"The boy with the cold hard ca$h is always ...

 "The boy with the cold hard cash is always MR. RIGHT / Cause we are living in a material world, and I am a material girl."

In this beloved pop song, (which is now on my Astro Funk playlist!) the Queen of Pop tells us exactly what she wants.

Side Note: We've got an eclipse coming on Saturday, so be sure you read through this whole email to get the full scoop.

Madonna nails the Bull's second Spiritual Keynote: Values — whatever it is you've determined to be most important to your life.

That doesn't sound very sexy on the surface does it?

>> But consider that your entire life is playing out based on your values, whether you are consciously aware of them or not.

Are you living in alignment with your values Inoah?

How do you even know what your values are?!

I've always found the quickest way to determine what's most important in life is to take stock of:

  • How you spend your time

  • How you spend your money

  • With whom you spend your time and money

My teacher is always asking "what are your orienting values?" In other words: Where does your internal compass point?

There's "big," spiritual values and also "little" everyday values. Both are equally important and only you can identify your values.

Here's a few examples from both categories to help get your internal compass pointing North: 

  Spiritual Values

This can be anything from Love to Justice, Peace or Compassion. (My orienting spiritual values happen to be Truth, Love and Freedom.)

  Everyday Values

I feel like everyday values really run the spectrum. Maybe it's important for you to excel professionally, be an incredible parent or own a home. (A few of my everyday values include water conservation, helping people understand themselves better via astrology and brunching with my friends.)

Once you've identified your values consider whether or not your actions support them!

Example: If you tell me that excelling professionally is really important, but you often get to work late, then I'm going to call your bluff.

But if you tell me you started setting three alarms and are now the first one at work, then bravo! Clearly you're demonstrating the importance of your values.

You've probably noticed there is one thing that humans seem to prize above all else — money.

Hence, Madonna.

Whether you like it or not, "we are living in a material world."

Taurus doesn't just understand this, it realizes that basic survival is dependent on money.

No matter what your personal reactions are to money, keep in mind that we are in the season of resource management. Money will continue to be a theme for all of us these next few weeks.

>> Now is the time to make good progress on any work you need to do around money — whether it's learning better financial management skills or eliminating deficiency stories.

This Saturday, April 30, we have a partial New Moon solar eclipse in Taurus at 1.28pm PT.

Taurean themes are going to be emphasized super strongly as we enter Eclipse Season, which begins now'ish and ends in mid-May.

Self-inquiries for this New Moon Solar Eclipse:

  • What is most important in my life? Outline your values so you're clear about what they are and whether you're in alignment with them. Do you need to start fresh or planet seeds?

  • What role does money play in the line-up? Do you value your financial resources? Your material items?

  • Am I Embodying Spirit in Form? Are you able to see God in your everyday life? Are you attending to your body, the physical manifestation of your spirit in form?

Eclipse Seasons are always intense. Like, always. But this time, we've got Uranus in the mix.

Uranus is the planet of electricity, and so it can take on the characteristics of electricity.

You may experience illuminating insights, the jump start of a healing process or even a shocking event. (Although we typically thing of shock as something to be feared, the I-Ching teaches it's a wise teacher that brings clarity and liberation.)

You can maximize this portal of energy by laying low, attending to your personal needs and contemplating the wisdom of the cosmos as I've outlined 'em for you here.

>> I hope you'll write me back and tell me how you experience the big New Moon eclipse energy this Saturday!

As always, I'm wishing you the best.

P.S. Do you have a friend who loves astrology too? Please forward this email on to them or tell them about my freebie, "Electrifying Astrology," which lists 2022's most important astrological dates for your life and relationships.



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