It's Time to Stop and ...
Well, eclipse reports have been rolling in these last days and reviews are mixed!
"This week was a shitshow. I got a whopping dose of rejection on Wednesday afternoon."
"I unexpectedly got a new job at a store where I've always thought, 'I wonder what it would be like to work there?' And, the pay is great!"
"I'm on my way to the hospital — for the second time [since the eclipse] — but that's only the tip of the iceberg."
"My week was good actually. With flavors of intensity mixed in."
"My stomach and mood have been upset since Wednesday."
This feedback really does show how each eclipse season is felt differently by everyone based on our unique astrology.
Regardless of how it plays out, INTENSITY is always a keyword since cosmic events seem to help us to come into greater alignment with our Soul's evolutionary intentions — whether events look and feel like they're happening for your highest good or not.
Also, I keep hearing some variation of, "I'm so tired." If you're feeling fatigued or exhausted, know that you're definitely not alone.
Have you been feeling like this?
We're now sandwiched between the first and second eclipse, which will shake down on Friday, May 5 at 10.34am PT. #underpressure
(I'll be elaborating on that Full Moon lunar eclipse more next week.)
We've also just transitioned from Aries to Taurus Season.
The slow-moving Bull can help us navigate eclipse season, not only because this is the energetic signature we're under, but because Taurus is the sign that represents our physical bodies.
And anytime we experience an influx of intensity, it's important to attend to the body.
So if you're feeling tired of overwhelmed, do what the Bull does best: Stand about smelling the flowers ... and eating.
I'm serious!
Taurus is a very earthy, sensual sign that delights in carnal pleasures. It's a perfect time to be lazy with friends and lovers, to eat delicious foods and just sit under the sun with the purpose of enjoying nature's bounty.
These relaxing activities will help you integrate anything that was provoked last week.
Here are a few Taurean-inspired inquiries to help you prepare for the next eclipse:
Do you reserve time in your schedule for nature?
Whether that's gardening, bird watching or eating a meal outside under the sky — when was the last time you literally stopped and smelled the roses?
What's your body saying to you right now?
Do a body scan of any duration. Where does your body need more care? Is it time to eat healthier? Get a massage? Is there chronic tension held in one part of your body that needs your attention?
(I'm pretty sure you just answered "yes," to all those questions, [[firstname]].)
Do you take time to rest and relax and to simply BE?
Are you running any stories about why you can't rest? Are you "shoulding" all over yourself because you've got a long to-do list or some other thing that prevents you from stopping? Does your frazzled pace serve as an escape from sitting with the emotion that will arise when quiet descends?
Taurus Season is asking you to slooooow down your pace; to come back into the body and root yourself firmly on Mama Earth.
Do you also need this rad retro reminder floating above your desk 24-7. Le sigh.
Get Down With The Cosmos! Align with the planetary energies for increased understanding and harmony in life.
At Work
It's a good time to scrutinize existing strategies and projects (at home, too).
We've got analytical Mercury (retrograde) right next to innovative Uranus this week, and both are making a favorable aspect over to Mars, the God of Action.
>> What have you overlooked? What tweaks are necessary to ensure the venture will be successful?
I don't recommend initiating anything new under an Rx; now's the time for your action-taking to be oriented toward review and revising.
In Love & Money
We've got three planets + the Destiny Point in the sign of Taurus. The Bull teaches one of life's most important lessons — how our values and our self-worth are intimately connected, especially in regard to our finances.
>> This influx of Taurean energy may inspire you to examine your bank account and budgets.
In terms of love, you may need to take some much-needed solitude to simply be with yourself. Or, make time for reconnecting with friends while doing relaxing or nature-oriented activities. #picnic
With Divine
Lord Pluto's now making a challenging aspect over to truth-seeker Jupiter.
>> It's time to get real with yourself. Pluto is after self-empowerment through transformation of all those things that make you feel ick.
Jupiter can reveal the root cause of your block — but only if you ask with a sincere and courageous heart.
Otherwise, during these next few weeks, you may find yourself entangled in those situations that perpetuate a cycle of victimization.
Don't fret over-much though. You get to choose your own adventure: Detour or fast track? Either way, Divine is the ultimate destination!
Reminder: Mercury is retrograde (Rx) through May 14. Have you downloaded my free Survival Guide yet? CLICK HERE TO GRAB IT!
>> As always, I want to hear from you. How's eclipse season treating you? Mercury Rx?
Wishing you a relaxing week in the sunshine.
P.S. I'm going to be announcing a new service for business professionals here shortly! If you identify as such (especially if you're an entrepreneur or business owner) and you're curious, then please write me back, and I'll be sure to give you the full scoop!