A Full Moon + An Event That Happens Only Once Every 13 Years!

How are you this week? 

In my last email, I mentioned the big meeting (conjunction) of Jupiter and Neptune. That happened yesterday morning!

>> How are you feeling? What did you experience? PLEASE WRITE ME BACK AND LET ME KNOW!!

Up next is a Full Moon in Libra this Saturday, April 16 at 11.55am PT.

Although the conjunction has officially taken place, we're still under this energy through the week, which makes this Full Moon even juicier than usual.

Let's chat about the lunation first.

We're in Aries Season, so the Full Moon is in the opposite zodiac sign (Libra).

Full Moons bring culminations through the light of awareness. You'll be culminating a six-month cycle that began around October 20 (when the Sun was in Libra and the Full Moon in Aries).

Most significantly, the Aries-Libra polarity is about finding balance between oneself and relationship. "Teamwork" and "friendship" are great keywords for this Full Moon.

So what happens with the light of the Sun in Aries illuminates the Moon in Libra?

Generally, you'll find yourself really focused on relationships for a few days, with possible awareness arising around imbalances.

Where can you bring more Aries assertiveness (less co-dependence) to your relationships for the benefit of all parties? 

Peace and harmony in interpersonal relationships is great, but not if it comes at the expense of your internal equilibrium! Maybe it's time to find healthy expression of some pent up anger or even passion??

Could one of your relationships benefit from Libran grace and diplomacy (or teamwork)?

Now is the time to make amends. Do you need to issue an outstanding apology? How about finding a way to express your gratitude for another in their love language? The time is ripe for your overture to be received.

 Do you have a friend who loves you just as you are? Who do you love unconditionally? 

Aries has some rather hotheaded characteristics that can get it into trouble, whereas Libra is the Nice Girl. But I know you know the truth — both the ugly and the good live inside each of us.

Where can you bring more acceptance and understanding to yourself and others so that you can better integrate the full spectrum of your personality?

Okay, now that you've got the lay of the land for the Full Moon, let's head back on over to that big conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune.

This celestial event is really important because, although the two planets come together every 13 years, it hasn't happened in the sign of Pisces for nearly 200 years!

There are three planets in Pisces right now (that's a lot).

Pisces is compassionate and loving, but can also get lost in dreaming or find itself confused between reality and idealism.

You'll want to really tap into the Libran balance and objective reasoning of this Full Moon because all the Pisces energy can cause confusion. 
>> Setting an intention for how you want to navigate this energy will help you with the quality of your experience.

You can use this energy to dream BIG and to take action on those dreams.

As I said last week, your action doesn't have to be grandiose to be meaningful.

Overall, the energy of this week is supporting your growth. If you make an effort, you'll find it rewarded.

Finally, we've now entered the final week of Aries Season!

You know when you're at an amusement park and the roller coaster abruptly ends? Then overhead, an employee announces that you should remain seated until the ride has come to a complete stop and your restraining device has lifted?

You can expect next week to feel a little bit like that, as we transition from Aries to Taurus Season!

The roller coaster is coming back to full stop. Take a deep breath and chuckle at enduring the ride.

Soon, we'll be moving on to the placid tranquility of Taurus Season! Huzzah!

P.S. Eclipse Season is coming at the end of this month! Eclipses portend unexpected surprises. Want to know in what area of your life you can expect to be feeling it?



Bringing Spirit Into Your Life


This Week, Choose Courage Over Fear!