This Week, Choose Courage Over Fear!

In this email, I'ma tell you about another of the Aries Spiritual Keynotes, as well as a dreamy planetary alignment that happens only once every 13 years!

A good friend of mine had a birthday this last week, and I spent soooo much time at the party talking astrology to d@mn near everyone (of course)!

Unbeknownst to most, the conversation kept turning to the ram's archetypes, specifically the Spiritual Keynote COURAGE.

As the warrior of the zodiac, Aries isn't just courageous, it's also arrogant. It really believes that it's the best.

In fact, it's so inspired to act on its impulses and desires, and the conviction in self is so strong that it doesn't really stop to consider that it may not work out as intended.

(And I mean, really, how could something as marvelous as the Aries fail? That would be ridiculous.)

Although I'm poking fun here, the point is still super important: Aries Season is the time to find your Courage.

Many of the astro conversations I had focused on folks telling me about their desires and dreams — whether it was in the realm of career, relationship or self-growth.

I noticed that most of these people shared something in common — there was more talk than action; more dreaming than risk-taking.

And this isn't a criticism because obviously it's much easier — and sometimes more immediately satisfying, even — to dream about your dream than to live your dream.

Often, what you want the most can also scare the sh*t out of you, right?!

But as I've been saying for a few weeks now: Aries Season is the perfect time to take action on your desire.

Let's be clear here so that you can access the bravery I know you've got.

Courage is not the lack of fear. Courage is actually about taking action or finding strength despite being frightened.

So what can you do if you're afraid — whether that fear is small and quietly nagging you into stagnation or huge and paralyzing?

While I don't have a one-size-fits-all answer to overcoming fear, I do know from personal experience, and from working with my clients, that there seems to be a common starting point:


Just bringing awareness to fear requires Courage. You must be brave to acknowledge to yourself or another that you're actually afraid.

It's a bit like looking under the bed for the monster that's paralyzing you.

Once you realize your fear lives mostly inside your mind instead of in the external world, you can find the Courage to take action on your desires. 

So, it's time to at least be real with yourself: What do you fear?

>> If you're brave enough, please write me back and name it!

Alternatively, I would equally love to hear about a time you busted out some Aries Courage and slayed your fear!

I'm going to leave you with some more motivation to find your courage and take action this Aries Season ...

This Tuesday, April 12, the planets Jupiter and Neptune come together (conjunct) in the same sign.

(Since this only happens once every 13 years, even if you live to be 100 years old, you will experience this dreamy energy only seven times!)

What does that mean?

Jupiter (think Sagittarius) represents: 

  • Truth

  • Faith

  • Freedom

Neptune (think Pisces) represents: 

  • Transcendence

  • Compassion

  • Imagination (or fantasy)

Although this juicy aspect will play out differently for each person based on their unique astrology, you can expect that you will have an experience that incorporates these archetypes alongside the backdrop of Aries Season.

The energy of this aspect is supporting your growth and will ensure that if you make an effort, you'll find it rewarded.

  • Maybe you'll access some self-compassion around the truth of what's holding you back from bravely following your desires.

  • Perhaps you'll find faith in what you previously thought was only a fantasy and take action to make it a reality.

  • Or maybe you'll transcend your fear and feel a real sense of freedom to be yourself without apology.

Regardless of how it plays out for you, you can use this energy to dream BIG and to take action on those dreams.

The good news is that your action doesn't have to be grandiose to be meaningful.

After all, your greatest accomplishments began with the simplest, most mundane tasks that then paved the way to success.

In other words: No more thinking and no more blah blah blah. Just do it already. (For real tho.)

Alright my friend, I will catch ya next week. Ciao ciao for now.

P.S. Need help accessing your courage? Good news! Your astrology's got the answers.



A Full Moon + An Event That Happens Only Once Every 13 Years!


Thursday's New Moon in Aries