Your Moon Sign & Relationships

Whew, did you feel the intense energy yesterday when the Sun moved into the sign of Cancer?

I've always found it paradoxical that Cancer marks the summer solstice because it's the sign that's "ruled" by the Moon. So as summer starts and the days get longer and warmer, we're also getting a big influx of lunar energies!

You may feel the changing of the seasons more intensely because we're entering into one of the four "cardinal" signs.

Cardinal energy — fiery Aries, watery Cancer, airy Libra and earthy Capricorn — can kick-start a cycle in which you are strengthening your existing foundations, while also initiating important or essential new beginnings.

This can be an ambivalent time because it's scary and emotional to take care of your basic needs for security, even as you may feel an urgency and excitement to grow.

You may feel frustrated at times because you're esentially straddling two worlds, the old and new.

What to do?

As we enter Cancer Season, you can look to this sign's archetypes to help you navigate new beginnings and bridge the gap between what you've outgrown and what you're stepping into.

One of Cancer's juiciest Spiritual Keynotes is Nurturing (aka Self-care).

And how you Self-care, especially during times of difficulty or transition, is paramount to your health and success in leveling up to yourself with intimate others.

Typically, Cancer is a total O.G. when it comes to caring for others. But it often can't Nurture itself worth beans. Funny how that works, eh?

>> Your Moon sign and it's placement in your horoscope is one of the most revealing aspects of your astrology.

It shows how you Nurture others, as well as:

  • How to best Nurture yourself

  • Where you can improve your Self-care

  • Where you're already got it dialed in

When you understand what you need to be the healthiest version of yourself, you can more successfully navigate life's challenges.

Self-care is a hot topic these days, but we all need something different, right?

Just knowing the element (fire, earth, air, water) of your Moon can help you reorient how you Nurture yourself.

We're often so busy worrying about others (read: ensuring others will love us), that we have little or no understanding of what we need to Nurture ourselves.

Even when we do, we often overlook, ignore or don't prioritize those needs.

Or worse, we project it onto others expecting some dream mate to finally fulfill what we can't give ourselves. (Can you say "co-dependence?")

The good news is that astrology can help you understand yourself better so you can start prioritizing your Self-care. When you do, your relationships and quality of life improve too.

I can't overstate the significance of your Moon sign, and what it can reveal about your relationship dynamics.

>> That's why I posted a quick beginner's guide to your lunar sign on my website. Click here to read it now. 

I hope you will also share it with friends, too!

Also, on Tuesday, June 28 at 7.52pm PT, we have a New Moon in Cancer, giving us a double dose of lunar sensitivity!!  

That's one full week from now, and I don't want you to forget about this New Moon because it's juicy.

Here are some self-inquiries you can reflect on over the week so that you make the most of this new cycle of energy.

What is one small step you can take right now to begin nurturing yourself better? 

Will you commit to doing it daily/weekly until the next New Moon on July 28? If not, why not? (You've now entered a Capricorn's accountability zone — leave your excuses at the door Inoah!)

Where can you be more honest with yourself and/or your intimate others about your needs? 

Do you need to take action around self-care but aren't because you're afraid of making waves? Will you commit to being more honest? What's holding you back now?

Are there any emotions you're not allowing to express fully? 

If so, the New Moon is a perfect time to welcome and process them. If you need support, look toward your spiritual practice, a wise elder or a friend to assist you.

Remember how I started this email talking about cardinal energies will prompt you to take action on important endeavors?

Well, the Sun and Moon are in harmonious aspect to diplomatic, loving Venus, and also to optimistic and generous Guru Jupiter.

These benefic energies will support you in initiating better self-care so you can make that necessary leap, and enter confidently into the new chapter your heart and soul are craving!

I also hope that under this lunation, we might all find the healing needed to fully reorient and move forward after the tumult of eclipse season in late April and mid-May.

>> As always, I welcome hearing about where you're at and how you're navigating these cosmic energies. What's new for you this solstice?

Wherever you are in life, I'm sending you love. As always.

P.S. I can't overstate the significance of your Moon sign, and what it can reveal about your relationship dynamics. Want all the details on what your Moon's up to?



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Improve Your Relationships With Better Self-care: A Beginner’s Guide To Your Moon Sign