πŸŽ‰ Happy Astrological New Year!

Hiya Astro Enthusiast!

Did you feel it?! Last night at 8.06pm PT, the Sun moved into Aries, officially kicking off the Astrological New Year! β™ˆ

The sign of the Ram is not joking around. It moves full steam ahead and isn't interested in sitting back and observing. Get ready for some pep in your step and renewed gusto after the long winter months.

Aries Season is a literal and picturesque reminder that no matter how cold and bleak the winters of our lives can be, they are always followed by a time of optimism and vibrant rebirth. 🌷🐣🌷

Since Mercury is also going retrograde (Rx) in two weeks, we can expect Aries Season to be a bit zany!

The Ram tends to be good natured and yet hotheaded. This Mercury Rx you may take his wily antics in stride or ... need to blow off some steam because the God of Communication is really just insanely infuriating sometimes. 😀

>> If you've been considering a new exercise routine, picking up a martial art or kickboxing, now would be a good time to make good on any activity that can help you channel your anger in a healthy way.

Have you ever wondered why the traditional New Year begins at the start of winter?

This never made much sense to me. I mean, who feels like celebrating anything when it's cold and rainy outside and your body is telling you to eat ALL the carbs and bury yourself in ALL the blankets? #Hibernate 😴

Ironically, the people with the most energy for celebrating a January 31st New Year's are probably those with tons of Aries (or fire) in their horoscope! πŸ˜†

With that in mind, here's your inquiries for the week:

β™ˆ So now that the Sun has actually emerged and our bodies are actually wanting to be outside again, what are you going to do with this energy?

Generally, are you attuned to cycles of energy within your own body and life, as well as those that are cyclical, like the seasons? Where does the spring equinox fall into the cycles of your personal life?

β™ˆ If the mainstream New Year was TODAY, how would you be thinking about the year ahead?

I think resolutions are rarely useful, but a new cycle does have a way of getting us to reflect and shift perspectives. What's your version of a resolution? If you could restart the year, what would you do the same? Differently?

β™ˆ Finally, since Aries is practically synonymous with "take action," I want you to pull up your calendar right now and note the upcoming eclipse dates.

>> If possible, block off these days as personal days when you can attend to taking action on whatever arose in the above inquiry.

πŸŒ• Monday, March 25: Full Moon lunar eclipse

πŸŒ™ Monday, April 8: New Moon total solar eclipse (yes, we'll have partial visibility on the West Coast, so get your eclipse glasses ready!)

It's best to stay home and be quiet(er) on eclipses, so if you're able, attend primarily to your personal affairs. Or, maybe you’ll want to join us at the weekly Community Meditation I host every Monday evening at Inner Path?


πŸŒ™ 🀩 The equinox chart is interesting! Luna is in romantic Leo, making a beautiful aspect (trine) to the Sun in Aries. This balance of masculine and feminine energies indicates a harmonious start to the New Year!

πŸŒ™πŸ’€ But, upon closer examination, we find the Moon is also opposing heavyweight Pluto. Although spring has lightened the mood, you may still be dealing with some internal struggles.

>> Are you in the midst of an emotional transition?

β˜€οΈπŸ’€ That said, Pluto is in harmonious aspect (sextile) to the Sun, so if you're experiencing an emotional tug-of-war, you'll also have the energy and insight you need to get to the heart of the matter and benefit from potential insights.

>> In short: Treasure lies waiting if you make the effort to mine it β€” and if you maintain a positive mindset. If you struggle or go unconscious in the face of rising internal tensions, you're likely to miss out on some lucrative insights. πŸ’Ž

πŸ’œπŸͺ Lovely Venus is next to Responsible Saturn (in Pisces) and making happy aspects over to Jolly Jupiter (in Taurus).

When Saturn and Venus come together, we're being given the opportunity to re-evaluate our values β€” and our resources. Good times.

Are you feeling like your fun is being curtailed by your workload or limited finances? Or maybe you're wanting or expecting some change in these arenas? 🚫

>> If you want more than you have, or if you're grateful for a change in situation, then consider making a philanthropic gift as a physical demonstration of your faith in abundance.

I've heard countless stories of folks swearing by the power of tithing β€” especially to favorably improve one's financial situation. The trick, of course, is to give from a space of love and not from expectation.

πŸŒ• β™Ž At midnight on Monday morning, we have a Full Moon lunar eclipse in the sign of Libra, kicking off the first of two eclipse seasons in 2024.

As eclipse charts go, this one is unusually gentle. There's a beautiful trine between the Moon in Libra and transformative Pluto.

>> Your meditation for today should be on the ongoing balancing act that is caring for yourself and meeting your own needs while also taking the needs of others into consideration.

You're likely to uncover some important information about your relationship dynamics. But rather than being smacked upside the head with your defaults, it's more likely to be a revelation that unfolds naturally from within. πŸ¦‹

As is always the case with eclipses, you should take it easy. Attend to your diet, spiritual practice and self-care. Avoid mind-altering substances and crowds. If you can stay home, do so.

Happy Astrological New Year, firstname! I hope it's an enjoyable day! Please send me your eclipse report on Monday. I would love to hear how this week plays out for you. πŸ’Œ

With love,


P.S. Don’t forget! I’ve got a fantastic freebies you can grab by clicking here, including a Mercury Retrograde Survival Guide and a Digital Calendar that you can add to your own electronic calendar so you never miss the year’s juciest cosmic dates (like the eclipses)!

Ooh la la, don’t miss out! Grab ’em now. πŸ“


How’s Your Eclipse Sandwich Tasting?


A Holiday Circus πŸ’