[NEW VIDEO] Listening for Truth This Scorpio Season

This week, my lovely friend and Oracle Reading Goddess, Robin Finney, had me back on her weekly FB Live, “Wisdom Wednesday” to chat about that day’s super intense astrology. 

I talk about how this week’s big emotional wave wasn’t actually the conclusion to the opera that is Scorpio Season.

Nope. This week was more like the crescendo at the end of the first act!

In other words: We’re not done with Scorpio energy quite yet! (Doh!)


Next week, we will have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse that will be overlooked by exactly no one.

Shortly thereafter, Sagittarius Season begins, at which point you will have the ability to further explore the truths you uncovered during Scorpio Season.

Robin and I are going live again next week on Tuesday, November 16 at 1pm PT to chat about eclipse season. (Don’t worry if you can’t make it live though; I will send the replay.)

In the meantime, check out this most recent video to learn more about how the week’s astrology is helping you do some deep self-reflection.

If you bring conscious awareness to it, you can harness the powerful energy of the phoenix (one of Scorpio’s animal avatars) to shed light on your

  • Anger and frustration and/or what motivates you to act (Mars)

  • Thoughts and communications (Mercury)

  • Integrity and how you do or don't take responsibility (Saturn)

You can contemplate any variation of those keywords for your spiritual practice. For example: 

  • Can you take responsibility for how your perceptions affect your communications?

  • Can you stand in your integrity even if you’re angry?

  • Where do you feel anger, rage or frustration in your life, and how does it affect how you think and communicate?

  • Are you angry or frustrated about taking on too much responsibility and not communicating it to others?

Various themes based on these energies are now at play in the collective. Only you know how it looks in your own life.


As always, you’ve got this!! Scorpio Season reminds us that it is through self-reflection that we transform our inner limitations. 

In so doing, we become empowered to align with our soul’s destiny in service to our loved ones, our communities, and God.

P.S. Want to learn more about eclipses? Download my article that was published last year in The Mountain Astrologer. It's a quick 3-minute read and you'll walk away with both the astronomical and astrological skinny on eclipses.

P.P.S. Eclipses are really powerful events. Now would be a good time to schedule a consultation with yours truly to discuss what you can expect. 

(The first eclipse of this Eclipse Season is November 19; the second will be on December 3.)


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Crying is to be expected ....