Discover the potential of your
unique astrology.

Let’s talk about

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Personal Consultations

Explore your horoscope so that you can understand yourself better and live a more fulfilled life.

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Relationship Compatibility

Better understand the evolutionary intentions of your relationship for maximum harmony.

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Many of my clients are on a spiritual or psycho-spiritual path and are closely examining specific life patterns or situations. I can provide more in-depth guidance or insight as you work to resolve these issues. Please contact me so that I may tailor our consultations to meet your needs.

Please Note: 1) Discount is only received when package is purchased at full price; 2) All sessions must be used within one-year of purchase date.


Four (4) Sessions
$775 ($825 value)

One 60-minute session and
Three 45-minute sessions

Three (3) Sessions
$585 ($625 value)

One 60-minute session and
Two 45-minute sessions

Two (2) Sessions
$395 ($425 value)

One 60-minute session and
One 45-minute session

$655 ($700 value)

Two 60-minute sessions (one per person) and
One 75-minute relationship consultation

Please schedule a complimentary clarity session to schedule your package or explore which option is best for you.

“I listened back to the recording and everything you said was spot-on, including for the coming year. It was awesome. Seriously, it blew my mind because you were so right! It was really helpful to listen to it again.”

— Nicole Gough

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Get It Now!

Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide

In this free audio, you'll learn three simple strategies for navigating the pitfalls of Mercury retrograde so that you can be your best self with less stress and more success!