Beware The Scorpion's Sting This Scorpio Season!

In the spirit of Tricks and Treats, I was intentionally misleading you with that subject line. But, I wanted to make a point:

As astrology gains in popularity, so too do the stereotypes and misunderstandings about this ancient wisdom tradition.

The most pervasive stereotype I’ve encountered about astrology is that Scorpios are “worse” than other signs. Le sigh.

>> LET'S SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT: There are no signs that are better than any others. Nope. There just aren’t. 

Because each sign represents a different aspect of human experience, also known as an “archetype.”

What does that mean?

It means that Scorpionic archetypes are universal to the lived experiences of all humans, across cultures.

Although Scorpios may have a more intense experience and expression of these characteristics, you too will express Scorpio energy in some way.

Yep! It’s true! It’s true that each one of us expresses traits of all 12 astrological signs and the archetypes they represent.   

We just concluded Libra Season where our concern and energy was placed on our interpersonal relationships.

Although Scorpio is still very much concerned with its relationships, it is even more concerned with outgrowing situations that inflict pain.

It’s no coincidence then that our relationships (Libra) are the arena where we sometimes experience a lot of suffering. And suffering is often an excellent stimulant to self-growth (Scorpio).

The core of the Scorpio archetype — for all people — is the need for self-empowerment. 

Scorpio energy makes us aware of how we dis-empower ourselves or allow others to do so.

Here’s how that may play out in your life: 

  • Through crises that show you something needs to be changed

  • By having difficult relationship experiences in which you feel a sense of rejection, abandonment or betrayal.

  • Through the recognition of your personal limitations, which each person has.

Yuck! Poor Scorpio. No wonder it's often the most rejected sign.

Scorpio asks you to dive deep into your inner landscape to probe and analyze your self-sabotaging tendencies — all those things you really, really don't want to go through again.

Where once we felt caged by your own experiences of life, Scorpio can bring about a new sense of empowerment.

Obviously, I am touching on the positive side of Scorpio energy and not so much those aspects that have given it a bad reputation, such as being secretive, vengeful, and/or manipulative.

But the point should be clear: Scorpio is neither good nor bad — it simply expresses another spectrum of your human experience like each of the zodiac signs does.  

This October 31, I hope you will embrace and honor the Scorpionic archetype — with all its darkness, deception (costumes!), and fright!
... This is the realm of your Soul's transformation! (Ooh la la, now that's juicy!) My next email will cover this terrain more.

P.S. Want to know how much Scorpio you've got?

Schedule a consultation with me today.


Crying is to be expected ....


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