Three Big Cosmic Events Are Happening This Week

As I write this in the midst of a hail storm, I can't help but think, "When it rains, it pours." It's true even of the astrology!

We have THREE noteworthy events this week, two of which happened just yesterday, Tuesday.

  • The second Mercury retrograde (Rx) of 2022 began at 4.47am PT on May 10 in the sign of Gemini. (It ends on June 3.)

  • Benefic Jupiter raced into the sign of Aries about 12-hours later at 4.02pm PT, where it will stay through October.

  • Eclipse Season concludes with a Full Moon Lunar eclipse in sexy Scorpio this Sunday, May 15 at 9.14pm PT.

>> Let's start with the eclipse. 

These potent cosmic events are always powerful if not totally life-changing depending on how it activates your unique astrology.

When the Moon is in Scorpio, intense emotions can arise — from vulnerability to empowerment.

  • Are you nurturing yourself in a way that empowers you?

  • Do you need to shore-up some self-sufficiency and stop depending on other peoples' financial and emotional resources? (Or vice versa.)

Eclipses typically bring change.

Whether it's physical or just the recognition that something needs to be different, you can bet the Bull's bottom dollar that change is in the air.

And that's good news, because you can also bet that the new energy of optimistic Jupiter moving into Aries is going to lend you some much-needed steam to make those changes!

It's perfect timing, really, since we're in Taurus Season, and one often overlooked Spiritual Keynote of the Taurean archetype is Momentum.

Taurus is known for being relatively independent and unmoved like its symbol, the bull. (It's kind of the opposite of dynamic, go-getter Aries actually!)

But have you ever seen a bull run? These nimble beasts can weigh up to 1,500 pounds and have been clocked at speeds up to 35mph! (Daaaaamn Taurus, you fast!)

Here's a few self-inquiries to help you unite the instinctive dynamism of Aries's fire with the staying power of the Bull:

  • Where could you use some serious momentum right now? (Please write me back and let me know!)

  • What existing resources do you have at your disposal that you're not maximizing, but could be?

  • Have your values shifted? Do you need to do some integration work to step into alignment with these new values?

If you tune-in, you're likely to feel that your momentum is building — and probably as the result of previous efforts! Oooh, exciting!

It's also possible you have your sights set on obtaining a new resource(s) you desire (value). More excitement!

Resources don't have to be material. They can also be physical, mental, emotional and so forth.

But while Mercury is retrograde, hiccups are more likely than making progress on your desires.

For the rest of the month, you would do well to embrace the energy of "Re" words: Redoing, reassessing, reorganizing, remaking, reimagining (and any others you want to add to this list!'')

Here's a few ways you can position yourself for success by embracing Mercury's need for the redo's:

  • Evaluate your mindset. Mercury "rules" the mind; how we think and perceive. Where does your mindset need to be tweaked or overhauled? Now's the time to embrace the change.

  • Spring clean. Do some bookkeeping, office organizing or a general spring cleaning to usher in new energy that will help you achieve your desires.

  • Seek solitude. It's imperative that you rest for a new season of growth. Relax your nervous system, quiet your mind and commune with nature now.

>> When Mercury goes direct again, you will be poised to move full steam ahead in grabbing hold of your desires!

Until then, I'm wishing you a lovely week filled with renewed faith and newfound energy for your endeavors.

P.S. Curious about Mercury retrogrades? Want to know more about how the Cosmic Trickster activates your unique astrology?



Got An Eclipse Hangover?


Three Tips For Surviving The Upcoming Mercury Retrograde!