Improve Your Relationships With Better Self-care: A Beginner’s Guide To Your Moon Sign

The summer solstice is on June 21 and marks the beginning of CANCER SEASON!

At which point, we can all promptly retreat back home with our friends and loved ones for some much-needed TLC. (There's no place like home for a Cancer. Especially if she's cuddled in bed with her little dog, too.)

Cancer is ruled by the Moon. And if you've had a consultation with me then you know that the Moon is one of your BIG 3 — a super-crucial element of your unique astrology. I can't overstate the significance of your Moon sign, and what it can reveal about your relationship dynamics.

This is the energy that reflects how you:

  • Emote and Intuit. What's your emotional style? How do you process? How accessible is your intuition?

  • Interact with your intimate others, like lovers, children, parents, etc.

  • Feel safe in the world and in your relationships

  • Express your shadow and the machinations of your ego

  • Do self-care (a particularly hot topic right now)

Of course, this is just scratching the surface of the Moon's mysterious and deeply personal archetypes. Luna represents our subconscious, so it's no surprise it's the "planet" that governs our planet's waters.

One of Cancer's juiciest Spiritual Keynotes is Nurturing (aka Self-care).

>> And how you Self-care, especially during times of difficulty or transition, is paramount to your health and success in leveling up to yourself and with intimate others.

When we understand our astrology — as well as the astrology of those we love — it becomes easier to support one another in our unique emotional expressions and non-negotiable needs (what you need to feel safe).

Although this is a basic guide, it will give you an important understanding of yourself and others. You can also share it with an intimate other who maybe needs an astrologer's objective explanation to love up on you even better!

If you don’t already know your Moon sign then you can look it up online at Cafe Astrology. You’ll need your birth data: date, time (as exact as possible) and location of birth.



Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Can you say dramatic?

If your Moon is in a fire sign then you typically have BIG emotions that present spontaneously and passionately. You need to regularly express the full spectrum of your feelings or run the risk of them growing into an inferno — or worse, a cold coal.

Self-care Tips: Nurture your creativity and your physicality. Channel your too-hot emotions at the gym, on a hike or by taking a trip. Play with the same abandon as children and puppies. Listen to some fun-loving Mozart or Puccini. Romance yourself.

Best yet, stop ignoring your heart — find your courage and finally devote your attention to that creative project you've secretly mooned over for far too long.

Nurture your meditation and spiritual practice to mitigate your fears of being unlovable.

Relationship Tip: Your inner circle should be comprised of those who understand and love your passionate theatrics — just like Johnny understands that Moira's tantrums arise from the same "stuff" as her artistic talents. (If you haven't devoured Schitt’s Creek yet, then you kind of need to.)


EARTH MOONS — Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn 

Can you say unmoved?

If ya got an earth Moon then you need a lot of stability to feel safe. Your boundaries are particularly important. You provide a devoted and grounded energy to those you love. You may need more time than others to experience the full range of your emotions and express them adequately. Fear can arise when your routine is disrupted.

Self-care Tips: Let go of an unnecessary responsibility that drains you more than it uplifts you. Offer a helping hang to a loved one who could benefit from you steady strength and quiet wisdom. Laugh more — make comedy your new favorite genre.

Nurture your meditation and spiritual practice to mitigate your survival fears.

Relationship Tip: Ask your loved ones to respect your space. Set a mutually agreed upon boundary for when and where it's okay for them to enter your sacred little sphere — and vice versa!



Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Can you say detached?

If your Moon is in an air sign, then odds are you're going to default to cool logic or otherwise intellectualize your emotions. You process verbally, so you'll want to communicate your feelings so that you can understand them better yourself. You're objective, reasonable and can bring a lighthearted or objective neutrality to charged situations. You're prone to ambivalence.

Self-care Tips: Create a plan to learn a new skill or find a remedy for something you feel insecure not knowing. Invest in a beautiful new journal or stationary. Schedule a long coffee with your favorite confidante and share all the news. Practice active listening. Heal outstanding shocks and traumas.

Nurture your meditation and spiritual practice to quiet your anxious mind and drop into your body and heart.

Relationship Tip: Surround yourself with those who are committed to clear and kind communication. You don't feel safe if you don't have all the information you need to care for yourself effectively.


WATER MOONS — Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Can you say overemotional?

Oh sweet, tenderhearted water Moons, I do love you so! (Shhhhh, don't tell the other signs I have a zodiacal bias!) When you're not whining or hiding (haha, joking — maybe), you're feeling the depth of the human experience unparalleled to any other. You ain't got no boundaries, but your heart is a rare treasure to behold ... once your trusted others are allowed through the iron fortress that protects it.

Self-care Tips: Cry it out. Cook. Host a family gathering. Relax in or near water, whether it’s a bath or the ocean. Retreat so that you can reflect and digest whatever’s on your mind or in your heart. Be vulnerable with your trusted others so that you can strengthen the deep connections you crave.

Nurture your meditation and spiritual practice so that you know when it's safe to come out from hiding. (Your tendency to isolate can really backfire.)

Relationship Tip: Your intense emotions ebb and flow like the tides. If you don't pay attention to their fluctuations, they may threaten to drown you. Surround yourself with intimate others who understand your cyclical need for withdrawal and are happy to give you the space you need to recharge. (Just remember to communicate your needs before disappearing, otherwise, you're likely to have a shitshow on your hands.)

It’s important to remember that astrology is a complex and nuanced art and science. What I’ve written above is only the most basic starting point for understanding your Moon sign and how it can impact your relationships. (And, when it comes to relationships, our Venus and Mars placements are also vitally important.)

It’s important to remember that we all have the four elements in our charts somewhere; we all have the Moon in our charts somewhere too. Therefore, we can see ourselves in a multitude of signs, elements and other astrological archetypes.

That said, I can't overstate the significance of your Moon sign, and what it can reveal about your relationship dynamics.

>> If you want a more detailed and accurate understanding of how you nurture yourself and others — and how this contributes to your overall relationship dynamics and health — then please schedule a consultation!

Happy Summer Solstice! 




Your Moon Sign & Relationships


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