Scorpio Season Starts with a Bang!
We're in that in-between time now where the Sun is reaching its culmination in Libra and preparing to ingress into mysterious Scorpio Season, which begins this Sunday!
Scorpio is all about Transforming our inner limitations — those patterns of behavior, thought and belief that keep us mired in uncomfortable or painful situations — so that our Soul can evolve and we can live a more Truthful life.
Um, maybe reread that last sentence because Transformation, Scorpio's most important Spiritual Keynote, is kind of a LOT.
Does life ever feel a bit relentless to you? Like, no matter what you get done, there's always something else looming, especially as it relates to self-care and inner work?
Well, to be honest, this week isn't going to be much different!
There's soooo much cosmic activity happening — including an ECLIPSE — that I'm going to jump straight to the weekly weather. Most of it touches on Transformation in one way or another, of course!
I just couldn't resist this totally cheesy literalism for Tuesday's eclipse! Sorry not sorry.
This Week's AstroLogical Forecast
This week's got a lot of big 'ol juicy astrology!
That blasted Saturn-Uranus square just keeps on keepin' on, reminding you that there is still some shit to be purged to make way for the new life you crave. This background static is uncomfortable, but necessary.
On the up-side, we've been under a beautiful grand trine of air energies that persists through Saturday night and crescendos with Saturn stationing direct. The tense square energies will become lighter and lighter in the coming months. I'm hopeful you'll start to see the path emerge, guiding you toward the changes you knew were on the horizon.
Saturn will help you to meticulously plot out whatever new vision you're holding for your life; or bring clarity where there's still confusion.
The Sun and Venus move into sexy Scorpio Sunday morning, just a few hours after midnight.
Listen, Inoah, I could take many long minutes to explain the technical juicy-juice of this one little bit of astrology, but I'll spare you. All you need to know is this:
The Season of Relationships just keeps going and going. The focus on interpersonal dynamics isn't going to abate anytime soon!
But where Libra Season brought us objectivity, a desire for cooperation and lighthearted romance, Scorpio Season will feel altogether different where relationship is concerned.
That's because Scorpio is INTENSE. The Scorpion doesn't feel anything objectively. It smolders, craves, yearns and stews on what or who it wants — for better and worse. Beware!
>> And speaking of intense ...
Eclipse Season kicks off on Tuesday, October 25 with a New Moon solar eclipse in Scorpio at 3.48am PT.
Alright my friend. Here we are, just two days into Scorpio Season, and BAM, we've got not only one of the most intense New Moons we're going to see this year, but it's a big 'ol eclipse to boot.
>> This lunation is providing the opportunity for Transformation. If you focus on your desires with laser-like precision, it's possible you can and will make a big shift.
But a word of caution: Be very careful that what you desire is in alignment with your deepest values, because under this eclipse, it really could come to fruition.
Eclipse Contemplations for Personal Transformation
Are you in alignment with your heart (your Soul's karmic intentions)?
Scorpio really wants you to evolve. It's the serpent shedding its skin so that it can grow into the next stage of its life. If you're not moving toward your highest Truth now, life will make it clear.
Where do you need to let go or surrender?
Is there anywhere where you refuse to submit to life? Or maybe it's the opposite — you're ready and willing to finally shed the old already!! Either way, the snake will outgrow its skin.
How do the first two self-inquiries relate to your RELATIONSHIPS — first to YOURSELF and then to your intimate others?
>> Are you in integrity and alignment with your values when it comes to your intimate relationships? Is there some inner-work requiring your attention?
>> Where do you need to release or Transform as it relates to a particular relationship? Is it time to move on or to make a commitment?
The nature of eclipses is that they're Transformative. They come 'round and sometimes, quite suddenly, there is a flurry of movement.
Depending on where the eclipse falls in your personal horoscope, you may find some unexpected event completely reorients your life.
>> Have you ever noticed how life will force change upon you if you don't take action yourself when you know you should?
Eclipses aren't always dramatic, but if I'm honest, they do seem to portent important moments of growth and Transformation, especially when we wisely prepare.
But don't freak. Scorpio is a spiritual warrior. It understands the intensity of life — and even craves it — because it is in these moments that Transformation is possible.
You'll benefit from slowing down and taking time to meditate or be in solitude so that your Mind-Body-Spirit can acclimate to the changing tides.
>> Please write me back and declare one thing you're looking to shift under the New Moon. I would love to add my voice to your prayers!
Until next week, cheers to understanding yourself better!
P.S. I'm offering a RELATIONSHIP COMPATIBILITY sale that I know you'll love — a 15-minute Quick Consultation! Offer ends soon, so get it while you can.