Can you find the beauty in the breakdown?
Did you have any important insights or experiences under Sunday morning's Full Moon in Aries? Like most things Aries, it wasn't easily ignored!
I had a really fantastic conversation with my good friend Kristal as we sat at Fezziwig's Grotto, a magical creekside oasis in the heart of our rural town.
Our topic of conversation? Sex (Aries) and Relationship (Libra). OF COURSE. But well beyond that, it was a conversation about aligning with Divine; aligning with your Soul's purpose.
And also, how so many people are unaware, when they embark on their spiritual path, that becoming a more conscious human is very often PAINFUL.
In fact, a good number of people start their spiritual practice with the (unconscious) intention to eliminate suffering for good — full stop!
But as YouTube Guru Teal Swan breaks it down: The Soul wants to evolve as quickly as possible, and if faster also means more painful — well then, so be it.
In other words: Pain cannot be avoided.
Hmmmmmm. That's definitely been my experience. How about you?
If aligning ourselves with Divine can be experienced as difficult and painful, it begs the question: How do we navigate such moments?
Admittedly, this is a BIG question that could be explored at length. Today, I will present just one surefire remedy that I often employ:
Focusing on BEAUTY, another of Libra's Spiritual Keynotes.
And no, I'm not talking about diva Beauty like Bey's or Audrey Hepburn's, though that most definitely falls squarely in Libra's domain.
The gorgeous, yet humble, Audrey Hepburn is my beauty-fashion icon. Who's yours?
I'm talking about natural Beauty — the kind that comes when we are fully present in the now instead of being preoccupied with the past and future; the Beauty that we see surrounding us at all times if and when we focus our attention.
The Beauty of ...
a hilarious comedy skit that leaves you happy and expanded!
a piece of art that helps you lose yourself
birdsong cutting through your grief
a child's curiosity, reminding you of life's innocence
a musical composition that acts as a threshold to hope
a stranger's unexpected kindness
love, the most effective yet often overlooked remedy for all that ails
There is so so much Beauty in the world, especially in the natural world. Beauty is inexhaustible. If you look closely, it can be found damn near anywhere, even the most ravaged of landscapes — internal or external!
And that's the big take away, I think — where can you find Libra's gift of Beauty, even in the breakdown?
Even as life continues to throw us a steady stream of challenges that's pushing many of us to the edge, we can still find moments to place our attention on life's ever-present Beauty.
Quick Contemplations for you:
Take an inventory of your most frustrating challenges. Can you alleviate some stress by incorporating Beauty into the situation?
Maybe you can watch a funny movie and laugh it off for the day? If you're resistant to feeling better, then there's more contemplation to be done.
Is there Beauty all around you that you don't notice because you're lost in thought or self-absorbed with your suffering?
When was the last time you stared at the stars or stopped to admire a vulture masterfully surfing the wind currents? Will you commit to finding something unexpectedly Beautiful in your environment on a daily basis and then focus your attention on being fully present to it?
What's your definition of Beauty?
Is it mostly superficial or does it transcend cultural norms and programming? Are you missing out on Soul-soothing Beauty because your filter is limiting you?
We all want life to be happy and free of suffering. But by now, you've probably realized this isn't just unrealistic — it's an immature way of engaging with life. (There's a little bit of Libra's objective wisdom for you.)
Some I Love Lucy reruns will certainly lighten your mood!
This MONTH's AstroLogical Forecast
I'm going to bypass this week's astrology to prepare you for the month ahead, because there are two JUICY events coming down the pike.
I will be giving you more detailed information in my next email, but for now, this is how you can prepare:
Eclipse Season kicks off on Tuesday, October 25 with a New Moon solar eclipse in the sign of transformative Scorpio.
(The second eclipse will be under the Full Moon in Taurus on November 8.)
>> Eclipse days are intense and best experienced in peaceful solitude. Think meditation not action.
A restful day at home, in nature or engaged in nourishing activities is encouraged. Stimulation of all kinds is to be avoided, especially from drugs, alcohol, travel or misaligned people.
>> If possible, take the day off from work, and clear your calendar of any major responsibilities and obligations.
Headstrong Mars, the planet of our vital energy, turns retrograde (Rx) for 2.5 loooong months beginning Monday, October 30.
(Mars goes retrograde only once every two years, so this is kind of a big deal.)
It's often the case that we feel lethargic and frustrated during this time because our vital energy is not "working" as we are accustomed.
Like with the Mercury Rx, you're being invited to slow down, integrate and regenerate yourself.
>> My advice is to prepare yourself for a time of decreased stamina. You will need to rest as much as possible the next few months in preparation for a busy new cycle of growth beginning January 12, 2023 when Mars goes direct again.
If you downloaded my freebie, "Electrifying Astrology," then you have these dates on your digital calendar already. If you haven't, well, what are you waiting for? Download it now ...
Everywhere around us there is suffering, seen and unseen; silent or endlessly cawing. Finding Beauty in these messes is one way that I've been able to maintain my resilience during the 2020 Trilogy.
Will you join me in gratefully identifying the innumerable ways that life is truly awe-inspiring Inoah?
>> Please write me back and name one bit of splendor you've recently noticed.
Until next week, cheers to understanding yourself better!
P.S. I'll be running a Halloween promo in the next few days offering a new service I'm pretty sure you're gonna love. Keep your eyes peeled for a special email from me!