Three Tips For Surviving The Upcoming Mercury Retrograde!

The second Mercury retrograde (Rx) of 2022 begins next week, May 10 at 4.47am PT.

Don't underestimate Mercury's reputation as the Cosmic Trickster! 

We're still in Taurus Season though, and that's the backdrop for this Mercury Rx.

So before jumping into my Mercury Rx "Survival Guide," I want to share more about the Bull's Spiritual Keynotes.

>> One of the ways that we all develop the Taurean archetype is through the experience of Self-sufficiency.  

Some of us are more Self-sufficient than others. Sometimes, we're really Self-sufficient in one area of life, but not so much in others.

It's Taurean energy that helps us to be comfortable with being independent.

The bull's a bit overstimulated by the constant hustle and bustle of modern living and has a strong need to go within and be alone with oneself.

(I mean, c'mon, just think of a bull in a paddock. It's sooooo chillax as to seem sedated.)

Strongly Taurean folks enjoy being alone. Often, they are attached to their physical surroundings — their gardens, homes or even the music and other art they enjoy with while kickin' it solo.

Solitude can help us better understand what's most important in our life (our values). It also helps us to know ourselves better, and to Embody Spirit with greater ease.

In solitude, you can learn the value and skill of being quiet.  


Mercury Retrograde (Rx) is May 10–June 3!! 

Heed the lessons of previous retrograde seasons, and prepare accordingly.

Budget extra time for everything you do because delays are inevitable. 

You don't necessarily need to allow extra time for eating breakfast, but I mean, why not? (Now's the time the toaster is going to overheat and you're going to have to put out a small kitchen fire. Joking not joking.)

If you have a big presentation or a flight, for example, leave 30-60 minutes earlier than you would typically.

>> You absolutely must allow extra time for anything that is important. 

Attend to the details to avoid miscommunications. 

As the God of Communication, Mercury can get its wires crossed when retrograde. A simple solution to this common Rx problem is to be more specific than you are typically.

For instance, if you have an appointment, you'll want to confirm with a, "See you on Wednesday, May 18 at 2pm" rather than, "See you Wednesday."

>> Favor calling instead of text or email when it's necessary to clarify. It will save you time and energy — and possibly your relationship!!

Welcome repetition. The nature of Mercury Rx is that you're often revisiting previously accomplished tasks or scenarios. 

That's because this cycle of energy is helping you integrate your experiences from the period of time after it last went Rx (January 14-February 3), so that you can improve.

You gotta recalibrate sometime — now's that time!

>> Try not to tell unfavorable stories about why you're experiencing the repeat. Rather, use it as an opportunity to accept reality as it is.

Got an epic Mercury Rx story?! Please respond and share it with me!

Capricorn Ramana Maharshi (1879–1950) was enlightened at the age of 17. He spent the
remainder of his life along the sacred hillside of Arunachala, either in solitude or teaching.

One final reminder — we're still in Eclipse Season. This Mercury retrograde begins on the 10th and we have our second eclipse on the Full Moon a few days later on May 15.

You're likely to be feeling some intensity right now around Taurean themes (money on your mind, by chance?).

I'll turn to the beloved Indian Sage, Ramana Maharshi, to present a remedy for any stress or uncertainty you may be feeling. Ramana had the signature of the Bull quite strong in his chart. He taught:

"Be Quiet, that is Truth. Be Still, that is God."

(I kind of love how ridiculously literal astrology can be at times.)

Now is a prime time to sloooow down; to spend more time in quiet solitude; and to otherwise cultivate your Self-sufficiency.

In so doing, you can come to know yourself better, which will strengthen your inner fortitude and increase your sense of self-worth and empowerment.

It can even lead you to be closer to Source; to attune to the Still Small Voice of God.

P.S. Curious about Mercury retrogrades? Want to know more about how the Cosmic Trickster activates your unique astrology?



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