🍏 Can You Feel it?
Last week at Music From The Cosmos, I talked about Virgo Season and how when the astrology shifts, we can tangibly feel that the energy around us is different, too. ♍
But because we're such a mental culture — always defaulting to the mind and its thoughts — we often don't even realize that we feel different; that the tide of energy has turned. We're often subconsciously interacting with the new cycle without consciously using it to our advantage.
I asked event attendees, and now you: Can you attune to what the new energy feels like in your body and how it's presenting in your life?
Virgo energy is all about being healthy, not just physically, but in all ways. Virgo wants everything around her to flow harmoniously. One of my teachers calls it "healthy function." 🍏
I love this phrase because it speaks to Virgo's unique ability to create spaces, lifestyles, business models, health regimens and spiritual practices (and a million other things) in a way that allows for optimal productivity and flow. 📈
One way this energy presents is through the impulse to declutter and polish. Cleaning is one of the ways that we can exert control over lives when there is little, if any, real control to be had!
Have you had a bee in your bonnet these last few weeks, motivating you to tidy-up or take action to clear out something that was stagnating?
One event attendee reported that he had a sudden urge to clean out his van. Apparently, he almost never cleans his van! 🚎
This is how the astrology presents. When we're aligned with the cycles — and further, how we're personally influenced by them — we can navigate life with greater understanding and harmony.
On the surface, cleaning may not seem like the most compelling example for why you would want to use astrology in your daily life! But consider that Virgo is the sign of the Mind-Body-Spirit.
She says, "That's not working. Gross. Let's purge and make it better, so that something healthier can enter in." When we tidy our space, we're clearing out old energy and opening the door for something new. 🐦
>> So that impulse to clean the van, rid yourself of unwanted objects or finally start cutting back on sugar? These aren't just thoughts and actions. They're examples of your Mind-Body-Spirit attuning to a new and felt energy. 💥
It's a demonstrative communication to Divine: "I'm making space for you to enter in."
Likewise, when you come to me for an astrological consultation or when you read this email, you're getting a snapshot of the great cosmic mysteries. You're taking action to attune to something "out there" that is reflecting back what's already inside of you. 🕊
But these snippets don't hold you in a container that helps you consistently align with your Soul's evolutionary intentions. You get a taste of better self-understanding and then soon, you go back to the mundane routines that have come to define your life.
A consultation, weekly emails and the like are great and necessary starting points — but they aren't enough to create the bigger shift you're craving.
Some of us want more freedom, some of us want more money, some of us want better boundaries. It doesn't really matter what you're seeking. I can tell you, though, if you're intrigued by astrology, the impulse toward evolution is active in your system. 🙌
That's why I created the Astrological Guidance Circle. When we come together as a group that's interested in a common purpose, our transformation is accelerated.
Group exploration is powerful.
🐰 You're reading this email, which is a testament that you've either fallen down, or are deeply enamored by, the astrological rabbit hole.
Please join me this Thursday evening to explore how the ancient wisdom of astrology can facilitate self-understanding and help you align with Divine — on an ongoing basis.
If you don't have a spiritual practice, but are interested in what that means and how to cultivate one, then this is also the place for you! 🦋
>> Click here for all the details, including how to participate remotely.
Did you have any defining moments last week that really marked the end of Venus retrograde on Sunday? 😍
Usually, when something important has happened with the astrology, it's also reflected in our lives somehow.
Where I live, we had three days of near-winter weather when it's typically still in the upper 80°s. It's not just that the weather suddenly changed and much earlier than usual — it now feels like we're in an entirely new season. So the storm was a kind of demarcation of chapters. 🍁
Does it feel like you've entered a new cycle?
⚡ 🪐We still have a whopping five retrograde (Rx) planets: Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
When a planet is Rx, the symbolism is clear: The energies are working counter to their optimal expression. This isn't a bad thing, nor does it signify that there's something wrong. 😮
Indeed, retrogrades gives us an opportunity to rest and reflect rather than constantly moving forward.
That said, if we're not aligned with and accepting that this is a period of integration, then we can experience frustration and other feelings of stagnation or even failure ...
One by one, the planets leave their Rx over the next few months.
>> In the meantime, if you're not making the progress you'd like to see, if you're sleep is wonky or if you're feeling overly emotional (to name but a few) — you're not alone. This many retrogrades at once can feel like a long slog.
🌞♍ On Wednesday and Thursday, the Sun in Virgo is making a harmonious trine over to Jupiter in Taurus.
This too-brief transit is marked by an increase in optimism and general happiness. Problems find solutions and your joy for life is renewed. You'll find your faith is stronger than usual, and you have the energy to dream and act big.
⚠ Take care not to overdue it, though, as Jupiter in Taurus loves to delight in the sensual pleasures. Watch out for over-indulgence of all kinds. If you feel the need to "go big," then let it be in service of Virgo's healthy function.
>> It's a great time to tackle or initiate something of importance, as you'll have the energy required. If such a project involves multiple parties, you'll find everyone is more receptive than usual to working together for mutual benefit.
I love a nice Jupiter transit! 🤩
Enjoy the more exuberant energy these next few days. And thanks, as always, for reading. I'm wishing you a delightful week ahead.