You can run, but you can't hide!
We've got a lot of juicy astrology coming down the pipeline this next month! To start us off this week, the Sun opposes Lord Pluto until Friday at 1.06pm when we begin Leo Season.
This is a pretty intense aspect falling on the heels of a pretty intense Full Moon last week. That Moon brought us too close for comfort with Pluto, who made it difficult to ignore the inner beastie.
In Evolutionary Astrology, Pluto's the planet that represents your Soul, transformation and, well, all those nastier elements of our human expression like power struggles, manipulation, betrayal and compulsion. Eeek.
So if you've been feeling like you're in some kind of a pressure cooker, you're not alone.
Personally, I continue to experience, as well as hear and observe from my closest friends — including YOU — that life is anything but easy right now.
Can you relate with any of the feedback I've received this past week?
>> "I'm done, Eileen. I feel no purpose. I'm exhausted."
>> "I’m feeling the intensity and reality/shame/fear of my finances and feel like I’m walking on ground that’s crumbling beneath me."
>> "I don't know what to do anymore. One day I feel happy and excited and like I know what direction to take. The next, I come crashing back down to reality and feel stuck again."
Individually and collectively, we're experiencing a profound transition that is shaking the very core of how we think about and live our lives — which are Cancerian themes (the home and our ability to feel safe during times of challenge or uncertainty).
(Ever experienced that sad reality in which you wake up and then realize exactly what it is you've woken up to?!)
We're being confronted with those aspects of our personality that simply don't serve our Soul's purpose any longer.
These lessons may be coming from internal limitations or discontent. Or, they may appear to be external circumstances beyond our control (suuuure they are).
Here's some questions to ask yourself now under Pluto's powerful penchant for self-reflection:
Where is your life calling for a deep personal transformation? What needs to change? What can't you stand any longer — about your internal or external circumstance? Are you ignoring life's demand to shed your skin and grow?
What inspires fear and terror in your system, no matter how intellectually irrational? Are you able to embrace the fear or do you move away from it or project it onto others?
Are you ready to rise to the occassion? Throughout our lives, we are given opportunities for growth. People or circumstances — seemingly positive or negative — continuously cross our paths as Life offers opportunities for change. Are you going to courageously seize the moment or cave to fear?
Do your intimate others support and uplift you in this time of intense transition? If you've got people in your life that drag you down because they express Pluto's nastier side (criticism, manipulation, power struggles and the like), now's the time to lovingly give 'em the boot (for real, though).
This BIG energy can feel really confrontational — like there's nowhere to hide. You may feel victimized by life, angry at your circumstances or (like me), feel powerless to help yourself and/or others.
No matter what you're experiencing, one thing's for certain: Change is required and resistence is futile, so why not SURRENDER to the cosmic forces?
Since we're getting this heavy influx of potent Plutonian energies during Cancer Season, we can look toward Luna to help us ride the wave.
Both the the Moon (Cancer) and Sun (Leo) have a strong correlation to EMOTION. The Moon is sensitive and quiet where the Sun is dramatic and attention-seeking.
Here's the hitch: Access to our Emotional bodies seems to directly correlate with our ability to creatively express ourselves.
And it's most often our creative expression that brings joy and meaning into our lives, thereby allowing us to access our Soul's purpose.
But when you ignore your Emotions, they come to own you. It's kind of like you're a slave to their shadow expression. Your ability to access your authentic, creative self becomes stifled by the inner beastie.
Since our systems can't actually repress Emotional energy, ignoring your Emotional health will eventually sabotage you.
When feelings are denied they will come out sideways in unexpected ways, at inopportune moments or via physical ailments!
As the Cancer and Leo archetypes teach us, there's tremendous benefit to the healthy feeling and expression of Emotion:
You increase intimacy and vulnerability in your most important interpersonal relationships
You gain greater access to your authentic and creative self (your relationship to self)
Your creative self expression then also allows you to access and process your Emotions with greater ease!
I'll dive further into Creative Self-expression in the coming weeks, because it's undoubtedly Leo's most important Spiritual Keynote.
Until then, I encourage you to use the last few days of tenderhearted Cancer Season to identify where you can better nurture your Emotional health and well-being — most especially if you're feeling exhausted, purposeless or like life is chaotic.
>> How are you doing these days? I want to know! Please share how you've been moving through Cancer Season. Are you looking forward to anything in particular this next month?
P.S. Needing some guidance to navigate intense times? Astrology can help you better understand the terrain, as well as provide remedies for your challenges.