🌙 ♊ New Moon in Gemini + Gifts from Venus

Howdy Friend!

We've got a New Moon Thursday morning at 5.37am PT in the sign of curious Gemini. I'll give you some prompts for where to focus your attention during this lunation later in the digest. 🌙 ♊

But first, I want to chat a bit about charming Venus, because she's prominent in this week's astrology, including under the New Moon.

Just yesterday, Venus had her annual meeting with the Sun and will stay close for the remainder of the week. She is the Goddess of Love and Beauty (think Aphrodite). Broadly, she represents the following important archetypes:

💜 Relationships

💎 Values

💰 Resources

But just as importantly, she represents how we magnetize what we want into our lives — especially how we attract relationships and material wealth.

When Venus meets the Sun, her energy is accentuated. The Sun's power and magnitude engulfs and radiates her energies outward beyond her usual capacities. ☀️

In Gemini, she's flirtatious and curious. She values learning something new and being social.

But keep in mind that in the sign of the Twins, her interpersonal interactions aren't particularly meaningful — she's more interested in chatting with everyone at the party rather than sitting in the corner with one person and connecting deeply. 💃

What does this mean for your personal life?

Well, to forecast with any accuracy, we would need to look at this aspect and how it's interacting with your personal horoscope. But generally speaking, we can anticipate that Venus's attractiveness is exaggerated now. 😍

Interestingly though, while her planetary archetypes are emphasized, she's also making a tricky square over to karmic Saturn, who demands accountability.

I like to think of Saturn as the drill sergeant, inspector or parent who comes to assess whether you've passed the test. He's got a clipboard in hand, and he's going to do a thorough review, my friend! 📋

In this instance, the test subject has to do with Gemini's archetypes. But note that it's not just Venus in hard aspect to Saturn, but the Sun and New Moon, as well!

So while this lunation may be emphasizing Venus's charisma, the astrology is also indicating that we need to take responsibility for how we magnetize what we need and desire.

Here's some contemplations for you to work with these energies:

🌙 ♊ Are you in alignment with both how and what you attract?

In Gemini, Venus is flirty and fickle. Under this New Moon, Saturn asks you to take stock of the reasons you want what you want, as well as the tactics you employ to get it.

>> Are your values aligned with how you pursue your desire or are you being insincere? For example, maybe you're using charm or physical attraction to coax or manipulate? Or perhaps you're getting what you want, but then using it in a way that's out of integrity for you personally or within relationship or as it regards your finances?

🌙 ♊ Do you feel like you're lacking knowledge or feeling insecure in some arena of your life?

Venus represents our self-worth. In a tricky aspect to Saturn, she's reflecting back that there may be something contributing to a decreased sense of self-value.

>> Because the New Moon is in Gemini, the sign of the student, as well as our perceptions, it's an excellent time to pursue a new course of study or embrace a mindset shift that brings greater empowerment.

🌙 ♊ In what areas of your life do you feel like you can magnetize what you want with ease? Where do you feel stymied? Make a list!

Contemplate whether the harmony or dis-ease you're feeling in your life is only in your mind or also reflected in external events and situations. What's the correlation between the two? 📝

>> The New Moon can offer an amazing opportunity to start fresh. Venus says, "I'll help you magnetize the harmony you crave," and Saturn helps you master a new way of thinking and speaking (Gemini) about what you value so that you feel worthy of receiving.

We've got two more weeks until the summer solstice. Although it's nothing to fear, we do have some tricky astrology as we move through the final two weeks of Gemini Season.

The cosmic activity will emphasize where we aren't seeing things clearly or areas of life where we feel like we can't make progress. 😖

This New Moon provides the opportunity to preempt and understand those frustrations by embracing the need for a shift of perspective. (Read last week's AstroLogical for more on that.)

Sometimes, a mindset shift can come fast and furious with a powerful insight. Other times, we have to commit and exercise diligence in making desired changes.

Venus's powerful position with the Sun and Saturn this week indicates that if you want it bad enough and you're willing to put in the effort, then you're sure to make progress aligning with your values to attract what you desire.

The AstroLogical Forecast!

🌙 🤩 Today, Wednesday, we'll wake up to the monthly meeting of the Moon and Jupiter. This go-round, the Moon in Gemini is also conjunct Mercury.

Expect to have a day of fun, probably with friends or otherwise doing something social. Even if it's the typical workday, it's likely to go smoother than usual.

🌙 ♊
MONTHLY ASTROLOGICAL GUIDANCE CIRCLE on Thursday from 6.30-8pm at Inner Path in Nevada City!

If you haven't joined us before, this will be the perfect first-time, because the New Moon guarantees a lighthearted and stimulating evening. If you're a regular, then expect more than the usual fun! 😍

>> Click here to learn more or to register!

🔱 Friday, the sweet Moon in the final degrees of Gemini will make a challenging square over to sensitive Neptune.

Although this happens quite early at 5.16am PT, you may find your sleep is interrupted or you have some interesting dreams. This energy can also leave a bit of a tenderheartedness or emotional sensitivity.

>> A creative project, meditation or helping another are all excellent remedies if you find you're more sensitive than usual on Friday.

Weekend Update

☀️ 💜 The Sun and Venus will continue that uncomfortable square over to Saturn through the weekend, so expect that your New Moon contemplations to be thoroughly reviewed.

🌙 ♋ Thankfully, the Moon moves into nurturing Cancer and makes a happy aspect over to both Saturn and Uranus.

>> Being productive will help transmute any heavy energies so that you aren't weighed down with anxieties. Sticking close to home, completing domestic chores or nurturing yourself and family are all good remedies.

🔥 ♉ Fierce Mars moves into sensual Taurus Saturday evening at 9.34pm PT and squares off with powerful Pluto in Aquarius through Tuesday.

Be cautious, my friend!! This is very intense energy. Mars can be explosive and angry in this aspect to Pluto, feeling that he is trapped by powers or forces beyond his control.

>> Exercise and find ways to blow off steam. Understand that this energy will pass in a few days, so don't let Mars' impulsivity provoke you into taking action you might later forget.

⚠️ If there are any people or situations in your life that are volatile, avoid them until later in the week if at all possible. If it's not, use your willpower to respond rather than react.

Thankfully, optimistic Jupiter is in the mix. Have faith, be playful and call on spiritual wisdom to help you navigate any frustrations that may arise. Jupiter will help mellow the vibe a bit. 🕊️

Next week, I will dive into what we can expect with Mars' stay in Taurus and how we can best utilize the steady, fixed energies of the Bull to make progress on our goals.

Here’s something to keep in mind about Venus's elevated position this week.

When I use the word "magnetize," I'm not talking about manifestation. Magnetizing infers that you are a match for something and that you have the inherent ability to attract that match, just as our feline friends naturally love the catnip. 😻

The sign and placement of Venus in your personal astrology denotes your personal magnetism and abilities to attract (what's your version of catnip?), including relationships and resources.

Manifestation, on the other hand, implies that you can create whatever you want through conscious attention or focus. In my experience and that of my clients', manifestation is a lot of New Age blah blah blah that's simply not possible for everyone. 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️

If you want to better understand what Venus reveals about how you can improve your interpersonal and financial harmony, then click here to schedule a consultation with me.

May you receive all of Venus's many blessings my friend!



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Need Some Momentum? Mars is in Taurus! 🔥♉


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