πŸ“« Delivery from the Cosmic Messenger!

Howdy Friend!

This week, you'll definitely notice that we're firmly in Gemini Season, as we'll soon have four planets in this social air sign.

You're likely to feel it as a breath of fresh air, like the gift of a cooling breeze on a hot or stagnant day. πŸ’¨

I've been getting lots of, "I feel MEH" reports, so if you fall into this category, take heart β€” that's likely to shift over the next few days!

Mercury β€” and Gemini β€” LOVE to talk, learn something new and then talk some more (usually about that new thing).

And hey, guess what? We all have Mercury and Gemini in our charts somewhere!

This archetype helps us understand our Soul's evolutionary intentions in regard to our perceptions, personal narratives, communication and using our voice effectively and authentically (among many other things). πŸ’¬

It also shows us the quality of our mental health, because fundamentally, it represents the mind.

And of course, what we think impacts what we speak and how we behave β€” or not β€” for better or worse. πŸ’­

And boy, can that be difficult at different times and in different situations, am I right? Sometimes, that's an ongoing challenge for folks, especially in our people-pleasing culture.

Most notable this week is that Messenger Mercury will aspect all three outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) in just a few short days as he moves from Taurus into Gemini (on Monday). ♉ β™Š

A major shift of perspective is forthcoming, my friend! (This shift is outlined more in the below forecast.)

The planet that "rules" the sign of Gemini is the notorious Cosmic Trickster, Mercury β€” of the infamous Mercury retrograde. On Monday, June 3, Mercury moves into his home sign of Gemini at 12.36am PT. He LOVES to be in this sign, as this is where he's best able to embody this archetype. πŸ’₯

Here's some Gemini-themed contemplations for you to help you communicate and use your voice with authenticity:

β™Š How honest are you?

No, really. A lot of folks think "white lies" are ok, or lying is just a matter of habit. 😱

>> Now's a real good time to observe when you feel an impulse to fudge the truth a bit or just outright lie. When and why do you do this? What's the underlying cause?

β™Š Do you feel safe expressing yourself?

Dovetailing off the above question β€” do you feel free and empowered to use your voice authentically? πŸ¦‹

>> Do you feel more comfortable with some people or in certain situations? When, where and why do you feel truly free to express yourself?

β™Š Got a frog in your throat? Anything stuck and left unexpressed?

A lot of people move through life without really sharing what's on their mind and in their heart. Fear, shame and guilt are just a few of the reasons you might be swallowing words or feelings that are better expressed. 🐸

>> If you could say anything you wanted to someone β€” completely uncensored β€” what would it be? It might be time to review what's going left unsaid and why. How's that affecting the health of your Mind-Body-Spirit?

During Gemini Season, you can make a lot of spiritual headway by putting pen to paper and investigating what's going on in your mind.

Journaling can help you explore your subconscious in a way that thinking alone does not allow. ✍️

Plus, you can write out whatever needs to be expressed, since it's not always beneficial or possible to speak directly to others about such things.

⚑ The AstroLogical Forecast! ⚑

There's too much going on this week to capture everything, but I've listed the big highlights for you here!

πŸ’Œ ♉ Messenger Mercury is still in Taurus and will meet with Electrifying Uranus on Thursday evening at 10.54pm PT.

Here's a few ways this could play out between now and Friday. You may:

⚑Be on the receiving end of surprising news or an unexpected message

⚑Feel frenetic, anxious, excited or experience racing thoughts, etc.

⚑ Be gifted an ah-ha moment, epiphany or futuristic visions

>> No matter how you experience it, the conjunction of Mercury and Uranus can be a mentally stimulating time. Meditation, exercise and nature will help you stay grounded and focus the mind.

πŸ’Œ πŸ”± This weekend, during his final days in Taurus, Mercury makes a lovely aspect over to dreamy Neptune.

That Mercury-Uranus shift can help you bring a more compassionate approach to your affairs. Also, romance is in the air! πŸ’˜

>> Be careful that you don't overindulge in fantasy, though. A good use of this energy is to make art, root around in the garden or to finally make amends with someone with whom you've been at odds.

You're worthy of unconditional love, my friend.

πŸ’Œ β™Š Mercury joins the Sun, Venus and Jupiter in Gemini just after midnight Monday morning. If you aren't already feeling the Twins' vibes then you definitely will then!

Mercury will also be making a harmonious trine over to Lord Pluto through Tuesday, giving you a boost to learn, think or communicate in a way that empowers yourself and others. 🐍

This aspect is exaggerated because Pluto in Aquarius is also in trine to Jolly Jupiter in Gemini. Pluto is a super intense energy, but with Jupiter's influence, optimism and faith may well cut straight through the darkness. πŸ”₯

β˜€οΈπŸ§­ What's your vision for the future? Tuesday provides a juicy opportunity to tap into your creative potential and align with your Life Purpose.

At 3.23am PT, Mercury meets Jupiter in the former's home sign of Gemini for the first time in 12 years. β™Š

Then a few hours later, the Sun and Venus in Gemini meet at 8.33am PT and form an uplifting aspect over to the Destiny Point (North Node) in Aries. β™ˆ

>> This week, if there's something you want to think differently about; if you want to reconnect with God; express yourself more creatively or simply bolster your sense of self-worth, then now's the time to attune to and harness the cosmic energies for a powerful effect.

One resource I recommend for working with this energy and helping you make a shift of perspective and/or to liberate you from painful thoughts is Byron Katie's book, Loving What Is.

I discovered Katie about eight years ago while traveling through the French Pyrenees. I spent a week under a blue sky breathing mountain air and basically transforming my entire life with one little book. (I'm not exaggerating, it's truly life changing.) πŸ•ŠοΈ

I continue to use Katie's "The Work" on a regular basis and most especially when a major judgment or painful thought arises. I wrote a blog post about it a while back, which you can read here. If you want to buy her book, then click here.

I really can't recommend it enough.



P.S. Event Update: Mark your calendar for Thursday, June 6! πŸŒ™ β™Š

Next week is the monthly Astrological Guidance Circle! I'm super excited about this meeting because we'll be under a New Moon in friendly Gemini.

If you haven't joined us before, this will be the perfect first-time, because the New Moon guarantees a lighthearted and stimulating evening. If you're a regular, then expect more than the usual fun! 🀩

>> Click here to learn more or to register!


πŸŒ™ β™Š New Moon in Gemini + Gifts from Venus


The Jupiter Edition 🀩