Ignore This Full Moon At Your Peril!
Ha! I just couldn't resist a dramatic subject line for the morning's juicy Full Moon in Capricorn at 11.37am PT. It's an INTENSE one! I give you the full scoop toward the end of the email. But first ...
Let's chat about another of Cancer's Spiritual Keynotes: EMOTION.
Cancer is 100% the most sensitive of all zodiac signs. It's so sensitive in fact, that those with a strong Moon in their charts (like yours truly), or a lot of Cancerian energies, may act tough or look physically imposing as a way to protect their vulnerable hearts.
You'll recall that the Moon is uber-important to your astrology, and gives huge insight into your feeling nature.
Emotions don't just dictate the entire course of our lives because they drive our behaviors. It's also through our feeling nature that we process our lived experiences so that we can continue to evolve.
But what happens if we cut ourselves off from our Emotions via repression, self-medication, toxic positivity or any other form of "spiritual bypassing?"
When we don't understand our Emotional bodies, or if we neglect to process our experiences, then we are unintentionally stunting our Emotional maturation and possibly our evolutionary growth, too.
I've never known a person to avoid their Emotions because life was going well and they felt great!
Neglecting Emotional processing is almost always the result of pain and fear. For some, it's easier to avoid intense feelings than it is to surrender or otherwise move through it (especially if you don't have the support you need to do this heavy lifting).
Or so it would seem.
Perhaps in the short-run there's benefit, but in the long-run, not attending to your Emotional health will leave you battling with addiction, mental or physical disease, lack of meaning and many other forms of suffering.
Today's Full Moon actually highlights this very theme because luna is saddled up next to Pluto, the super powerful planet that represents your SOUL, transformation and the beastie within.
It suggests that there's something lurking under your emotional surface, wanting to be released. But that something may be ... well ... ugly.
My favorite Metallica song, "Enter Sandman," came to mind when I saw today's chart. You probably know some of the lyrics.
"Hush, little baby, don't say a word
And never mind that noise you heard
It's just the beast under your bed
In your closet, in your head"
(Yes, I'm headbanging at work. And yes, I just added Metallica to my Spotify playlist, "Astro Funk," inspired by these emails and designed to get you dancing!!)
Don't underestimate your need for Cancerian Safety and Emotional processing.
Today, you may feel frozen and repressed or deeply sensitive and exposed. It could be that you feel emotionally or physically vulnerable.
Your insecurity may be illuminated so that others observe it, or it may be a deeply personal experience (hidden).
You know I'm not going to leave you hanging with doom and gloomy news though, right?
(Remember how the Sandlot's Beast turns out to be a cuddly pooch and mascot named after the hero Hercules? Ya. Healing your inner demons is kind of like that.)
The good news is that there are several planetary aspects that suggest opportunities for:
Wise insights that help you better attend to your Emotional well-being
Cultivating compassion and healing in relationship to oneself and others
Understanding the effects of your thoughts and speech
If you embrace your fundamental need for Emotional processing, then this energy can help you mine some important gems that can in turn spur your Emotional maturation and soul growth.
I'm not one to over-promise. Even the smallest aha moments can lead to significant headway, so lean in to today's energy, even if you don't really know what to expect or how to navigate it.
Here's some Full Moon reflections for you:
Where do you need to take more responsibility or bring more integrity to your communications, your finances, or your healing journey?
Are you avoiding feeling certain Emotions or blame others for your own feelings? What tactics do you use to bypass? What scares you about feeling these Emotions?
Are you afraid of your inner Beastie? Pretending you don't have one? Or perhaps you're already training it so that it doesn't wreak havoc in your life?
What thoughts do you have and what stories are you telling that feed the Beast and create suffering for yourself and those you love?
This Full Moon is asking you to go
down ...
down ...
down ...
into the depths of your thoughts and fears and emotions.
It's in this rich and fertile darkness that your healing and transformation begins.
>> How's Cancer Season treating you? Have you had any insights or big emotions already under this Full Moon? I want to know, so please write me back with an update!
P.S. Needing some guidance on how to tame your inner Beast? Astrology can help you understand yourself better.