Crying is to be expected ....

This Thursday, November 4, we have a New Moon in Scorpio. Scorpio is associated with transformation, self-empowerment and the soul.

You’ll remember from my last email that even if you’re not a Scorpio, you’ve got Scorpio energy somewhere in your personal horoscope! And that’s where this New Moon will be falling for you — wherever the Scorpio house is in your chart.

Scorpio is probably the most intense of all the signs. Like, super intense. Like, you know that InstaPot your mama bought you for your birthday last year that you’re addicted to?

That’s just one way Scorpio likes it — instant, rapid soul growth and transformation. 

This New Moon, you may find that: 

  • Emotions are running high — either yours or others'

  • You feel a mounting pressure (or anxiety, etc.)

  • You're confronted by an aspect of your personality that you just don’t love (an inner limitation)

But, wait!! Don’t freak out just yet at that projection!!

Scorpio is a spiritual warrior. As such, Scorpio understands the intensity of life — and even craves it — because it is in these moments that transformation is possible. 

You want to emerge triumphant from the darkest, most trying moments, right? You want to be empowered to know yourself better so that you can serve God and your loved ones, yes?

And, you want to fulfill your life’s purpose.

Under this New Moon, you have the opportunity to set a new intention for healing or changing those inner limitations that are holding you back from the vision you have for your life. (As you know, growth is often stimulated by some amount of discomfort or vulnerability.)

This is my recommendation:

  • Avoid telling yourself a negative or self-critical story about those personal limitations that are feeling exposed right now.

  • Eat it. Suck it up. Don’t collapse under the pressure or the emotional whirlpools. Can you do like a Scorpio and make it hurt so good instead?

  • Stop playing small. Own that you are a spiritual warrior.

YOU have the tenacity to enter into stillness and reflect on the exact aspect of your life that needs to be changed so that you can get even closer to living your soul’s purpose. From my vantage point, you've totally got this — even if it feels otherwise.

Now you know that intensity is an indicator of impending transformation. Harness it for your evolution bb. Get it!

P.S. In what area of your life do you bring the most intensity and passion? This is also the area of life where you can experience the most soul growth and transformation. If you aren’t sure, now is obviously the time to schedule a consultation with yours truly!


[NEW VIDEO] Listening for Truth This Scorpio Season


Beware The Scorpion's Sting This Scorpio Season!