It's time to focus on yourself!

Well, well, well, Aries Season has finally arrived! Are you feeling any different since the spring equinox on Sunday morning?

Perhaps you're more energetic or passionate? Bolder? ... Angrier?

Before I dive into Aries, a note on RELATIONSHIPS, money and values.

Venus, the planet that rules these areas of your life, has been under a bit of stress this last week and will continue to be for the next long few days.

Your relationships and finances may be under strain of some kind. It's possible it's the result of an unexpected event or conversation, or due to increased responsibility that has shifted your values.

If you've found there has been upset in Venus's domain, then "non-action" is the word of the day. Wait until the dust settles.

It's likely that you may be undergoing a bit of a transition — because of this aspect, yes, but also because we just entered Aries Season.

As the first sign of the zodiac and the start of spring, Aries represents the beginning of cycles — including the initiation of new cycles of energy.

This new cycle likely has you thinking more about yourself — your wants and your needs.

There is a common mantra used to describe the Aries archetype:


Aries is the archetype of individuation, in which the soul separates from consciousness into (the illusion of) a separate self.

On the other hand, "I Am" — in a spiritual context — refers to consciousness awakening to itself and realizing that all of existence is part of the whole.

Thus, "I Am," refers not to a specific or separate ego identity, but to the One Spirit — the realization that a true "I Am" is universal.

Ha! Aren't these polarities amusing?

Also: it's deep, right? My brain hurts a little just trying to adequately articulate this idea.

I'm not trying to say that Aries energy can't be spiritual. (Ram Dass (below) was an Aries!)

Rather, wherever you find Aries in your chart, you are learning more about where your soul is individuating and where you are meant to forge your own path.

This leads me to one of the Spiritual Keynotes of the Aries Archetype: SELF-DETERMINATION — aka sovereignty or independence. 

It represents your urge to separate and to become a unique individual through unfettered creative expression of your desires — to be free and to answer to no one save yourself.

In other words: The Aries urge to express itself will eventually lead to extinguishing all egoic desire. The mantra "I AM [Inoah]," then becomes "I Am [Consciousness Itself]."

Your self-inquiry exercises for this week are simple:

Grab a notepad and make a very long list of all your "I AM's" — the things that make you uniquely, beautifully, individually you!

This list should also include things your intimate others say they love about you — whether those are physical, mental or emotional attributes.

>> Keep this list somewhere handy for when you need a boost of confidence!

Next, make another very long list of each and every thing your ego desires.

I know this may be difficult or evoke self-criticism or self-judgement. Try to bring as much unabashed courage to this exercise as you can. (Aries = courage.)

For the duration of this exercise, really try to get down with the idea that through the expression of these desires (even the distasteful ones), you find your way back to Source (whether you think I'm full of sh*t or not)!

The final task is to identify where you crave more freedom and independence in your life.

Where are you stifled from the expression of a full "I AM!"?

>> Please share this final list with me! I want to hear all about it.

Aries Season compels you to embrace your unique, individual self as the passionate and creative individual you are — the energy's gotta be expressed.

So go for the gusto and have fun — just don't burn the house down with impulsive over-enthusiasm!

P.S. Wanting to better understand your wants and needs or to more courageously express your unique individualism? Astrology can help.



Thursday's New Moon in Aries


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