Three Must-have Books For Astrological Enthusiasts and Spiritual Seekers

Over the last few years that I’ve been consulting professionally, my clients (you!) routinely tell me that you want to heal, and you also want to be in service to your family, community and the divine.

For this reason, I’ve found myself recommending the same handful of life-changing books and resources.

Since it’s the holiday season and you’re likely looking for the perfect gifts for your wish-list — or to gift others — I thought it would be a great time to remind you of these three amazing books that are guaranteed to change your life.*

These works are for you if you want to:

  • Bring greater intelligence and compassion to your relationships with yourself and others

  • Develop your spiritual practice; connect more deeply with the Divine or learn more about enlightenment generally

  • Live a more authentic, empowered life that is aligned with your deepest values and spiritual insights

I know from direct experience that these books can be life-changing because each one transformed my own life. And they continue to help me embody my spiritual insights and values with greater emotional, psychological and spiritual maturity. 

Required Reading For Astrological Enthusiasts & Spiritual Seekers

The Way of Liberation

By Adyashanti

From the description: The Way of Liberation is Adyashanti’s stripped-down, practical guide to spiritual awakening. With a profound simplicity it outlines the Foundations, Orienting Ideas, and Core Practices that are essential in the process of waking up to the absolute nature of Reality and living it to the fullest extent possible.

“This is not a book about spiritual betterment, self-improvement, or altered states of consciousness. It is about spiritual awakening; going from the dream state of ego to the awakened state beyond ego as quickly and efficiently as possible.” — Adyashanti


The I Ching: A Guide to Life’s Turning Points

Translated by Brian Browne Walker

From the description: “For centuries, the I Ching or Book of Changes has been consulted for sage advice at life's turning points. When its wisdom is sought with sincerity and sensitivity, this ancient Chinese oracle can help to promote success and good fortune and to impart balance and perspective to one's life. Its lasting popularity lies in the profound lessons it teaches about how conscious attention to higher qualities leads to life's greatest rewards: well-being, understanding, and peace of mind.”


Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life

By Byron Katie

From the description: “The Work is simply four questions that, when applied to a specific problem, enable you to see what is troubling you in an entirely different light. As Katie says, ‘It's not the problem that causes our suffering; it's our thinking about the problem.’ Contrary to popular belief, trying to let go of a painful thought never works; instead, once we have done The Work, the thought lets go of us. At that point we can truly love what is, just as it is.”

Regardless of where you are on your spiritual path — newbie to uber-devoted — these books will leave you with a different perspective and deeper understanding of yourself and the Divine.

Also, I strongly encourage you to purchase a journal alongside these books.

The wisdom in each can only be truly accessed and embodied when applied through meditative and written application. (The power of the ego is loosened when we get out of our minds and bring conscious awareness to our thoughts and conditioning through writing.) 

I will leave you with a wonderful quote from beloved Indian sage Sri Ramana Maharshi, who said,
“Our own Self-realization is the greatest service we can render the world.”

Happy Contemplations! 



* In full transparency, I’m an Amazon Affiliate. I signed-up to be an affiliate because I have found these books to be so transformative that I recommend them to clients and friends several times a month! I have even gifted the I-Ching to more than a half dozen spiritually-oriented friends.

P.S. Now is the perfect time to schedule a consultation with yours truly, because I can bring insight and clarity to how you're experiencing this influx of energy and the sectors of life that are activated!


It's time to focus on yourself!


[NEW VIDEO] Listening for Truth This Scorpio Season