These emotions often arise when individual boundaries are violated or if there is fear of any kind of bondage (physical, financial, psychological and so forth).
We ALL have Mars and Aries in our charts somewhere. We ALL experience and express the need to individuate in a unique way. No one is immune to the lizard brain, the sexual impulse or fear and anger.
>> Under this eclipse, you're being given another opportunity to capitalize on TWO fruitful Aries New Moons in just one year! It's like hitting the jackpot, my friend!
Here are your New Moon solar eclipse prompts:
Where do you need to initiate a new beginning for yourself? Aries says absolutely NO more delaying!
If you're dragging your feet and refusing to take action then it's likely the eclipse is going to give you the push you've needed.
Where is fear holding you back in life? Have you been ignoring any nagging impulses?
I really can't be clearer here. JUST DO IT. (No, this is not a Nike endorsement. They just really nailed the Aries energy.)
Where are you stalled out from over-analysis or decision paralysis? Can you stop the thinking and just finally take action instead?
Aries isn't interested in perfection. It doesn't mind making mistakes. It would rather GO and DO than plan and be safe. (Borrring.)
Whatever mistakes are made can be worked out later. You gotta start sometime.
That time is preferably now, under this Double New Moon eclipse energy!
The AstroLogical Forecast!
That said, please also make time for self-care and rest the next few days after the big eclipse energies!
The Moon isn't in the best position on Friday. It meets with Mercury retrograde (Rx) and Uranus, which can make sensitive Luna feel a bit jittery and anxious (a fairly normal post-eclipse experience, regardless).
The Sun enters sloooow-moving Taurus on Thursday at 1.13am PT.
We'll dive deeper into the Taurus archetype next week. For now, be ready to downshift after another full throttle ride through Aries Season.
Friday, Mercury goes Rx in the sign of the Bull at 1.34am PT until May 14.
I don't love Mercury in Taurus because his usual quick-wit and swift movement is a bit stifled by the physicality of Taurus energy.
That said, Mercury's proximity, first to Uranus and Mars, then to Saturn, may help us out a bit the next few weeks.
>> For all the deets on the Mercury Rx, download my FREE Survival Guide here!
The Moon meets Venus in Gemini on Sunday.
This is sweet energy after the intensity of last week. You can expect to be feeling more social and may want to meet up with friends for a nurturing meal at home or in a quiet and restive spot.
The Sun in Taurus meets with the North Node of the Moon (the Destiny Point) on Moday.
My guess is that it will be around the 24th that we can see clearer the direction we're now headed after any significant eclipse events or news.
The next eclipse is Friday, May 5, so don't anticipate a huge shift of energies. The roller coaster is turning a corner and by early next week, will be slowing moving up for its next exhilarating plunge into the unknown.
How are you feeling during this potent moment, Inoah? I love a good eclipse report. Please write me back and give me the scoop!
Until next week, I'm wishing you well. Bonne courage!
P.S. Are you hesitant to schedule a consultation? If not, then why are you delaying? If yes, please let me know what questions or concerns you may have.