Bringing Spirit Into Your Life

Did you feel the roller coaster come to a sudden halt when the Sun moved into Taurus last night?

You're going to want to enjoy the relative post-Aries calm while you can, because we've got some big astrology coming in the next few weeks with multiple eclipses and everyone's favorite — Mercury retrograde!

I'll give you more details in my email next week, but for now, let's focus on what you can expect while the Sun is in the sign of the bull! 

Mindless eating

          Pleasure seeking

                    Focusing on finances

Joking not joking!

Taurus is the first of three earth signs (Virgo and Capricorn are the other two) and is strongly associated with the material world of form — those tangible things you can touch and hold and take pleasure or comfort in.

So let's start with its first Spiritual Keynote: Embodying Spirit.

I use the term "embodying" intentionally because Taurus actually represents the most fundamental aspect of our lives here on Earth: We possess a human body. 

Our bodies have a biological need to eat, sleep, have sex (procreate) and otherwise seek both refuge and pleasure from our environment — all Taurean themes.

("Morning" by Isabel Codrington depicts Taurus oh-so-well.)

Plus, Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus, the Goddess of Love and Beauty.

Venus brings sensuality and harmony into the material world and how we partcipate with or express ourselves in the world of form.

When we luxuriate in sensual pleasures like the taste of champagne, a supremely soft blanket or the embrace of a beloved, we are experiencing the physical expression of Taurus's Venusian energy.

Throughout this month, then, you may become more aware of your body and the physical world around you, like:

  • Your most basic human needs for survival and how you feel about 'em (Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs)

  • An increased desire for physical pleasure (now's the time to schedule a date night with yourself or another!)

  • An increased desire to be in nature (whether that's a picnic in the park or a big project to cultivate a food garden)

What's most magical about Taurus energy is that it's attuned to the Divine all around us in the world of form.

And we have a tendency to overlook that which is most obvious, right? (Hello, looking for sunglasses that are on your head!)

That includes our physical bodies too, since we carry them around with us 24-7.

(Check out the gorgeous symmetry of this flower that lives in a close friend's garden.)

Taurus doesn't just perceive through the senses — it also revels in the joys of our physical reality.

The Divine is perceived when saving the life of an earthworm, who requires the same cosmic "stuff" needed by our own human bodies to survive.

The Divine is seen in the sacred geometry of a flower you grow. It also requires the cosmos to exist.

As my teacher likes to say, "One blade of grass does not exist without the entire cosmos. Even one blade of grass is dependent on the cosmos to come into being."

Taurus gives thanks to Creator for bestowing a delicious, gorgeous, harmonious environment and a body that's meant to navigate it.

So if you're looking to cultivate a relationship with Divine, then I encourage you to bring conscious awareness to how you interact with both your body and the environment.

Can you see or sense Spirit flowing through your body and the Earth body and all her creatures?

This Taurus Season, take time to be alone with yourself and with nature so that you can reconnect with and embody the Spirit that permeates all life.

>> WRITE ME BACK and let me know about a time you experienced Embodied Spirit — in nature or in solitude! Conversations like this are my jam!

Next week, I'll be coming atchya with details about Eclipse Season (hint: i-n-t-e-n-s-e).

P.S. Eclipse Season is coming at the end of this month! Eclipses portend unexpected surprises. Want to know in what area of your life you can expect to be feeling it?



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