Thursday's New Moon in Aries

Can I just tell you how much I love the Aries New Moon? It may be my absolute favorite.

First, we only have one a year because the New Moon is always in the same sign as the Sun. Since we're in Aries Season, we got an Aries New Moon.

Second, Aries is the start of the Astrological New Year — so the energy is super emphasized right now.

Consider that New Moons = new beginnings, new cycles of energy, initiating something new.

So we gotta a whole lot of "new" energy happening right now.

And I don't know about you, but I sure as sh*t could use some an influx of fresh, bold, passionate energy in my life!! Do you feel me on that?

This leads me to another Spiritual Keynote of Aries: Taking Action (or Initiating) — especially if it's something new or a new cycle of energy.  

Aries is always the first one out of the gate. The energy is now in your favor to jump start something new!

It's time to take action on that desire.

See that dude in the front of this GIF?

Everything about him — from his leadership to his athleticism and his encouragement — screams "Aries!"

And I was actually pretty happy this was a Nike ad because guess what? Nike epitomizes the Aries mantra, "I Am," with their slogan "Just Do It."

Aries is impulsive and just does. It doesn't think. It doesn't plan. It's really not interested in slowing down in any way. (Can you say impatient much?)

So this New Moon, I would encourage you to consider where in your life you need to Take Action.

Tune into your body. Just take a few long, deep breaths. Have you been ignoring any nagging impulses to act?

Maybe you keep thinking about calling a friend but haven't?

Do you want to start a new project but always find an excuse not to?

Is your body asking you to be more active, but you have an aversion to exercising?

NOW'S THE TIME TO ACT ON THESE IMPULSES. I really can't be clearer here.

JUST DO IT. (No, this is not a Nike endorsement. They just really nailed the Aries energy.)

Where are you stalled out from over-analysis or decision paralysis? Can you stop the thinking and just take action instead? 

Aries isn't interested in perfection. It doesn't mind making mistakes. It would rather GO and DO than plan and be safe. Whatever mistakes are made can be worked out later. You gotta start sometime.

That time is preferably today, under this New Moon. (Duh.)

Go back to those lists I prompted you to write last week. What do you desire? What is your deepest desire? How can you take action on it right f'ing now?

This energy of Initiating something new is working on everyone right now.

Will you heed the call my friend?!


Let's see what happens from moving energy or starting something new. For sure, something will be kick-started.

The Aries archetype is a lovely reminder that you'll feel inspired and energized by moving your body and aligning your action with your desire.

Until next week, Inoah ... Happy New Moon. Happy spring.

P.S. Wanting to better understand your wants and needs or to more courageously express your unique individualism? Astrology can help.



This Week, Choose Courage Over Fear!


It's time to focus on yourself!